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Cat O'Falk

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Everything posted by Cat O'Falk

  1. Bibliogryphon's on his journey back to Blighty. Leg one of three, Addis Ababa to Jeddah: https://www.flightradar24.com/DLH599/aaa057e http://www.gcmap.com/mapui?P=add-jed-fra-bhx N.B. Coverage on this leg is intermittent. Edit: Landed 2221hrs GMT.
  2. Cat O'Falk

    Star Wars Deaths

    https://forums.deathlist.net/topic/2398-munchkinsmidgetsdwarvesoompa-loompaspygmiesshortarses/ Sits better in the Star Wars' thread though. Rust in peace, R2.
  3. RadGuy is on the second and final leg of his journey; Warsaw to Chicago. https://www.flightradar24.com/LOT1/aa8b408 http://www.gcmap.com/mapui?P=rze-waw-ord Edit: Landed 1952hrsGMT
  4. Cat O'Falk

    Death Anniversary Thread

    You just have to nick 'em
  5. RadGuy is on his way to Warsaw on the first leg of his journey back to the States. https://www.flightradar24.com/LOT3806/aa86434 http://www.gcmap.com/mapui?P=rze-waw-ord Edit: Landed 0738hrs GMT
  6. Early start for Cat. As I said to Bibliogryphon, "every weekend from Friday afternoon to Sunday tea-time my house gets totally taken over by my two nephews and their mate. They're up all night stealing cars, robbing people, killing zombies and playing football; I bugger off to bed and leave them to it. Hence, I'm normally up early. Maybe get their parents to look after them?
  7. Early start for Cat. As I said to Bibliogryphon, "every weekend from Friday afternoon to Sunday tea-time my house gets totally taken over by my two nephews and their mate. They're up all night stealing cars, robbing people, killing zombies and playing football; I bugger off to bed and leave them to it. Hence, I'm normally up early.
  8. They didn't have the correct tow-bar for the Sukhoi Superjet at Bodø airport, so they had to improvise. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XTN4FhlvwX8
  9. Cat O'Falk

    By-Election Bingo

    It's hard being a cowboy in Rochdale.
  10. I don't get why all the anger towards the poor security bloke, rather than the bitch who complained. Because the security bloke sided with the complainant instead of telling her it's the 21st century and not the 1950s.
  11. Cat O'Falk

    Glen Campbell

    I think Shaun might be using his phone to quote. Yeah, I just meant the mechanics of it. In this case the closing square bracket has fallen off. With multiple quoting, carnage soon follows Fixed Now can you fix the video embedding and swear filter?
  12. I just upload the pictures to Postimage then copy and paste the link into the post. I have taken your advice. This is the plane that flew me from Birmingham to Frankfurt taken from the bus just after landing FTFY
  13. BMD certificates are a cash cow for the councils. One of the best occupations I came across was 'safe-breaker - not criminal' Talking of criminal, I couldn't find my great-granddad's name alongside his wife and kids in the 1881 census; turned out he was living somewhere else at the time, along with his brother and a lot of other people. Queen Victoria was their landlady:
  14. Cat O'Falk

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2017

    I've just found out that Ben Elton's father, Lewis Elton, is still alive at the grand old age of 93. I can't find anything regarding his health though.
  15. I just upload the pictures to Postimage then copy and paste the link into the post.
  16. Cat O'Falk

    The Deathlist Howto

    What has this to do with how to do things on this site?its called the death list HOWTO and i am showing you how to make pink lemonadeTry reading Hein's opening post.https://forums.deathlist.net/topic/2184-the-deathlist-howto/#entry33849 We've moved on to a different server now. Might not be the same. :-( The thread is still about how to do things on this site though, such as how do I make a spoiler or how does the search function work. Mk's post should be in the video vault or weird things on the web.
  17. Cat O'Falk

    The Deathlist Howto

    What has this to do with how to do things on this site?its called the death list HOWTO and i am showing you how to make pink lemonade Try reading Hein's opening post. https://forums.deathlist.net/topic/2184-the-deathlist-howto/#entry33849
  18. Cat O'Falk

    The Deathlist Howto

    What has this to do with how to do things on this site?
  19. Cat O'Falk

    Ask A Deathlister

    He was a shark; go out and buy a bigger boat.
  20. Cat O'Falk

    Room 101

    Whenever I'm in a shop and strike up a conversation with the assistant, if someone wants serving I step to one side and continue talking after they've been served.
  21. Cat O'Falk

    Room 101

    In the late 70s Radio Derby ran a quiz called Top Firm where local businesses entered teams. One of the rounds was called Who Am I? The question-master would read out a mini-biography of a famous person and the first person to guess who it was won the point. On one occasion he started "I was born in Scunthorpe in" when John on our team buzzed and said "Tony Jacklin". When John was asked how he got it so quick he replied "he's the only famous person to come from Scunthorpe".
  22. Cat O'Falk

    Room 101

    Scunthorpe is allowed too.
  23. Cat O'Falk

    Emperor Akihito

    Only on threads created after the downgrade upgrade. I don't know why they cant get this guy to sort it out.
  24. If he were alive today, my dad would be celebrating his 100th birthday.

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