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Cat O'Falk

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Everything posted by Cat O'Falk

  1. Cat O'Falk

    A Joke

    The filter changes the word 'mµslim' to 'halibut'.
  2. Cat O'Falk

    Holiday Thread

    CarolAnn's airborne at 0932 hrs CST and on her way to Sacramento. https://www.flightradar24.com/AAL2228/100c5144 Edit: On the ground at 1105 hrs PST.
  3. Cat O'Falk

    Holiday Thread

    Aeroplanes (like ships), carry human souls, keeping them safe from the external environment; therefore they have to be female.
  4. Cat O'Falk

    Holiday Thread

    Aye, they're birds alright.
  5. Cat O'Falk

    Holiday Thread

    She departed on time and is expected to land ahead of schedule. https://www.flightradar24.com/AAL127/100bdbdd Edit: On the ground at 0736 hrs CST 23 minutes ahead of schedule.
  6. Cat O'Falk

    Holiday Thread

    I'm guessing you're departing 0910 hrs CST on Saturday the 6th in which case you should be on Airbus A321 registration N138AN. She spent the night in Orlando and she's due to depart for Dallas at 0600 hrs EST.
  7. Cat O'Falk

    Deathlist On The Net

    I read the BBC for such things: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-42575155
  8. Cat O'Falk

    Conspiracy Theories

    She's alive, well and in stasis after being abducted by the Briori. She'll be defrosted in 2371.
  9. Cat O'Falk

    Scottish Independence

    Hen, you're ginger; just like me.
  10. Cat O'Falk

    I Miss Badegg

    This has cheered me up no end; thanks guys. Deathray, loony bin is fine; that's what I call it.
  11. Cat O'Falk

    I Miss Badegg

    I've not been at all well. Blood pressure hit 190 at one point. It's down to around 150 now; still not good. Mental health? Let's not go there!
  12. Cat O'Falk

    I Miss Badegg

    Happy new year everyone and I love you all.
  13. Checking out the nesting box; spring is on the way. https://www4.ntu.ac.uk/sustainability/biodiversity/falcons/index.html
  14. Cat O'Falk

    A Joke

    Yes. http://postimg.org/image/3k3se4j4l/#
  15. Cat O'Falk

    Ask A Deathlister

    I've just spent 10 minutes trying to get around this: I've never used Firefox on a regular basis nor do I use any web browser or operating system to save my passwords. I use my anti-virus account to save all my passwords and I haven't had a problem since I started using them in 2008. I'll have a look into the Firefox thing over the weekend, Toastie.
  16. Cat O'Falk

    Forum Downtime [completed]

    Any news on the 'load more topics' button?
  17. Cat O'Falk

    Forum Downtime [completed]

    @Death Impends Any chance we can have the 'load more topics' button back on the forum pages?
  18. It used to be that any avatar (no matter what shape) was cropped to a square if it was over 100 pixels in either height or width; if neither dimension was over 100 pixels (as in the case of Maryport and Mercator to name but two) the image was displayed in full irrespective of its shape.
  19. What about the oblong ones; Maryport is now short and fat. (No offence MPFC )
  20. Cat O'Falk

    World War II Veterans

    Second World War Spitfire pilot Douglas Minton has bought it aged 95. http://www.leicestermercury.co.uk/ww2-spitfire-pilot-who-also-grew-the-best-damsons-in-braunstone-town-dies-aged-95/story-30151524-detail/story.html
  21. Cat O'Falk

    Rolf Harris

    Expected to be released on 19th July 2017 as things stand at the moment.

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