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Octopus of Odstock

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Posts posted by Octopus of Odstock

  1. Couple of years now,my Valenciano is still poor,but my teenage daughter speaks it fluently.I still reckon its the only place in Spain where you can live,work & socialise without a palabra of Spanish.On my not so frequent visits to the village bars Im regaled with why I should speak more Valenciano & not Castellano,(the idioma of Franco)as it was once described to me.


    I wouldn't retire to there, but I'd happily live in Albir or Altea nearby, pop on the bus for next to nothing & get my bits & pieces & see my friends there. But this is a good while off yet....


    I gave up after a while & learnt Castellan Spanish. As I had to work with one chap from Betis, one lady from Valencia & another chap from near Barcelona, it was easier.


    I also used to work in both Catalonia & Mallorca, which meant, in theory, I should've learnt three different regional dialects etc. But the locals are sometimes so surprised & so appreciative that an extranjero should speak Spanish in the first place, that they don't worry too much. :D

  2. [

    OoO,I admire your tenacity,(3 years) I currently live near Gandia,everytime family/friends appear its,LETS GO TO BENIDORM!!.Hate the place, but everyone to their own..


    I'll admit at the start, I couldn't stand the place. I was living near, but not in, the Finestrat end. Then I moved into the centre, and found a little community within a community, as many do when you actually live there, as opposed to visiting there.

    That had a lot to do with it, but the reason I mention Senor Devesa is because he was either directly or indirectly responsible for all the improvements in the town for the inhabitants, like cheap, clean, reliable public transport, two excellent hospitals, increasing of proper, quality shops & shopping malls, better conservation projects & links etc., and balanced the tourism industry within that, so it sometimes would make no detriment to people's lives if they lived in one particular area.

    (and of course if you had enough, jump onto the N332 & get away to somewhere else!)



    Gandia is a nice area to live in - how long have you been living around there?

  3. Brazilian actor Nelson Dantas has died at 78.I was a big fan of his work



    Você fala o português? Eu nunca soube aquele.


    Você necessitaria falar o português para ser um admirador de seu trabalho.


    Onde você aprendeu o português?




    I used to live in Portugal, near old Clive Dunn as it happens, but my Portuguese is a little rusty nowadays....

  4. Just seen OoO's collection of Kommunist's postings. How can you do that? I assume there is a feature on the site to allow us to look at an indivual's collective postings.



    go to members at the top and find their profile (either by search or just click on the profile on the left if they posted in a thread recently.



    At the top right of the profile it will give you some options, which includes view member's posts. After that, you may do what you wish with their collective wit & wisdom. :)



    Wow, I've only ever started one thread! (You can check that too...)

  5. just found an interesting death...the General Hospital actor Craig Heubing has died at 77.You must remember him surely?


    I told you, stop calling me Surely! :) Lame but oh so good from Leslie Nielsen.



    I think whether you've ever heard of him depends entirely on age & region. General Hospital isn't shown much here, never has been, if at all?

    From his IMDB entry, GH would be the only way anyone would remember him. I, for one, never have.

  6. G. William Miller, ex-Chairman of the US Federal Reserve & US Secretary of the Treasury during the Carter Administration has died aged 81. As a Chairman of the USFR, his signature appeared (indeed, I presume still does) on many bank notes.


    Can't say I've heard of him but I suppose he was the US version of the Governor of the Bank of England, which would make him notable enough, I presume?


    Anyway, Obituary

  7. Whilst reading about Milosevic's funeral in the paper, it mentioned President Tito and also the fate of his widow compared to Milosevic's.


    Not only was I surprised she was still alive, but also that she lives in a one-room flat in Belgrade with no heating & has to cope on £11 a month (or equivalent). Somehow I thought she'd be in a better situation. She's 82 by the way & her name is Jovanka Broz. Apparently, after searching about her, a Wiki article reports they are trying to help her situation.

  8. damn it why am i never the first to report the really big ones like that :D


    I can actually give you a sensible, helpful & non-critical answer to that if you'd really like but as you'll probably be either


    a) belligerent of the response

    b. ignorant of the response

    c) abusive of the response

    d) all of the above


    I don't see why I should help.

  9. The man whose healthy kidney was removed is my best friend's (Dee) great-uncle. She was talking about it a week ago before it hit the news headlines. Needless to say, she & the rest of the family are not best pleased as they're going through enough problems right now without the medical profession acting like something out of a Carry On film. :unsure:

  10. That would be perfectly reasonable. The posts iain produces usually relate to non-famous people, or non-dead people, or sometimes both. So a non-dead non-famous horse would fit his criteria perfectly.


    Not to mention that, in effect, the horse is in one way non-existent, so that just increases its chances, non-existent, non-dead & non-famous. :D


    I don't want to shoot the horse, CP, just slap it round the head until it has learnt both to drink the water AND how to drink it. :)

  11. i just have a feeling that he may not be with us much longer..i wish i didnt..im partly psychic u see..had the same sad feeling about john peel in the weeks before he died too.




    I suppose this is the same feeling that you had when you made your "bold prediction" that "Charlton Heston will be the next to die" back in January..... Well, we're still waiting :D

  12. Not the first time she's been mentioned I know but all this Wilson stuff on telly reminds me that Lady Falkbender must be coming close now. She's been spinning around in a wheelchair for years. I had not realised that she was supposed to have shagged Wilson According to Joe Haines' diaries she described it as "unsatisfactory" .


    Well, I saw the Wilson documentary on Tuesday night. That was filmed in 2002 & she looked & sounded awful, a true dinosaur bag of olde. But then so did Michael Foot - Jim Callaghan looked great, so you just don't know.


    Only thing is she is "only" 74 this year. If she was 10 years older she'd be in my DDP 20 for 07.

  13. You and Wikipedia are a bit slow I posted that two days ago in the correct thread,


    "Not exactly famous but worth a mention"



    Tempus, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't necessarily make it drink the water, if you get my meaning regards a certain member. :D

  14. Met one of our closest family friends today & was reminded, during the conversation (it was Wallace & Gromit being brought up that did it) that she is the great-niece of Peter Sallis. So, I asked about his health & the last time she heard from him around Christmas 2005, he was doing "well."


    Whether he has a thread or not, I don't think he's going to die soon.


    Brian Wilde, I've met. He was far from difficult, in fact he was kindness personified.


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