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Everything posted by Deathray

  1. Deathray

    The Hare's Death Pool

    Albert Reynolds goes and mpfc and Rotten Ali both both net 232 points Captain Chorizo 1164 points Rotten Ali 990 points Death Impends 826 points Whoam 720 points Toast 683 points Estuarian Float 618 points US Funeral Director 530 points the_engineer 513 points maryportfuncity 482 points Book 386 points The Unknown Man 275 points msc 0 points
  2. Deathray

    The Deathlist Howto

    Have you checked your computer for unusual downloads or programs you don't recognise, might be malicious software rather than anything to do with the site?
  3. Deathray

    Sir Cliff Richard

    Anyone catch the one show earlier, Lenny Henry made a rather slanderous joke about Cliff Richard's parties that he was quickly forced by the BBC to apologise for, although it seemed there was a bit more truth to the joke than the BBC wanted to let on in the way he said it.
  4. Deathray

    Julian Assange

    Can anyo Snowden, he actually damaged American's view of America, Assange just embarrassed the American government. Three questions - only one of which (3) I expect any on here to be able to answer; 1. What exactly does "soon"? 2. How the fuck does he plan to get out without being arrested? 3. The BBC quoted the cost of the police operation to ensure his arrest upon leaving, i.e a few armed cops stood outside, at 7 million pounds. A) how can a few armed cops cost that much? and B ) why didn't they just assign the task of arresting him to the armed police who would be guarding a nations embassy anyway and save us 7 million pounds? C) Why didn't they just go into the embassy anyway and damn the consequences, most of the nations in the world would be on their side; although I do understand the dangerous precedent concept; special dispensation could easily be argued?
  5. Deathray

    5. Pope Francis

    God might be sending him a message after the evil bastard showed his true colours with his endorsement of military action yesterday. Erm.... what? Action to stop ISIS is evil? You joking or..... just taking anti-Americanism a bit far? The intent may not be strictly evil but the strategy is... the public don't want boots on ground as that'll mean our boys in the armed forces who are paid to, and freely chose to, fight in war zones at the prospect of death could get hurt, but if we let the Americans fire air bombs onto areas in ISIS control; almost inevitably killing some civilians we are intended to help and who have no choice to be in the war zone by dropping the bombs then that's fine, in a few months we'll have drop bombs as well and all these aid missions we've been running will have been perfect practice for those runs; notice Cameron using the phrase "no boots on the ground" as opposed to "no combat role". That's not to mention the fact that we backed rebels, who turned out to be jihadists, in Libya a few years back with air support, during the misguided period of the Arab spring combined with our indifference to ISIS's breeding ground situation in Syria is one of the major reasons ISIS has managed to spread it's poison to Iraq. The extreme cynic would also question the convenience of ISIS emerging in the middle east, with few signs of life (life in this context meaning active attacks - someone in Bradford claiming to be a member is not important in this) outside of the region given the fact that America and Britain (the government's not the vast majority of people in either country, who didn't want to gain it in the first place) are about to lose a major strategic armed position for mobilisation elsewhere in the middle east, should the "need" arise, in Iraq with withdrawal from the Iraq War beginning now. The fact Iraq has been a state where America has more or less been at war with somebody since 1990. Furthermore it's worth remembering that the Kurdish people that the west are arming to defend Iraq from Isis are similar to the Syrian rebels, some of whom are aka ISIS, in that nobody really knows what they'll do with the reclaimed land or more importantly the weapons. In summary the west should maybe have done something several years ago in a more targeted fashion, but even then it would have been an extremely dangerous proposition; we have now completely missed that boat and should leave the countries to sort out their own affairs, as per the point of withdrawal. We should accept that ISIS v Iraq is no different to Israel v Hamas, a terrorist insurgency and a state at war over terrorist hiding behind the façade of religion to go about the Neanderthal way of the world; war over inconsequential bollocks that only serves to alienate the people they claim to represent from wider society and ultimately provides a route for the much bigger threat than either side, the American backed western war machine, to roll into their internal affairs.
  6. Deathray

