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Guest jeffonthego

Canadian schoolgirl killer Karla Homolka

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Well, I'm not sure if that implies I am a master, or shouldn't have made such a feeble effort.  :D


So, just to be on the safe side, I wil leave of any further attempts


Desolate Teddy;

No more the Haiku posted

In deathlist topic



It wasn't an assault upon your talents Teddy, just a simple observation of my own talents or lack thereof. As seen recently in my Tribute to Hovis Presley, I can manage basic poetry, however haiku is far too complicated for me. (Especially if I haven't devoured a crate of hard tack first.) In other words, keep writing Teddy, keep writing.

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Guest Homolka death pool

Homolka death pool? Where is it? Where can I look at it? Whats everyone's guess?

Please post here and I'll check back later!

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Guest Captain Average
I'd never heard of her before, but it's quite an interesting item on Wikipedia -she sounds like a Canadian Myra Hindley. I'm surprised she's planning to remain in Canada, especially as her new name has already been revealed.

Her "new name" hasn't been revealed; she has actually gone by three names in her life - Homolka (maiden name), Bernardo (married name) and Teale (the name she and Bernardo had changed their names to just prior to his arrest, presumably in anticipation of 'disappearing'.) In fact, in her recent court submissions, she uses the name Teale. The Canadian press (of which I used to be a member) likely chose to use her maiden name to differentiate her from her husband (as opposed to the confusion of having two Bernardos or two Teales.)


Unlike years gone by, the Canadian prison system no longer provides new identities for high-profile parolees (Stephen Truscott comes to mind as an example of the former policy.) Karla may choose to change her name in an effort to start a new life, but the government isn't automatically doing it for her.


Also, Karla has no choice but to remain in Canada for the time being; a couple weeks ago the Ontario government was successful in obtaining post-release restrictions on Karla under Section 810 of the Criminal Code, a rarely-used rule that allows the government to restrict a parolee's movements and associations on the basis of a perceived continuing threat to reoffend. She cannot leave the province of Quebec without giving the police 96 hours notice; she cannot have any contact with anyone convicted of a violent crime, whether in prison or on parole; she cannot be around minors or work in a job where she would be in authority over minors; and she cannot contact the families of her victims.

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Guest Guest


She looked less menacing in a bikini, that's for sure  ;)

I've always hated that picture of Karla (which has been 'flipped' in this post for some reason), if only because it doesn't look at all like her; it was taken on the morning of her trial - July 6, 1993 - as she left her parent's home for court, and by all reports she was heavily sedated. The supposed 'eyes of evil' have less to do with her own psychosis and more to do with pharmaceuticals! <_<


People here in Canada need to familiarize themselves with more recent pictures of Karla; she no longer looks much like Kevin Argue's famous picture. These three pictures are all the same person:



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As a very angry Canadian citizen, appalled by the release of this lower than human filth into our Canadian streets (Madame Murder is to be living in Montreal, please note this death watchers) I am pleased and elated to note that she has lost her bid to anonymity and unrestricted movement, at least for the next twelve months.


She is terrified that someone will "perform a public service and execute her" due to the Death Pools being run.


:ghost3:<_<:rip::dead:GOOD! :dead::rip:;):ghost3:


Anyone that gives her sister to her husband as a "Christmas Present" for rape and murder, and gets away with it, and does not, even years after the fact, mourn her loss due to her despicable actions, or take ANY form of responsibility for it deserves to live a very very long life being tormented and tortured until she either gets hers, or does the deed for herself.


No one in Canada wants her free. The courts prosecuted her on a plea bargain, so that the king of the crimes committed could be permantly locked away.


No one in our legal system, outside of her defence team, want her free. Unfortunately, the codes are allowing for her release, and there is nothing anyone can do about it. Our constitution prevents any further steps.


But believe me, they have her under a microscope. If she even sneezes without permission, she goes right back to Camp Cupcake.


My regret is that she served her time in a bloody country club, filled with all that protective custody.


When she was in one "prison", a friend of mine worked as a prison guard for, Madame Murder was essentially the Prison Princess, and acted as such. She was hated by every single person there.


But was untouchable. No one wanted that high profile murderess murdered within her confines. Would not have boded well in the media. So they locked her up, but in a very comfortable cage, to keep her quiet. She would have sicced her legal team on that prison and made a mountain of headaches for them otherwise. This is one of the reasons she moved locales so often, so I am told. If this is not accurate, please excuse, as I am going on second hand information. But that is the allegation.


She is a spoiled princess used to doing what she wants.


Now, she is in a very very bad situation. Without any prisons to blackmail for mistreatment, and without anyone to spin on her lies, she now faces her greatest threat... the wrath of the Canadian Public.


We may not have any death penalties, but we have some very very angry people (like, ALL of the 30 odd million of us) to deal with.


And while she may have changed her looks, she cannot run and hide.


We will never let her live in peace. We won't kill her. We don't have to. To spend the rest of her life never being at ease, never having a moment's peace, never feeling secure and safe, never being able to stop looking over her shoulder, to be unemployable, and not able to manipulate anyone else to her ends is more than enough punishment for this vile disgusting garbage named Karla Teale.


