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Octopus of Odstock

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Posts posted by Octopus of Odstock

  1. i am going to maske this bold prediction...Charlton Heston will be the next deathlist hit .Hestons time is almost up.I'll be back to gloat when it happens later!

    No gloating this time, I'm afraid Iain. Who is your next prediction? :blink:

  2. sheesh, for most of 2005, he was on my 2006 DDP 20. Then I read that he was active, so I moved him out of the top 20 into my reserve spot. Then I figure out he's 82 not 95. Then the bugger goes and dies! I feel robbed!


    Nonetheless, I'm sorry to see him go. And I'm sticking with 83. I suppose even if it's not cleared up now, come late March/April, I'll have a look on the SSDI & see what his real age was. He may suprise us yet post-death. :blink:

  3. Any movies to recommend? Not for DL purposes really, just curious I suppose.

    Well, I'm a James Stewart fan, so the ones I enjoy are perhaps those when Stewart & Widmark collaborated.


    He has appeared in a number of flops - ie National Lampoon Goes To The Movies but good ones that he is in or star of:


    Kiss of Death (Oscar Nominated)

    Judgement at Nuremberg

    Night And The City

    The Bedford Incident

    Yellow Sky

    The Street With No Name


    The Jimmy ones are not his best but How The West Was Won is probably the best of them - Cheyenne Autumn is a bit too long , Two Rode Together is alright but hasn't aged well, I don't think.


    I quite liked Madigan & I personally thought Death of a Gunfighter was excellent, but generally, some regard it as hit & miss.


    His IMDb entry is quite extensive but he's largely retired now. In some cases, it seems "retired" doesn't mean "death imminent" :crossbone:

  4. Oh.. I'm confused. I thought GretnaGod was Dr. Hackenslash as he's from Gretna  :banghead:

    Last time I checked, Gretna wasn't in the south east of England.


    So no, not me.

    I know full well where Gretna is. I have no idea where you live (should I have known you lived in S-E England or not??).


    It's just I seem to recall you talking a lot about Gretna FC in one of the Dicky O threads & not realising who or what was going on with the page, thought when I initially viewed it, that GretnaGod was you as you were the one who profiled the page on here, so I thought "ah, Dr. H has done some editing as well."


    Then someone said GretnaGod was anti-death list. Which confused me as you were the one who championed the page & would hardly champion a page you condemmed.


    I'm still confused, not least as I can't find Gretna in the search pages any more, but apologies if I caused offence as that wasn't the intention.

  5. Richard Widmark I've always thought looked pretty healthy for his age and, as far as I know, has no known health problems.


    Feel free to correct me if someone knows differentely. He's a little before my time.

    I agree with you, disagree with Tempus (as an excellent choice).


    Widmark is on my "DDP list" (to clarify - this is about 200 people of fame, to be high up is top 40, so being on the list itself isn't much in a sense) but he's way down it - bout 150, I think.


    Still visits premieres, no health concerns recently, he was always quite a strong, fit man so I have no doubt that helps now, I think that despite his age, he is quite good for probably two or three years yet, maybe more, who knows?


    One of my favourite living actors, by the way, not least as he's one of the last survivors of what I and many others term "The Golden Age."

  6. The point being made, I think is that Al Lewis is only (only in a sense compared to his thought age), 82 not 96!!!

    I thought I'd check this somewhere with backup, so I went to the 1930 census - looked for Albert Meister which is his real name

    Meister was born in upstate New York, near the Canadian border, Source - and if Lewis himself says all this, I'm inclined to believe him, he said he came to Brooklyn 1924.

    There IS an Albert Meister b. 1910, living in Queens, NY - but Mr Lewis says he never did & there is no-one around the 1923 mark either.

    So, I went back to 1920. Same young Mr Meister, born 1910, Brooklyn NY. Obviously no 1923, as this was 3 years before his other birthdate.

