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Everything posted by Deathray

  1. Deathray

    World's Oldest

    She's the last living victorian and oldest person in Britain, you'd kind of expect the British press to make summat of it, yes.
  2. Deathray

    Sam Simon

    If he's aware of death pooling he's almost certainly aware of this site... wonder if he's reading this? If you are Sam we're not picking you because we want you to die, (in fact as a simpsons fan, I'd prefer it if you were immortal) the fact is your young, have admitted you have cancer and are probably going to die and DDP rewards that kind of choice in teams. P.S of the thousands of mildly famous people who are potentially going to die next your, you're so well respected by a DDP team to be chosen as one of just 20 names they can through in a hat, that should be an accolade on your end. We love you Sam, may you do a Wilko on us please.
  3. Deathray

    Things To Do While Waiting For Death

    http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-30575063 Peruse the notable deaths to remind yourself of all the people you didn't get on the DDP this year,
  4. Deathray

    Toms Official Death List 2015

    On the basis that those 50 names are HIS choices and not names that he thinks should be on the official list then, no. If people want to have their own shadow list and post them up on this thread why shouldn't they? Its not like the board is going to be clogged up is it. But then there's already a thread they and he can use http://www.deathlist...?showtopic=8439 Perhaps they should be merged and renamed shadow lists by one of our kind mods/admins?
  5. Deathray

    Toms Official Death List 2015

    Shouldn't these threads be posts in the "Who should be on the 2015 Deathlist thread?", I can envisage a million shadow deathlist threads which seems pointless.
  6. Deathray

    Derby Dead Pool 2015

    I've decided on my two themes, naturally won't reveal them until January. My main team was fully written up to send last night, until the computer shut itself down and I didn't utilise the save draft function. Edit: 2 ready just got to do the most research intensive one.
  7. Deathray

    The Hare's Death Pool

    Cheers for the teams guys, I make that 4 entries so far. Make sure to keep an eye on your teams from this year, remember it ain't over until the fat scottish lady (so most of 'em) sings auld langs syne. P.S Next year should run slightly more smoothy *grits teeth*
  8. Deathray

    The Hartlepool Deadlypool

    2015 Archery Targets Jean Alexander Ronnie Corbett Muhammad Ali Shimon Peres Tom Baker Clarissa Eden Prince Philip John Noakes Mary Tyler Moore Mary Wilson (Harold's wife)
  9. Deathray

    Who Should Be On The 2015 Deathlist?

    how do I get on the committee? Thought you were banned, or is this a different moron taking up the mantle?
  10. Deathray

    Room 101

    The fact that soap operas haven't been released in full on DVD (Corrie and Eastenders to be precise), that'd surely be good form-studying ground. Plus the fact that from the 10 or so early episodes of Corrie available on youtube, it just looks better in those days, why can't we have the entire lot to watch at our leisure? EDIT: So apparently most episodes of corrie from 1976-91 are available on YouTube with an intermittent splattering of episodes prior to, I'll take that.
  11. Deathray

    The Deathlist Christmas Special!

    Thank goodness that's all over now, we focus on the NYE DDP Team dash from henceforth...
  12. Deathray

    Derby Dead Pool 2014

    My main team doing shit 482nd place and 4 points (1 hit - Chapman Pincher). Next years should be much more competitive. My Centenarians team fairing better at 90th place and 30 points (5 hits) Let's not talk about Serving Heads of State a theme team that will be being dropped this year...
  13. Deathray

    Helmut Schmidt

    They used to do it all the time for the Chancellor's birthday in the 1940s... I'll get my coat. I feel like a bad person for laughing at that joke...
  14. Deathray

    Room 101

    What did you get kicked out for? Unless it's a case of mistaken identity?
  15. Deathray

    The Dead Of 2014

    http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/news/north-east-news/tributes-paid-after-north-east-8336635 Mike "the mouth" Elliot has died. Prominent north east comedian, radio host and actor.
  16. Deathray

    The Dead Of 2014

    2 of my shortlist gone in a few days, this is why I'm not submitting until NYE.
  17. Deathray

