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Everything posted by Deathray

  1. Deathray

    Name A Million Dead People

    We've lost 40k somewhere 998,607 Seymour Cocks.
  2. Deathray

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2015

    If true she's not going to be a 2015 pick; http://www.livescience.com/32320-how-long-can-a-person-survive-without-water.html
  3. Deathray

    Peaches Honeyblossom Geldof

    Oh well, it happens.
  4. Deathray

    Peaches Honeyblossom Geldof

    Nothing to see here.
  5. Deathray

    Death Anniversary Thread

    Then why isn't today a national holiday? Because thankfully we don't honour former PMs with national holidays, that would be a lot of national holidays.
  6. Deathray

    Room 101

    Were you invited to the wedding? To be honest they must really dislike you to have gone to the effort of photoshopping you out of every photo.
  7. Deathray


    2003 seems most like to provide us with the much awaited NONE.
  8. Deathray

    Name A Million Dead People

    937,137 Slim Dusty
  9. Deathray

    Peaches Honeyblossom Geldof

    FFS!! Sudden death I can take, but was there really any call for inflicting this without warning? Especially when we see where Hughie Green's beloved capitalist dream has got us in the end. w***er.
  10. Deathray

    Peaches Honeyblossom Geldof

    Agree with the sentiments above, whilst I couldn't care less about her as a person in her life; it is incredibly sad that she's died so young.
  11. Deathray

    3rd Death of 2014

    Hawking, if I keep voting for him I'll get it right eventually.
  12. Deathray

    Fort William Football Club

    There's always Hartfield III, last in Division 11b of the Mid-Sussex football league. That's a polite way of saying their the club at the very bottom of the English football league pyramid. lost their last two games 9-0 and 8-1.
  13. Deathray

    David Cameron

    This is a bit harsh on Miliband; energy price freeze, jobs guarantee for long term unemployed and reduction in tuition fees. There's three reasons to vote for him, still not really enough to get my vote on his name in 2015 yet though.
  14. Deathray

    David Cameron

    Er.......... I wish it could but no. They're not going to ditch him for something as small as this especially this close to an election. I hold hopes that they might get rid of the wankstain next year and replace him with Boris. But that'll probably only happen if they lose so it doesn't make too much difference anyway I guess.... and I have absolutely no fuckin' idea who will win the election. All Labour need to do to win the election is come up with some policies, to be frank that's just to sure up victory. There electoral constituency fiddling hasn't been reversed yet so will take care of the rest. Oh, come the fuck on Deathgray. Edward Milibland is a spluttering, spittle-flinging, lisping dweeboid who has the charisma of a fucking dead kipper. Okay, being a bit of a wet nerd didn't stop John Major becoming PM..... or winning his own election, even. But Ed is way worse. He makes Major look like Elvis Fucking Presley by comparison. And he's not even pledging to reverse the welfare cuts which obviously would be the biggest vote winner. As far as I can see Labour's most, erm, "eye-catching" policy going into 2015 seems to be..... the idea that the political parties will be funded by the taxpayer. Because the Labour party is such a fucking worthless shambles they can't even get the unions to bankroll it any more(!!). And how many people are going to want to vote for that? So... yeah the only reason why Ed is even in with a chance is because IDS, Osbourne and Cameron come across like escaped mid-level Nazis running a poverty-stricken South American country in the 1960s/70s and the leader of the opposition is traditionally seen as the "best chance" of ousting a sitting PM. But they don't even have a significant poll lead any more for fuck's sake. In fact I think Cameron might be ahead in some of them. Except the poll lead doesn't matter, seats matter. Ed Miliband might be a moron with no policies and look like a shitty wet nerd but Cameron needs something like a 5% poll lead to get a majority, something he didn't even manage in 2010 with Gordon Brown run the country, the idea he could then manage that 5 years later is laughable. The fact of the matter is Nick Clegg lost the tories the 2015 election in response to them refusing to budge on lords reform, an astute move on his part as it gives him a shot of a coalition with Labour in 2015 and the ability to carry on in government (heaven forbid.) It's the electoral math that means labour are guaranteed to win, not anything they've actually done. I'm not a Labour supporter (or a Tory supporter for that matter btw).
  15. Deathray

    David Cameron

    Er.......... I wish it could but no. They're not going to ditch him for something as small as this especially this close to an election. I hold hopes that they might get rid of the wankstain next year and replace him with Boris. But that'll probably only happen if they lose so it doesn't make too much difference anyway I guess.... and I have absolutely no fuckin' idea who will win the election. All Labour need to do to win the election is come up with some policies, to be frank that's just to sure up victory. There electoral constituency fiddling hasn't been reversed yet so will take care of the rest.
  16. Deathray

    Room 101

    Superinjunctions; they should be banned. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2597902/The-Tory-Minister-vicious-feud-gay-sex-party-paid-Westminster-braced-new-sleaze-scandal-Speaker-plans-emergency-talks-defuse-crisis.html
  17. Deathray

    David Cameron

    Anyone reckon Cameron's shambolic handling of this Maria Miller fiasco could see him out on his ear in a months time?
  18. Deathray

    Be my guest

    Yes it was, it was an insult to all women out there, our mothers, sisters, aunties, grannies and Miranda Hart. Your behaviour is disgusting, its sexist and discriminatory to all cock sucking transvestites. You are a disgraceful spunk stain on this forum. At least I'm not a shitstain on it like you. When I want your opinion I will give it to you. Shall we agree to leave it now, this all rather bloody boring and I've got some minecraft to play and Aerosmith to listen to.
  19. Deathray

    Room 101

    People who spout irrational hatred and abuse at strangers they've never met on an otherwise very friendly internet forum and continue with their campaign for justice (in their eyes everybody else hating the same person and them being able to ridicule/abuse/bully/harass them with no repercussions) to the point of looking like a tedious whingebag. *not looking at anyone on this forum *cough*Dr Zorders*cough**
  20. Deathray

    Be my guest

    Yes it was, it was an insult to all women out there, our mothers, sisters, aunties, grannies and Miranda Hart. Your behaviour is disgusting, its sexist and discriminatory to all cock sucking transvestites. You are a disgraceful spunk stain on this forum. At least I'm not a shitstain on it like you.
  21. Deathray

    Be my guest

    You can always trust a women and a cocksucking tranny to find deeper meaning in a light-hearted joke and cry sexism together. It was a cheap jibe at your username and people unfortunate enough to have PBA, nothing more.
  22. Deathray

    Be my guest

    I hope not! I don't ban members. There's still time to ban your IP. Is this is a blanket policy, or will you make perceptions for specific cases of outrageous behaviour?
  23. Deathray

    New Here And Just Saying Hello

    Theirs not much making a dupe when you can just post as a guest. Very True. But, mods and admins can see your IP address Deathray. Of course, but they could still do that if I created a dupe. Unless used a proxy browser but even they aren't foolproof.
  24. Deathray

    Be my guest

    So people should get along, not because everyone getting along would create a harmonious atmosphere of peace and lovely lemon cupcakes, but because you don't think there attempts at abusing each-other are up to scratch? I suppose when your heroes are the Taliban you'd be disappointed by anything less than us blowing each-other up, probably?

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