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Everything posted by Deathray

  1. Deathray

    I Destroy the Royal Family

    http://www.dailymail.co.uk/travel/article-2594175/Ryanair-boss-apologises-joke-making-love-Queen.html Michael O'Leary has his eyes on the throne, and the royal four-poster and her tunnel by the looks of it.
  2. Deathray

    Name A Million Dead People

    I think shaun of the deads maths needs work. And one needs to go off for papal dupr 1578. Muddy Waters
  3. Deathray

    Crashing Companies

    Heathrow airport could be on the way out.. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-26819049
  4. Deathray

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2015

    Irene Sutcliffe
  5. Deathray

    The Hare's Death Pool

    Death Impends takes himself into the lead with an impressive 87 points following the death of 100-year old Marc Platt. as well as 86 points for Jeremiah Denton. Death Impends 215 points Rotten Ali 123 points Estuarian Float 87 points the_engineer 71 points Captain Chorizo 59 points The Unknown Man 10 points US Funeral Director 10 points maryportfuncity 7 points Toast 4 points Everyone Else 0 points
  6. Deathray

    Michael Schumacher

    That rules out his death any time soon then. If Ariel Sharon could last nearly a decade in his 80s the young healthy Shoemaker will last several decades. Funny how he sort of took over from Sharon as the coma watch guy lol People like Michael with serious head injures have a dramatically reduced lifespan ,so i very much doubt we are looking at decades . http://www.lifeexpec...y.com/tbi.shtml males 40 and over in a permanent vegetative state live usually 9 years after accident , males 50 and over 7 years after accident . Since Michael was 45 he could have another 8 years maximum. But of course anything can happen he might live for decades or he might die next week of infection or just naturally . Either way schumacher will be a regular feature on the deathlist me thinks. I think they have told her he is virtually brain dead and there is nothing they can do and they need the bed for more patients with a better chance of survival ,so she decided to build her own mini hospital at home . Which points towards schumacher not being able to breath independently and needing technology to survive. Personally if I was in that state I would much prefer my wife (if I had one) to switch my machine off and keep the £10 million to treat herself, it's no life to be living if you need a machine to live it.
  7. Deathray