    The Hare's Death Pool

    Rotten Ali: Ariel Sharon (died 11 January) Sid Ceasar (died 12 February) Tony Benn (died 14 March) Katherine Crowe (died 5 May) Wojciech Jaruzelski (died 25 May) Casey Kasem (died 15 June) James Garner (died 19 July) Albert Reynolds (died 21 August) Richard Attenborough (died 24 August) Ian Paisley (died 12 September) Gough Whitlam (died 21 October) Total: 1762 Death Impends: Sid Ceasar (died 12 February) Jeremiah Denton (died 28 March) Marc Platt (died 29 March) Fred Ho (died 12 April) Jack Ramsay (died 28 April) Walter Walsh (died 29 April) Wubbo Ockels (died 18 May) Werner Franz (died 13 August) Ralp H.Bear (died 6 December) Luis Reiner (died 30th December) Total: 1605 Whoam: Carla Laemle (died 12 June) Casey Kasem (died 15 June) Eli Wallach (died 24 June) Chapman Pincher (died 5 August) Richard Attenborough (died 24 August) Gough Whitlam (died 21 October) Luis Reiner (died 30th December) Total: 1599 Estuarian Float Akkineni Nagaeswara Rao (died 22 January) Joe McGinnis (died 10 March) Ann B. Davis (died 1 June) Casey Kasem (died 15 June) Mario Oriani-Ambrosini (died 16 August) S. Truett Cathy (died 8 Septemper) Renee Asherson (died 30 October) Luis Reiner (died 30th December) Total: 1480 CaptainChorizo: Alain Resnais (died 1 March) Sandy Jardine (died 24 April) Jack Ramsay (died 28 April) Efram Zimbalist Jr (died 2 May) Alexander Immich (died 8 June) Chuck Noll (died 13 June) Alex Forbes (died 28 July) Lauren Bacall (died 12 August) Ian Paisley (died 12 September) Total: 1416 USFuneral Director: Ariel Sharon (died 11 Jan) Wojciech Jaruzelski (died 25 May) Eli Wallach (died 24 June) Howard Baker (died 26 June) James Garner (died 19 July) Luis Reiner (died 30th December) Total: 1067 Toast Terry Biddlecombe (died 5 Jan) Katherine Crowe (died 7 May) Felix Dennis (died 22 June) Dora Bryan (died 23 July) Richard Attenborough (died 24 August) Ian Paisley (died 12 September) Total: 984 the_engineer Tony Benn (died 14 March) Arturo Licata (died 24 April) Sandy Jardine (died 24 April) Chapman Pincher (died 5 August) Total: 878 Maryportfuncity: Dorothy Baldwin (died 1 January) Run Run Shaw (died 7 January) Richard Hoggart (died 10 April) Wojciech Jaruzelski (died 25 May) Albert Reynolds (died 21 August) Robert Demeger (died 14 September) Total: 739 Book: Carla Laemmle (died 12 June) Lauren Bacall (died 12 August) Fabiola of Belgium (died 5 December) Total: 724 The Unknown Man: Ariel Sharon (died 11 January) Efram Zimbalist (died 2 May) Wojciech Jaruzelski (died 25 May) Total: 638 msc Bill Kerr (died 28 August) John Freeman (died 20 December) Total: 593 Edited to order
  18. Deathray

    The Hare's Death Pool

    Why has my score plummeted from 928 points to 99? Have I misunderstood the scoring system? Oh fuck, I've cocked up one side or the other. The most likely thing is because I've been use T for you and TE for the engineer on my master list some of your points have gone the_engineers way.
  19. Deathray

    The Hare's Death Pool

    Please ignore this post.
  20. Deathray

    Deathrace 2015

    *ahem* Gimme a break, The sun was blazing when you entered and I was confused about whether it was a late 2014 entry. It's still technically the first entry and as you're the forum pedant I would expect you to be as rigid with being correct in your own posting as you appear to be with others. In all seriousness I wish I'd been that organised with the Hares Death Pool... got some fucking horrid catching up to do. I am hoping to have the update out tonight.
  21. Deathray

    Deathrace 2015

  22. Deathray

    Who Should Be On The 2015 Deathlist?

    Next question, who decided who the committee was?
  23. Deathray

    Whom Are You Tarring With The Epithet "twunt"?

    The maths here seems a bit iffy.
  24. Deathray

    Whom Are You Tarring With The Epithet "twunt"?

    That's less than one a day, slacker.
  25. Deathray

    Derby Dead Pool 2015

    Am I okay to PM you my teams this year?

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