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Everything posted by Deathray

  1. Deathray

    Deathlist Under 45

    Jeff Collier, Holby City Paramedic
  2. Deathray

    Ebola and Other Viruses

    The biggest problem with Ebola is it's highly contagious and there's no vaccinne? So yes, I'm fucking scared when the Chief Medical Officer Britain says that a handful of cases are likely in Britain, as it will spread like a fucking wildfire in rolf harris's bush.
  3. Deathray

    Derby Dead Pool 2014

    For obvious reasons the names of hostages are not bandied about in the media until IS draw attention to them in the trailers at the end of thier videos this normally only allows a period of about a month or so where the name is known and thereby would be possible eligible as a pick. So unless someone has inside track in IS or the Intelligence community then this should not have a massive impact on the final results. They would probably accelerate the Deathrace results though. If anyone's working as a middle east correspondent for a media outlet there an at risk surely? Although picking the twenty most likely to go to Syria/Israel would be difficult if not impossible. We haven't got any travel/logistics planners for major media organisations on here have we?
  4. Deathray


    ........and that's another trait of todays Yoof , its everybody elses fault.... When you can explain how I'm responsible for the financial crisis and debt caused by decades of overspending I might listen to you.
  5. Deathray


    The only thing I'm going to inherit is the shithole state of this country that you've left it in.
  6. Deathray


    What's on MR SF tonight? Five pints of best Marston's Pedigree means I'm unable to look it up! Why, thanks for asking CoF. Big album is the newie by Soft Walls (sound a lot like Spiritualized - so we'll play some Spiritualised too), we're also playing a sizeable chunk of a new album by a bloke called Robert Reed that is an uncanny ringer for a 2014 remake of Tubular Bells. Other delights include a track from the new(ish) album by Spoon, a paint-peeler from Neil Sedaka's album for kids and a jaw dropper to start us off called "Rockin' with the Sikh" by Peter Singh (the Panjabi Elvis). All on from 10-midnight http://www.miskinradio.co.uk Given they invented Spotify several years ago now and youtube before that, why the fuck should I listen to your radio station when I can just plump on New Hopes, New Demonstrations for free and feel as good as I've ever felt in my life? Maybe because independent Radio ( REAL independent radio ) is where music was and still is. Long long before we all got wanked over by the Youtubes of this world, there was a more real and raw way of listening to music, introduced and played by people that loved what they did. You are of another generation, Im not knocking it, but don't be so dismissive of what you don't appreciate. I'm well aware that radio DJs are passionate people, and when I can't be arsed to think I'll shove on Planet Rock as I know I'll like most of their songs (even if they do sometimes play Bryan Adams). I just find the idea that people would regularly listen to it for music now weird, when the option to discover it through the means we have now through other people who love listening to it and sharing that with the world (forums, sites like last fm etc) and instantly enjoy it in legal form (I've never pirated music, there's no need) is radio surely not past it's sell by date? You can feel the raw power/touch of a song through discovering on it on-line, in fact pretty much the only reason I got into rock/metal music was the internet Giving the shit the radio plays I'm glad of the internet's service to me in ensuring I can listen to that not Kesha or whatever shit's out at the moment. I might even go so far as to suggest it was time you old biddies stopped mutually masturbating over the music you listened to under the bed on your wireless in the 60s and embraced the technology we have now to discover more and more and live in the most diverse range of music available for the cheapest cost ever. Well I can add to the "Don't let your pitbull babysit your 6 month old grand daughter...." "Dont try and reason with a massive twat..." Thank you for addressing the points I raised regarding availability if music... not
  7. Deathray