    Name A Million Dead People

    A hell of a lot of Persian Kings, (497 to be precise) 1033-1529 ..Lu Kur-Ishshak Peli Tata I Ukku-Tanhish Hishutash Shushun-Tarana Napi-Ilhush Kikku-Siwe-Temti Hishep-Ratep I Luh-Ishshan Hishep-Ratep II Emahsini Helu Hita Kutik-Inshushinak Gir-Namme I Tazitta I Eparti I Gir-Namme II Tazitta II Lurak-Luhhan Hutran-Temti Indattu-Inshushinak I Kindattu Indattu-Inshushinak II Tan-Ruhuratir I Indattu-Inshushinak III Eparti II Shilhaha Kuk-Nashur I Atta-hushu Tetep-Mada Palar-Ishshan Kuk-Sanit Kuk-Kirwash Tem-Sanit Kuk-Nahhunte Kuk-Nashur II Shirukduh Shimut-Wartash I Siwe-Palar-Hupak Kuduzulush I Kutir-Nahhunte I Atta-Merra-Halki Tata II Lila-Irtash Temti-Agun Kutir-Shilhaha Kuk-Nashur III Temti-Raptash Shimut-Wartash II Shirtuh Kuduzulush II Tan-Uli Temti-Halki Kuk-Nashur IV Kutik-Matlat Kidinu Inshushinak-Sunkir-Nappipir Tan-Ruhuratir II Shalla Temti-Ahar Pahir-Ishshan I Kidin-Hutran I Attar-Kittah II Humban-Numena I Untash-Napirisha or Untash-Humban Kidin-Hutran II Napirisha-Untash or Humban-Untash Pahir-Ishshan II Unpatar-Napirisha or Unpatar-Humban Kidin-Hutran III Hallutush-Inshushinak Shutruk-Nahhunte I Kutir-Nahhunte II Shilhak-Inshushinak I Hutelutush-Inshushinak Shilhina-Hamru-Lakamar Humban-Numena II Shutruk-Nahhunte II Shutur-Nahhunte I Akshir-Shimut Akshir-Nahhunte Kara-Indash Humban-Tahrah I Humban-Nikash I Shutur-Nahhunte II Hallushu-Inshushinak Kutir-Nahhunte III Humban-Numena III Humban-Haltash I Humban-Haltash II Urtak-Inshushinak Temti-Humban-Inshushinak I Humban-Nikash II Tammaritu Indabibi Humban-Haltash III Tammaritu Humban-Nikash III Umhuluma Indattu-Inshushinak IV Humban-Hapua Pa'e Shutur-Nahhunte III Phraortes Madea Cyaxares Astyages / Ahasuerus Cyaxares II / Darius Cyrus the Great Cambyses Bardiya Gaumata Darius I Xerxes I Artaxerxes I Longimanus Xerxes II Sogdianus Darius II Artaxerxes II Artaxerxes III Artaxerxes IV Darius III Artaxerxes V Alexander the Great Philip III Alexander IV Perdiccas Antipater Polyperchon Antigonus Monophthalmus Seleucus I Nicator Antiochus I Soter Antiochus II Theos Seleucus II Callinicus Seleucus III Ceraunus Antiochus III the Great Seleucus IV Philopator Antiochus IV Epiphanes Antiochus V Eupator Demetrius I Soter Alexander Balas Demetrius II Nicator Antiochus VI Dionysus Antiochus VII Sidetes Arsaces I Arsaces II Arsaces III Arsaces IV Arsaces V Arsaces VI Arsaces VII Arsaces VIII Arsaces IX Arsaces X Arsaces XI Arsaces XII Arsaces XIII Arsaces XIV Arsaces XV Arsaces XVI Arsaces