She now will pay dearly for the pain and unspeakable suffering she fully participated in. She will now know how Kristen French, Leslie Mahaffy, Tammy Homolka, and Jane Doe, and anyone else they victimized felt when they were crushed and violated by hers, and Paul Bernardo's hands!


She may be hot, but now she will live in the fire she set.


We are crazy angry in Canada, and will never, not ever, let her rest. She will pay until her dying day.


And she knows it.


So, wish for her to live a long, long life. Forgiveness will not be hers. Suffering and unquenched emotional agony til the end of her days will be her constant companion.


Her home address will be published by the media. She will never never know sanity.


Count on it.


My only wish outside of her living in constant terror is that Paul Bernardo is some prison gang's daily punching bag and "play toy" if you know what I mean. The only thing that would make that sweeter is if there was a shortage on Vaseline when "play time" came about.


May they both live forever.



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We are crazy angry in Canada, and will never, not ever, let her rest.  She will pay until her dying day.

I wouldn't know about the 'crazy' bit; all Canadians I know[1] appear quite sane.


As for the rest of your rant: I understand your anger, but wouldn't it be more productive if you took it to your politicians, instead of DeathList? If you think Canadian law failed to do the right thing it's them who can change it.




[1] A few friends and relatives are Canadians. I've never been in Canada.




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Gee Brootal--I sense anger. Yeah, the justice system often fails but keep your eyes on her and make sure she doesn't get a chance to do it again. She's out and roaming the streets, well make sure she is always followed and taunted (as much as the law allows without it becoming restraining order level).

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We are crazy angry in Canada, and will never, not ever, let her rest.  She will pay until her dying day.

I wouldn't know about the 'crazy' bit; all Canadians I know[1] appear quite sane.


As for the rest of your rant: I understand your anger, but wouldn't it be more productive if you took it to your politicians, instead of DeathList? If you think Canadian law failed to do the right thing it's them who can change it.




[1] A few friends and relatives are Canadians. I've never been in Canada.




I am, and everyone here I know is fully sane, but we are "Crazy Angry" at the injustice, at the fact that a dangerous offender is allowed to run free, and with so little repercussions.


No Halfway House

No REAL parole

No excuse for this!


Yep, our legal system failed, but at the time of the trial, this was the only guaranteed way to put the kingpin, Paul Bernardo behind bars for the rest of his unnatural life.


"Crazy" I should reword.


We are peaceable in Canada, and not prone to violence, so when something this disturbing happens here, we tend to get very upset when the cracks open up, and these things occur.


But I don't want her dead. I meant what I said. I want her to never know a moment's peace. In the next life, then, and only then, can she have atoned for her crimes.


While alive, she needs to pay daily with bits of her being taken away, until nothing but remorse for her actions remain.


That is what it will take to make the majority of us happy that justice has been served.


From my understanding of our Charter of Rights, the way she was punished cannot be modified in the future. The plea bargain, and laughable jail sentence were the maximum we could give her. It is, as someone once told me, a double edged sword. It is to prevent real victims that were forced into criminal behaviour (think U.S.A's Patti Hurst) from being punished to extremes. Since Karla finangled this deal, we were forced to serve up this sentence. There is nothing anyone can do about it, and rewriting the law would cause more harm than good I am told. But I don't know that for sure. I could be dead wrong.


But she will be held under the legal system, if the courts and government get thier way, for life. They are exploiting every single loophole they can to ensure she is kept from disappearing for life, and accountable for that same amount of time.


Even if she does manage to skirt the system again, people will do everything they can within the law to ensure she never ever, not ever, gets to relax inside her skin.


Those deaths and tortures will be avenged.


I am angry. I am angry that innocent lives were taken. I am angry that innocence was violated. I am angry that my peaceful, beautiful country was dragged through this trauma. This does not happen here.


But despite wishful thinking, Canadian niaevete was forever marked by this, and with this filthy American movie "Deadly" being released in a week or so, we are forever changed and marred.


Life goes on, and outside of the families, we don't think much about it, but her spectre keeps stinking up our lives.


We will go on, but justice, Canadian Style, outside the courts, will prevail. Legally, of course.

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Gee Brootal--I sense anger. Yeah, the justice system often fails but keep your eyes on her and make sure she doesn't get a chance to do it again. She's out and roaming the streets, well make sure she is always followed and taunted (as much as the law allows without it becoming restraining order level).

As I just stated in another reply, I should rethink the "Crazy" part of my thread.


We are all up in arms right now. Everyone here at work feels as violated and upset as I do.


We cannot change the justice system in this one instance. It sucks, but it has wider repercussions I am told. She used our system to protect her sorry self, and we are all very upset.


We will, as Canadians do, make her miserable beyond belief, but within boundries. No one will likely cross any lines, but the press, while we are not prone to sensationalism here, will treat her like a pariah, a sinful filty pariah, one that will continue to need national attention.