    What's on MR SF tonight? Five pints of best Marston's Pedigree means I'm unable to look it up! Why, thanks for asking CoF. Big album is the newie by Soft Walls (sound a lot like Spiritualized - so we'll play some Spiritualised too), we're also playing a sizeable chunk of a new album by a bloke called Robert Reed that is an uncanny ringer for a 2014 remake of Tubular Bells. Other delights include a track from the new(ish) album by Spoon, a paint-peeler from Neil Sedaka's album for kids and a jaw dropper to start us off called "Rockin' with the Sikh" by Peter Singh (the Panjabi Elvis). All on from 10-midnight http://www.miskinradio.co.uk Given they invented Spotify several years ago now and youtube before that, why the fuck should I listen to your radio station when I can just plump on New Hopes, New Demonstrations for free and feel as good as I've ever felt in my life? Maybe because independent Radio ( REAL independent radio ) is where music was and still is. Long long before we all got wanked over by the Youtubes of this world, there was a more real and raw way of listening to music, introduced and played by people that loved what they did. You are of another generation, Im not knocking it, but don't be so dismissive of what you don't appreciate. I'm well aware that radio DJs are passionate people, and when I can't be arsed to think I'll shove on Planet Rock as I know I'll like most of their songs (even if they do sometimes play Bryan Adams). I just find the idea that people would regularly listen to it for music now weird, when the option to discover it through the means we have now through other people who love listening to it and sharing that with the world (forums, sites like last fm etc) and instantly enjoy it in legal form (I've never pirated music, there's no need) is radio surely not past it's sell by date? You can feel the raw power/touch of a song through discovering on it on-line, in fact pretty much the only reason I got into rock/metal music was the internet Giving the shit the radio plays I'm glad of the internet's service to me in ensuring I can listen to that not Kesha or whatever shit's out at the moment. I might even go so far as to suggest it was time you old biddies stopped mutually masturbating over the music you listened to under the bed on your wireless in the 60s and embraced the technology we have now to discover more and more and live in the most diverse range of music available for the cheapest cost ever.
  8. Deathray

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2015

    Scouting for girls are going to be upset
  9. Deathray

    Political Frailty

    Looks like a dead cert for UKIP to get two MPs Polling for Clacton-On-Sea: UKIP 56%, Cons 24% Lab 16% Lib Dem 2% Others 2% (Lib Dems will lose their deposit) Polling for Heywood and Middleton: Labour 50%, UKIP 31%, Con 13%, Lib Dems 4% Others 2% (Lib Dems will lose their deposit) Polling for Rochester and Strood: UKIP 40% Cons 31% Lab 25% Lib Dem 2% Others 1% (Lib Dems will lose their deposit) Many voters are still undecided though in all of these elections. It's a serious proposition that UKIP can take all three, especially if the con vote in Heywood and Middleton further moves to UKIP. To me this signals the end of humanity in Britain and the rise of the hellraisers and spivs once more, given their two mps will be given ridiculous amounts of coverage. It also provides a whip for other Tories to be able to defect to, so watch this space for the cheats.
  10. Deathray


    What's on MR SF tonight? Five pints of best Marston's Pedigree means I'm unable to look it up! Why, thanks for asking CoF. Big album is the newie by Soft Walls (sound a lot like Spiritualized - so we'll play some Spiritualised too), we're also playing a sizeable chunk of a new album by a bloke called Robert Reed that is an uncanny ringer for a 2014 remake of Tubular Bells. Other delights include a track from the new(ish) album by Spoon, a paint-peeler from Neil Sedaka's album for kids and a jaw dropper to start us off called "Rockin' with the Sikh" by Peter Singh (the Panjabi Elvis). All on from 10-midnight http://www.miskinradio.co.uk Given they invented Spotify several years ago now and youtube before that, why the fuck should I listen to your radio station when I can just plump on New Hopes, New Demonstrations for free and feel as good as I've ever felt in my life?
  11. Deathray

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2015

    It'd do no favours for your bike or bollocks either (apologies ladies, the last one only relates to some of your fellow posters). Isn't there only one (or possibly two, I can never work out Toast's genre) women on this forum anyway? It'd probably not be good for the vaginal/backsidal area though, I'd presume?
  12. Deathray


    Doing some research to find out some potentials and hit upon this http://www.reddit.com/r/Pornogrind - Yes, there is a subreddit for it? WTF?
  13. Deathray

    Phil Collins (And Other Genesis Types)

    Collin's was always a better drummer than he is a singer.
  14. Deathray

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2015

    It is pretty amazing to be fair. Not sure how riding a bike over that kind of mountain terrain affects the landscape though, presumably badly?
  15. Deathray