XVII Arsaces XVIII Arsaces XIX Arsaces XX Arsaces XXI Arsaces XXII Arsaces XXIII Arsaces XXIV Musa Arsaces XXV Arsaces XXVI Arsaces XXVII . Arsaces XXVIII Arsaces XXIX Arsaces XXX Arsaces XXXI Arsaces XXXII Arsaces XXXIII Arsaces XXXIV Arsaces XXXV Arsaces XXXVI Arsaces XXXVII Arsaces XXXVIII Arsaces XXXIX Arsaces XL Arsaces XLI Arsaces XLII Arsaces XLIII Arsaces XLIV Arsaces XLV Arsaces XLVI Arsaces XLVII Arsaces XLVIII Arsaces XLIX Arsaces L Ardashir I Shapur I Hormizd I Bahram I Bahram II Bahram III Narseh I Hormizd II Adhur Narseh Shapur II Ardashir II Shapur III Bahram IV Yazdegerd I Bahram V Yazdegerd II Hormizd III Peroz I Balash Kavadh I Djamasp Kavadh I Khosrau I Hormizd IV Khosrau II Bahram VI Khosrau II Vistahm Kavadh II Ardashir III Shahrbaraz Khosrau III Borandukht Shapur-i Shahrvarazand Peroz II Azarmidokht Khosrau IV Farrokh Hormizd Hormizd VI Yazdegerd III Gil Gavbara Dabuya Farrukhan the Great Dadhburzmihr Farrukhan the Little Khurshid of Tabaristan Uthman ibn Affan Ali Ibn Abi Talib Abu Abdullah Abu Khalid Abu Abd ur-Rahman Abu Abd al-Malik Abu'l-Walid Abu'l-Abbas Abu Ayyub Abu Hafṣ Abu Khalid Abu'l-Walid Abu'l-Abbas Abu Khalid Abu Ishaq Abu Abd al-Malik As-Saffah Al-Mansur Al-Mahdi Al-Hadi Ar-Rashid Al-Amin Al-Ma'mun Al-Mu'tasim Al-Wathiq Al-Mutawakkil Al-Muntasir Al-Musta'in Al-Mu'tazz Al-Muhtadi Al-Mu'tamid Al-Mu'tadid Al-Muktafi Al-Muqtadir Abul-Fazl Ja'far Al-Qahir Abu Mansur Muhammad Al-Muqtadir Al-Qahir Abu'l-Abbas Ar-Radi Al-Muttaqi Al-Mustakfi Ya'qub as-Saffar Amr Abu'l-Hasan Al-Layth Muhammad Abu Hafs Abu Ja'far Abu Ahmad Imad al-Dawla Adud al-Dawla Sharaf al-Dawla Samsam al-Dawla Baha' al-Dawla Sultan al-Dawla Abu Kalijar Abu Mansur Fulad Sutun Abu Sa'd Khusrau Shah Rukn al-Dawla Fakhr al-Dawla Abu'l-Hasan Ali Mu'ayyad al-Dawla Fakhr al-Dawla Majd al-Dawla Shams al-Dawla Sama' al-Dawla Mu'izz al-Dawla Izz al-Dawla Adud al-Dawla Samsam al-Dawla Sharaf al-Dawla Baha' al-Dawla Sultan al-Dawla Abu Shuja Musharrif al-Dawla Jalal al-Dawla Abu Kalijar Al-Malik al-Rahim Rukn ad-Dunya wa'd-Din ʿAdud ad-Dawla Jalal ad-Dawla wa'd-Din Nasir ad-Dawla wa'd-Din Rukn ad-Dunya wa'd-Din Ghiyath ad-Dunya wa'd-Din Muglith ad-Dunya wa'd-Din Rukn ad-Dunya wa'd-Din As-Salatin Muʿizz ad-Dunyā wa'd-Dīn Ghiyath ad-Dawla wa'd-Din Mugith ad-Dunya wa'd-Din Malik Shah II Ghiyath ad-Dunya wa'd-Din Mu'izz ad-Dunya wa'd-Din Abu'l-Harith Sulayman Shah Mugith ad-Dunya wa'd-Din Mu'izz ad-Dunya wa'd-Din Rukn ad-Dunya wa'd-Din Arslan Rukn ad-Dunya wa'd-Din Abu Talib Toghrul