It will peter off, but every few years or so, the fire will relight.


And she will continue to pay as a result.


Being amongst society will be her greatest punishment. She is living in fear.


And she should. Not of dying, but of being made into a target of derision and emotional unrest.



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Guest BWKash

We got screwed from the beginning. The defense attorneys KNEW what they were up against when they offered the plea bargain. Now, twelve years later, their hopes that Canadians would have moved on and forgot were squashed.


News reports I heard were that Karla will be released either today or Monday. There's media already camped out at the prison since this morning, and I'm glad. Once the judge ruled that her residence will be released, the media jumped on that like a dog on a three-legged cat.


I live in Gatineau, which is about 2 hours away from Montreal, and just on the other side of the river from Ottawa, the Nation's Capital. There were reports that she was moving here, which got this town in a fit.


Unfortunately, she's done the time she was served, and we have no choice to release her. She'll try to hide, but it will be pointless. Her only choice of action would be to just come out of prison and say "Yes, I did those things. Yes, I lied and cheated. I know I will never be exonerated from the public at large. I'm sorry." I doubt it will help, but it wouldn't hurt. But I can almost say with certainty that she will be offed before the end of the month by someone with nothing to lose, and the one who does it will off himself to avoid jail. That is my prediction, as it is what I would do, given the oppurtunity.

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We're neighbors. I work in Gatineau, and live in Ottawa.


Karla own up to her mistakes????


Not in this lifetime!


Being offed?? While that holds a certain justice in it's own right, we generally shoot our mouths off more than we do guns.


Still, she will have he** to pay when she has to face we, the embittered public.


You're right, the plea was a cheat, and I wish we could change the system to prevent this from reoccuring, but it may never be possible I am told.


We tend to walk one way in Canada, and rarely backpedal. Not sure why that is.





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Guest Captain Average


We're neighbors. I work in Gatineau, and live in Ottawa.

Hey, whaddya know ... I'm in Ottawa too!

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Guest IYG

And all this time I thought the Canadian capital was empty of people, who knew. <_<

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Guest IYG
You must be confusing it with Canberra.........

No no, I can vouch that there are people in Canberra, about 5 of them. That was the only downside when I was in Australia, didn't seem alive.

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We're neighbors. I work in Gatineau, and live in Ottawa.

Hey, whaddya know ... I'm in Ottawa too!


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And all this time I thought the Canadian capital was empty of people, who knew. <_<

Nope, just empty headed politicians.

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You must be confusing it with Canberra.........

No no, I can vouch that there are people in Canberra, about 5 of them. That was the only downside when I was in Australia, didn't seem alive.

<_< Australia rocks! ;)


I love the Aussies. One nation I could never find a single fault with.


Sorry you did not meet a lot of people when you went, if I am reading this right.


I would kill to visit there. Plane ride is just too expensive for me to consider right at this time.


When did you go there, what did you do, how did you love it... spill, if you don't mind my asking. :ghost3:


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I love the Aussies.  One nation I could never find a single fault with.

I can. They could have kept abominations like Kylie and Rupert M. for themselves.


That said, Aussies are good company to drink a stubby with.




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Guest IYG
I love the Aussies.  One nation I could never find a single fault with.

I can. They could have kept abominations like Kylie and Rupert M. for themselves.


That said, Aussies are good company to drink a stubby with.




And what is wrong with Kylie? I like her and not just for her looks.


I meant that Canberra is empty. I love Sydney and Melbourne.

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I love the Aussies.  One nation I could never find a single fault with.

I can. They could have kept abominations like Kylie and Rupert M. for themselves.

And what is wrong with Kylie? I like her and not just for her looks.

Her looks aren't bad, but her music, if we can call it that, is.


I don't mind people liking it, but we have enough such rubbish that is home-grown in the northern hemisphere. <_<

I meant that Canberra is empty. I love Sydney and Melbourne.

I've only been in Sydney. That was pretty cool, apart from the weather in February.




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Guest IYG

Come on Hein, sing along:



In my imagination

There is no complication

I dream about you all the time

In my mind a celebration

The sweetest of sensation

Thinking you could be mine



In my imagination

There is no hesitation

We walk together hand in hand

I'm dreaming

You fell in love with me

Like I'm in love with you

But dreaming's all I do

If only they'd come true



I should be so lucky

Lucky lucky lucky

I should be so lucky in love

I should be so lucky

Lucky lucky lucky

I should be so lucky in love



It's a crazy situation

You always keep me waiting

Because its only make believe

And I would come a-running

To give you all my loving

If one day you would notice me



My heart is close to breaking

And I can't go on faking

The fantasy that you'll be mine

I'm dreaming

That you're in love with me

Like I'm in love with you

But dreaming's all I do

If only they'd come true





I should be so lucky (so lucky, so lucky)

I should be so lucky

I, I, (I, I)

I should be so lucky (so lucky, so lucky)

I should be so lucky

I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I





[repeat & fade]


Sydney is amazing, my favorite city that I've been to so far.

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