    The Hare's Death Pool

    And I'm back.. time for one of those regular full list checks where scores are settled for extremely obscure fuckers lost in the mirth of time and missed by me, this time including everyone who died recently. These full-list checks will be carried out mid-month from now on, rather than ad hoc with well-publicised/high profile deaths highlighted as and when they happen. Dora Bryan died July 23 [203 points to Toast] Alex Forbes died died July 28 [208 points to CaptainChorizo] Lauren Bacall died August 12 [223 points CaptainChorizo and Book] Mario Oriani-Ambrosini died August 14 p [225 points to Estuarian Float] All of which means we have a new leader and a bit of a mid-table shift around. Captain Chorizo 1164 points Death Impends 826 points Rotten Ali 758 points Whoam 720 points Toast 683 points Estuarian Float 618 points US Funeral Director 530 points the_engineer 513 points Book 386 points maryportfuncity 250 points The Unknown Man 275 points msc 0 points
  7. Deathray

    Derby Dead Pool 2014

    Congratulations, Deathray. It was about time you got points for other teams than the Centenarian one. *Googles Chapman Pincher's age* Ermm.... He was a nonogenarian when I picked him.
  8. Deathray

    Deathrace 2014

    Congratulation Death Impends and a noble cause you've donated to. It appears I've no hits from this year. Oh well.
  9. Deathray

    Sir Cliff Richard

    Thanks wikipedia aka Phantom.
  10. Deathray

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2015

    Still more pronounceable than the coup leader's name.
  11. Deathray

    Who Will Be The 6Th Hit Of 2014?

    Stephen Hawking again.
  12. Deathray

    The Dead Of 2014

    As anybody who checks this site could have told you 12 hours ago... move along chap man.
  13. Deathray

    The Hare's Death Pool

    Engineer and Whoam get 216 points for Chapman Pincher. Death Impends 826 points Rotten Ali 758 points Captain Chorizo 733 points Whoam 720 points US Funeral Director 530 points the_engineer 513 points Toast 480 points Estuarian Float 393 points maryportfuncity 250 points The Unknown Man 275 points Book 163 points msc 0 points Just a proviso in case any major fucker dies in the next few weeks - I won't be updating for a good few weeks. I'm still alive (unless it gets to like October or something) - just report deaths here and then when I'm back on here the op will be updated and points will be allocated.
  14. Deathray

    Derby Dead Pool 2014

    So it only took 7 months and 6 days for me to a my first proper DDP hit.
  15. Deathray

    Political Frailty

    If the recent murmurings actually come to fruition they'll be able to reduce it by half if the cops do a mass job on them. I just wish our corrupt politicians could be bought to justice.
  16. Deathray

    Hooroo, Mate.

    Aye that was 51 years ago............... are you Peter? More likely Dean..
  17. Deathray

    The Ukraine Crisis

    I sincerely hope when you typed that out, you imagined it in an exaggerated, sinister sounding Russian accent. In fact the whole sentence could have been read like that. I know that's how I read it. Only just noticed this, I was actually imaging the Iron Maiden song but sinister sounding russian accent works...
  18. Deathray

    Room Lovely, Look You.

    ^Is that a glorified lifeboat or something?
  19. Deathray

    The Dead Of 2014

    Mike who?
  20. Deathray

    Dead Pop Stars

    Look I know people think irrationally in times of tragedy but surely it would've been better to contact them directly?
  21. Deathray

    Room 101

    http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-sussex-28621327 Non-stories. How is an airport meeting it's expectations news? This was linked on the main UK page for fuck sake.
  22. Deathray

    Sam Simon

    The best we can hope for this year now is he takes a last ditch re-enactment of Breaking Bad and can't defeat the evil Gus.
  23. Deathray

    The Ukraine Crisis

    Putin's Assistant: We need to put the frightener's up the EU. Should we stop the gas, the oil, financial co-operation. Putin: no let's stop eating Poland's apples! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/blogs-trending-28590589
  24. Deathray

    Ebola and Other Viruses

    If this hits the civilised world western cesspits of humanity will there be lower death rates?
  25. Deathray

    Fort William Football Club

    Good night then?

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