III Sanjar II Qizil Arslan House of Seljuq Rukn ad-Dunya wa'd-Din Atsiz Il-Arslan Soltanshah Tekish Mohammad Mingburnu Genghis Temuchin Tolui Ögedei Töregene Güyük Oghul Qaimish Möngke Hulagu Abaqa Tekuder Arghun Gaykhatu Baydu Ghazan Öljaitü Abu Sa'id Arpa Musa Mohammad Sati beg Jahan Temur Soleiman Togha Temür Anushirwan Abd al-Razzaq ibn Fazlullah Wajih ad-Din Masud ibn Fazlullah Muhammad Aytimur Kulu Isfendiyar Shams al-Din ibn Fazl Allah Khwaja Shams al-Din 'Ali Yahya Karawi Zahir al-Din Karawi Haidar Qassab Lutf Allah Hasan al-Damghani Khwaja 'Ali-yi Mu'ayyad ibn Masud Rukn ad-Din Khwaja 'Ali-yi Mu'ayyad ibn Chupan Bagdad Katun Hasan Kucek Malek Ashraf Hasan Buzurg Shaikh Uvais I Hasan Husain I Bayazid Ahmad Shah Walad Mahmud Uwais II Mohammed Mahmud II Husain II Sharaf al-Din Mahmud Shah Amir Ghiyas al-Din Kai-Khusrau Amir Jalal al-Din Mas'ud Shah Shams al-Din Muhammad Shaikh Abu Ishaq Mubariz ad-Din Muhammad ibn al-Muzaffar Abu'l Fawaris Jamal ad-Din Shah Shuja Qutb Al-Din Shah Mahmud Abu'l Fawaris Djamal ad-Din Shah Shuja Mujahid ad-Din Zain Al-Abidin 'Ali Imad ad-Din Sultan Ahmad Mubariz ad-Din Shah Yahya Sultan Abu Ishaq Shah Mansur Qara Muhammad Turmush ibn Bairam Khwaja Abu Nasr Qara Yusuf Nuyan ibn Muhammad Qara Iskander ibn Yusuf Muzaffar al-Din Jahan Shah ibn Yusuf Hasan ’Ali ibn Jahan Shah Kara Yülük Osman Hamza Nur al-Din ‘Ali ibn Qara Yülük M‘uizz al-Din Jihangir ibn ‘Ali ibn Qara Yülük Uzun Hasan ibn ‘Ali Khalil ibn Uzun Hasan Y‘aqub ibn Uzun Hasan Baisonqur ibn Y‘aqub Rustam ibn Maqsud Ahmad Gövde ibn Muhammad Murad ibn Ya‘qub Alwand ibn Yusuf Muhammad Mirza ibn Yusuf Muhammad Mirza ibn Yusuf Murad ibn Ya‘qub Timur Pir Muhammad Khalil Sultan Shahrukh Mirza Ulugh Beg Abd al-Latif ibn Muhammad Taraghay Ulughbek 'Abdullah Mirza Abu Sa'id ibn Muhammad Babur Ibn-Baysunkur Shah Mahmud Ibrahim Jahan Shah Sultan Ahmad Sultan Mahmud Masud Sultan Baysunghur Sultan Ali Mirza Sultan Mahmud Husayn Bayqarah Badi' al-Zaman Ismail I Tahmasp I Ismail II Mohammad I Abbas I Safi Abbas II Suleiman I Sultan Husayn Afghan Conquest Mahmud Hotaki Ashraf Hotaki Safavid restoration Tahmasp II Abbas III Nader Shah Adil Shah Ebrahim Afshar Shahrukh Afshar Karim Khan Mohammad Ali Khan Abol Fath Khan Zaki Khan Sadiq Khan Zand Ali Murad Khan Jafar Khan Sayed Murad Khan Lotf Ali Khan Mohammad Khan Qajar Fat′h-Ali Shah Qajar Mohammad Shah Qajar Naser al-Din Shah Qajar Mozaffar al-Din Shah Qajar Mohammad Ali Shah Qajar Ahmad Shah Qajar Reza Shah Mohammad Reza Shah
  8. Deathray

