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Cat O'Falk

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Everything posted by Cat O'Falk

  1. Biblio's on the first leg of his journey to China: London Heathrow to Paris Charles de Gaulle. https://www.flightradar24.com/AFR38YU/1e4ac148 Edit: Landed 1738hrs GMT
  2. Cat O'Falk

    Interesting Ways To Die...

    It's the exact same story; same name, same date but a different publisher. Whitehouse's link: http://metro.co.uk/2018/01/29/man-dies-sucked-mri-machine-visiting-relative-hospital-7269413/ Your link: https://tribune.com.pk/story/1620976/3-indian-man-dies-freak-accident-gets-sucked-mri-machine/
  3. Cat O'Falk

    Businesspeople, Investors, CEO's

    Here's a tip. Paste the address into google translate and select Italian then click on the translation link. You have to choose a language other than the one it's already in. https://translate.google.co.uk/translate?sl=auto&tl=it&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.newsday.com%2Flong-island%2Fcomputer-associates-charles-wang-1.22209693&edit-text=&act=url
  4. Cat O'Falk

    Animal Antics

    Dharampal Singh, 72, is killed by a group of 'rogue' monkeys who threw bricks at him from a tree.
  5. Cat O'Falk

    Aerospace and Astronomy

    This is going to be equivalent to eight full moons every night and it won't "make astronomical observations more difficult". Yeah, this is the thread for porcine aviation alright.
  6. Cat O'Falk

    Ask A Deathlister

    Cheers me duck. I'll PM you later as I'm in the middle of cooking dinner.
  7. Cat O'Falk

    Ask A Deathlister

    Is there anyone here who can look up on the likes of Ancestry or Find My Past a death that occurred in 2007 in England?
  8. Cat O'Falk

    Harry Redknapp

    He's rumoured to be going on I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here! https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-6296501/Im-Celeb-Ann-Hegerty-Harry-Redknapp-Sair-Khan-stars-CONFIRMED.html
  9. Cat O'Falk

    Plane, Train And Automobile Crashes

    They're just as bad in Thailand.
  10. Cat O'Falk

    The World of the Snowflake

    Isn't 'manhole' a type of glory hole?
  11. Cat O'Falk

    The Poppy Thread.

    All of the posts are about poppies, including the opening post.
  12. Cat O'Falk

    The Poppy Thread.

    We've already got a thread.
  13. Cat O'Falk

    Holiday Thread

    Only three hours drive by tractor from Exeter.
  14. Cat O'Falk

    Bovine Attacks

    John McNamara, 67, a retired biology lecturer and tutor had escaped stampeding cows with two of his dogs but went back into the field to save his golden retriever and was trampled to death alongside the dog. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6264749/Herd-cows-trample-man-67-dog-death-East-Sussex-field.html#
  15. Cat O'Falk

    Lara Roxx

    The generic term of course is prostitute; many sites refer to them as models (so I'm informed). He made 15 'films' in three years as opposed to Ron Jeremy's 2,402 in 38 years. Who's the bigger of the two?
  16. Cat O'Falk

    John McCririck

    I'm wondering why he didn't go for his free NHS flu-jab.
  17. Cat O'Falk

    John McCririck

  18. Cat O'Falk

    Barbara Windsor

    Dame Barbara Windsor, 81, speaks about dementia for the first time since being diagnosed in 2014. There's a video in the link.
  19. Cat O'Falk

    John McCririck

    Windsor beat you by about seven years.
  20. Cat O'Falk

    John McCririck

    Any chance you could get his name right?
  21. Cat O'Falk

    a game

  22. Cat O'Falk

    a game

    Your mom.

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