    Just when you think 1923 might be a wash-out... Albert Meister b.1910.. d.2002 - same guy as above.



    and below:

    No, he was born on 23 April 1923. This has been documented on his birth certificate and college application. These documents were shown on an episode of "A&E Biography" in 2000. I know, he claims to have been in the circus in the 1920s and in the merchant marine in the 1930s, but he wasn't really. He lied about his age to get the part of Grandpa, and he's been lying about it ever since



    So, one has to hazard a guess, that despite all this misleading info, he is 83 in April, not 96. In which case, he comes rapidly down my DDP list. A one-legged man aged 83 & one aged 96 make a lot of difference in O of O's DDP world.

  7. Henry Allingham is Amazing!


    The man, who is 109, is going round the country to meet the other 10 survivors of the First World War! As far as I know, they have not ruled out flying to Australia to meet the 3 who live there, though I can't see it happening.


    British World War survivors, only Lawton has died recently - it's Italy's turn to take a toll - the total's still around 80 worldwide.

  8. I think Malcolm Allison - the former Manchester City and Crystal Palace manager

    Is he ill?

    Er, I don't know. I just have a funny feeling he will.

    Yes. ;) Very ill. Came very close to putting him on my DDP list.


    From 2001:

    Former Manchester City coach Malcolm Allison is in hospital suffering from alcoholism, according to his son.

    Allison, 73, was taken to hospital after breaking his collarbone in a fall near his warden-controlled home at Hale, Cheshire.

    Son Mark said: "He is very ill but he's accepted for the first time he is an alcoholic.

    "Now he hopes the doctors can arrange for him to be admitted to a clinic."

    "He still has a lot to offer soccer but he does suffer from loneliness," Mark Allison told the Manchester Evening News.


    Since then, I understand he's detoriated.

  9. Two more successes liven up proceedings; Henry McGee & Coretta Scott King. However the top of the scoreboard remains unchanged. Looking forward to the pictures going up soon.

    Also noticed Miura failed to get the obit officially & that last year's champion Fallen Sparrow has only 19 runners as one had already died.

    Go Fish has a very strong line up, it must be said.



    As for me, I'm still convinced my team is a strong one, but the excellent start made by others puts a few doubts in mind. But then, there are 11 months to go. If all 19 go in December, it still counts, doesn't it?

  10. perhaps if they write Betty off like they did with Bryan Mosley (Alf Roberts) then we should put her on the list.


    Mosley was written off on the NY's episode 98/99 of Corrie then passed away just a few months later

    And didn't Anne Haddy, who played Helen Daniels on Neighbours, die in real life just days after she died on screen?

    Not quite & No.


    Brian Mosley had been ill for many years before hand, so his death was no surprise. After all, leaving after a long stint, doesn't necessarily mean death straightaway, ie Lynne Perrie, Geoff Hinsliff, Julie Goodyear et al.


    Anne Haddy died in real life about a year after leaving Neighbours. However, that episode in the UK was shown 7 months later, which is why it seemed a shorter time.

  11. Patrick's just appeared on BBC London news commenting on the closure of the London Planetarium and still looks in good health.

    Yes, I saw the same report & was going to post this earlier but I forgot! Should be good for some while yet - not on death's door. Yes, he's overweight, but looks healthy.

  12. wikipedia is never wrong!

    I can only hope you meant that sarcastically..... :ph34r:


    Sure enough, it's yet another Wikipedia fake. Apologies, everyone. After all I say about trusting Wikipedia, I kinda of shoot myself in the foot & look stupid :( but it has done two good things - one proved, once again, to Iain to stop worshipping everything Wikipedia says as gosepl & two, reminded me that King Michael is still alive, so he goes on my DDP possibles list.


    Also, I spent a while sorting out some Band of Brothers bio info on Wikipedia, backed up with SSDI & Memorial information & some plonker has chosen to believe what a TV show says over the real thing.


    Wikipedia, it's a crock of S**t.


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