    It's an extreme genre of death metal music focusing on pornographic imagery, the line between it and goregrind is pretty hazy giving much goregrind stuff will occasionally stray into territory. (I'll sort threads out for grindcore, goregrind, noisegrind, electrogrind, deathgrind in the morning). To give you some examples of what it is here's the wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pornogrind And a few youtube videos: This the album Sadochismo by Cock and Ball Torture: Bestial by Livor Mortis
  16. Deathray


    Not really these bands have been around for decades, one day it'll be as mainstream as Goblin Metal and Finnish Folk Metal.
  17. Deathray

    Bhumibol Adulyadej

    When this guy goes, the Queen has fulfilled her mission.
  18. Deathray


    Oh, that's "my club" (by which I literally mean - the one I lived nearest most my life), which shows just how little attention I play to football.
  19. Deathray


    Oh, which team is it? sorry I really shouldn't be in the football threads.
  20. Deathray


    Does it actually stand for something, or am I missing the joke?
  21. Deathray

    The Hare's Death Pool

    Msc lays down a benchmark for the no-point run next year with the death of Bill Kerr back on the 28 August (240 days), Ian Paisley carked it back on the 12 September and gave three people a top-up and S.Truett Cathy went on the 8th September (the mid-September check didn't happen if you hadn't noticed, this is it) the net result is this, on the plus side no obscure fuckers this time rounder. As usual apologies for my ineptness in running this. Rotten Ali 1480 points Captain Chorizo 1419 points Death Impends 826 points Whoam 955 points Toast 928 points Estuarian Float 869 points maryportfuncity 737 points US Funeral Director 530 points the_engineer 513 points Book 386 points The Unknown Man 275 points msc 240 points
  22. Deathray

    Famous With HIV

    Does anyone know who this refers to? As far as I know none of the Dad's Army cast who died in the 80s died of cancer. Arnold Ridley died after a fall, John Laurie had emphysema, Arthur died of a stroke and John le Mesurier had cirrhosis of the liver. James Beck died way before the 80s and Frank Williams and Ian Lavender are still alive and I think we can rule out Clive Dunn. I thought the whole cast of Dads Army had died. wasn't that the whole point of Clive Dunn - the last one thing?
  23. Deathray

    Political Frailty

    I know I'm probably going to come into a lot of flack for this but Cameron seems to have deliberately engineered an emotive issue out of his personal battles regarding the NHS. To me the point of the NHS is a service to ensure nobody is unfairly disadvantaged because they can't afford healthcare. not a service to ensure people who don't need it get healthcare on the free. He comes from an extremely rich family and has a very large salary, why was he and his family not on private healthcare, which would have freed the spaces up for people who couldn't afford it - the purpose of the NHS? Especially, as he's a Conservative who argues for the means testing of most benefits, why is the NHS not one of those? To clarify, I'm aware the cost of his son's treatment may have been much higher than I envisage it to have been but I'm still cynical is extremely rich father wouldn't have chipped in for his grandson? Maybe I've grown to the point of no return in my cynicism and distrust of politicians and this is an abhorrent proposition to raise, sorry if that's the case.
  24. Deathray

    Phil Collins (And Other Genesis Types)

    And so think I. I'm not particularly fond of Phil Collins' solo work and Genesis albums after Abacab, although good songs can be found on most. My love for Genesis remains though. Just a few days after release I got ...And Then There Were Three..., the first LP record I ever bought1. After that I've acquired almost all they've recorded. I regularly put Seconds Out on my stereo, preferably loud. 1I did buy a few singles before and had already shoplifted Never Mind The Bollocks, Here's The Sex Pistols regards, Hein I suppose anarchists can't really be pissed at you shoplifting their work.
  25. Deathray

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2015

    I've decided that Serving Heads of State isn't doing it for me and going to file a theme team of Straight Edge Noughties "hardcore punk (apparently some electronic wankers also have a genre called hardcore, seriously?"/metalcore" musicians. If you're going to fail miserably you might as well do it in style. none of them will die and if any of them do they have no hope in hell of obitting. Despite being awesome.

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