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Posts posted by Sean

  1. 18 minutes ago, The Old Crem said:

    It’s notable just how quiet in the commons she has been in the last 18 months - particularly when you compare her to Corbyn or McDonnell (He is standing again btw). 

    I mean McDonnell and Corbyn are clearly still  free of  noticable mental decline when you hear them politics aside.They both talk clearly  confidently and cogently.Abbott on the other hand seems to have been genuinely struggling for several years hence why I started the thread.

    • Like 1

  2. 7 minutes ago, RoverAndOut said:

    There's definitely been a decline in her compared to when she used to rail as a backbencher on This Week with Portillo and Andrew Neil during the Blair years, which is where I first came across her.

    Absolutely and the fact no one prevented her from getting to this point is ghastly in my humble opinion.

  3. Just now, RoverAndOut said:

    There's definitely been a decline in her compared to when she used to rail as a backbencher on This Week with Portillo and Andrew Neil during the Blair years, which is where I first came across her.

    I do wonder if her cognitive decline has gone under the emrafar as she has no one to tell her there is a problem?I mean she is single as far as anyone knows and her only son has mental health difficulties so can't presumably advocate for her in her best interests.Politics aside thus seems really sad and especially as it appears there is something wrong and that it is being used by her party against her in a very nasty way.Could they not have just said her comments where the reason she can't stand again? I actually feel sorry for her in many ways.This is an atrocious way to undermine someone who is already clearly struggling.The approach seems cruel and unnecessary.

  4. I do wonder how back these health difficulties go.She has been displaying weird behaviour for years.I have a friend who is increasingly erratic and ostracised from her family and friends and rubs everyone up the wrong way these days and turns out she has a brain tumour which is non malignant but quite large in a core part of the brain.Makes me wonder if  Abbot is in the same camp or like Corbyn they just want rid of her.

  5. Another incredible tantrum comes from the most marginal Conservative MP James Daly who despite being Deputy Chairman is accused of being broke and of not understanding the detail of the National Service policy. Let's just say he doesn't disappoint with this meltdown.


    He has a 105 vote majority.



    • Facepalm 1

  6. 1 minute ago, Brad252 said:

    Rebecca Pow is standing in my constituency and will be voting Lib Dem (it appears to be a target seat for them) to try and get rid of her.


    The best summary of the latest announcement IMO is this:





    Yeah Lib Dems had the seat back in 2010 and regularly poll second.I find it interesting they criticise her for being "too focused on being a minister" as if being committed to your ministerial brief is a bad thing.Speaks volumes.

  7. CCHQ have "accidently" sent a memo calling out several MPs for nor being committed to campaigning.Those named are Steve Baker, Sarah Atherton, Mary Robinson,Johnny Mercer and Rebecca Pow.All set to lose.Wonder if this will push some of them to just say "fuck it" and stand down.All of them almost certain to lose seats barring a miracle anyhow which probably is why they are struggling to give a shite.

    • Haha 1

  8. Barbara Keeley also standing down.Previously fought breat cancer in 2019.At 72 though she may well just be ready to retire.


    John Spellar also standing down.77 in August so not a huge surprise.First elected on the same day as Harriet Harman in 1982.

    • Like 1

  9. 50 minutes ago, Ulitzer95 said:

    In that situation I don’t even think they’ll re-term it. “Father of the House” is the name of the title, regardless of their gender. 

    I’m not sure what they’ll do in the U.S. in the eventual situation where there’s a female President. Some countries and states use “First Gentleman”. Others ignore the husband completely and don’t include them in the lineage  of First Lady title holders.

    Depends who the first woman to get the title is.If they are a traditionalist they may be OK with being called father of the house however someone less traditional may want to change it .

  10. 5 minutes ago, Ulitzer95 said:

    Doesn’t work like that. Father of the House has a function. “Mother” does not.

    Unless the mother of the house was the longest serving continuous MP presumably?

  11. On 23/05/2024 at 19:10, Ulitzer95 said:

    Jo Churchill MP and Dame Eleanor Laing MP both announced today that they're standing down at the election. Laing has cancer, Churchill at least did in the past.

    Worth keeping an eye on both.

    Kevan Jones who is stepping down due to treatment for an ongoing health issue which sounds slightly ominous is another one to keep an eye on.

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