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Latest Casualty From U.s. Civil War

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Interesting story, after 143 years another is killed.



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I trust he will learn from this lesson not to collect things which are better left on the fields of Gettysbyrg.

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I trust he will learn from this lesson not to collect things which are better left on the fields of Gettysbyrg.

I take it the price of scrap metal Stateside isnt as ball squeezingly expensive as over here.

I would, respectfully, suggest that you keep this new source of scrap firmly out of the public eye.

It is quite conceivable that, at this very moment, a fleet of Ford Transits have started off from the Gypsy sites and laybys of our fair land for an epic journey, by land and sea, to collect all said scrap.

Perhaps, as a consequence, these theiving Pikey b*******s will no longer have to cut away copper phoneline routes, cars that are NOT free to take away and anything else that isnt hidden away, bolted down and chained up, all to remove temptation from these much maligned, misunderstood and much loved members of society.

Remember, hug a Gypo. ( coz while you are, the b*****d isnt able to go out on the Rob)

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I never knew cannon balls could explode, I thought they broke up once they hit the ground

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I trust he will learn from this lesson not to collect things which are better left on the fields of Gettysbyrg.

I take it the price of scrap metal Stateside isnt as ball squeezingly expensive as over here.

I would, respectfully, suggest that you keep this new source of scrap firmly out of the public eye.

It is quite conceivable that, at this very moment, a fleet of Ford Transits have started off from the Gypsy sites and laybys of our fair land for an epic journey, by land and sea, to collect all said scrap.

Perhaps, as a consequence, these theiving Pikey b*******s will no longer have to cut away copper phoneline routes, cars that are NOT free to take away and anything else that isnt hidden away, bolted down and chained up, all to remove temptation from these much maligned, misunderstood and much loved members of society.

Remember, hug a Gypo. ( coz while you are, the b*****d isnt able to go out on the Rob)



I am stunned by your unenlightened attitude toward the Romany people.

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