    Name A Million Dead People

    590-853 St. Peter (32-67) St. Linus (67-76) St. Anacletus (Cletus) (76-88) St. Clement I (88-97) St. Evaristus (97-105) St. Alexander I (105-115) St. Sixtus I (115-125) Also called Xystus I St. Telesphorus (125-136) St. Hyginus (136-140) St. Pius I (140-155) St. Anicetus (155-166) St. Soter (166-175) St. Eleutherius (175-189) St. Victor I (189-199) St. Zephyrinus (199-217) St. Callistus I (217-22) Callistus and the following three popes were opposed by St. Hippolytus, antipope (217-236) St. Urban I (222-30) St. Pontain (230-35) St. Anterus (235-36) St. Fabian (236-50) St. Cornelius (251-53) Opposed by Novatian,antipope (251) St. Lucius I (253-54) St. Stephen I (254-257) St. Sixtus II (257-258) St. Dionysius (260-268) St. Felix I (269-274) St. Eutychian (275-283) St. Caius (283-296) Also called Gaius St. Marcellinus (296-304) St. Marcellus I (308-309) St. Eusebius (309 or 310) St. Miltiades (311-14) St. Sylvester I (314-35) St. Marcus (336) St. Julius I (337-52) Liberius (352-66) Opposed by Felix II,antipope (355-365) St. Damasus I (366-83) Opposed by Ursicinus, antipope (366-367) St. Siricius (384-99) St. Anastasius I (399-401) St. Innocent I (401-17) St. Zosimus (417-18) St. Boniface I (418-22) Opposed by Eulalius,antipope (418-419) St. Celestine I (422-32) St. Sixtus III (432-40) St. Leo I (the Great) (440-61) St. Hilarius (461-68) St. Simplicius (468-83) St. Felix III (II) (483-92) St. Gelasius I (492-96) Anastasius II (496-98) St. Symmachus (498-514) Opposed by Laurentius, antipope (498-501) St. Hormisdas (514-23) St. John I (523-26) St. Felix IV (III) (526-30) Boniface II (530-32) Opposed by Dioscorus,antipope (530) John II (533-35) St. Agapetus I (535-36) Also called Agapitus I St. Silverius (536-37) Vigilius (537-55) Pelagius I (556-61) John III (561-74) Benedict I (575-79) Pelagius II (579-90) St. Gregory I (the Great) (590-604) Sabinian (604-606) Boniface III (607) St. Boniface IV (608-15) St. Deusdedit (Adeodatus I) (615-18) Boniface V (619-25) Honorius I (625-38) Severinus (640) John IV (640-42) Theodore I (642-49) St. Martin I (649-55) St. Eugene I (655-57) St. Vitalian (657-72) Adeodatus (II) (672-76) Donus (676-78) St. Agatho (678-81) St. Leo II (682-83) St. Benedict II (684-85) John V (685-86) Conon (686-87) St. Sergius I (687-701) Opposed by Theodore and Paschal, antipopes (687) John VI (701-05) John VII (705-07) Sisinnius (708) Constantine (708-15) St. Gregory II (715-31) St. Gregory III (731-41) St. Zachary (741-52) Stephen II followed Zachary, but because he died before beingconsecrated, modern lists omit him Stephen III (752-57) St. Paul I (757-67) Stephen IV (767-72) Opposed by Constantine II (767) and Philip (768), antipopes (767) Adrian I (772-95) St. Leo III (795-816) Stephen V (816-17) St. Paschal I (817-24) Eugene II (824-27) Valentine (827) Gregory IV (827-44) Sergius II (844-47) Opposed by John,antipope (855) St. Leo IV (847-55) Benedict III (855-58) Opposed byAnastasius, antipope (855) St. Nicholas I (the Great) (858-67) Adrian II (867-72) John VIII (872-82) Marinus I (882-84) St. Adrian III (884-85) Stephen VI (885-91) Formosus (891-96) Boniface VI (896) Stephen VII (896-97) Romanus (897) Theodore II (897) John IX (898-900) Benedict IV (900-03) Leo V (903) Opposed by Christopher, antipope(903-904) Sergius III (904-11) Anastasius III (911-13) Lando (913-14) John X (914-28) Leo VI (928) Stephen VIII (929-31) John XI (931-35) Leo VII (936-39) Stephen IX (939-42) Marinus II (942-46) Agapetus II (946-55) John XII (955-63) Leo VIII (963-64) Benedict V (964) John XIII (965-72) Benedict VI (973-74) Benedict VII (974-83) Benedict and John XIV were opposed by Boniface VII, antipope (974; 984-985) John XIV (983-84) John XV (985-96) Gregory V (996-99) Opposed by John XVI,antipope (997-998) Sylvester II (999-1003) John XVII (1003) John XVIII (1003-09) Sergius IV (1009-12) Benedict VIII (1012-24) Opposed byGregory, antipope (1012) John XIX (1024-32) Benedict IX (1032-45) He appears on this list three separate times, because he was twicedeposed and restored Sylvester III (1045) Considered by some to be an antipope Benedict IX (1045) Gregory VI (1045-46) Clement II (1046-47) Benedict IX (1047-48) Damasus II (1048) St. Leo IX (1049-54) Victor II (1055-57) Stephen X (1057-58) Nicholas II (1058-61) Opposed by Benedict X, antipope (1058) Alexander II (1061-73) Opposed byHonorius II, antipope (1061-1072) St. Gregory VII (1073-85) Gregory and the following three popes were opposed by Guibert ("Clement III"), antipope (1080-1100) Blessed Victor III (1086-87) Blessed Urban II (1088-99) Paschal II (1099-1118) Opposed by Theodoric (1100), Aleric (1102) and Maginulf ("Sylvester IV", 1105-1111), antipopes (1100) Gelasius II (1118-19) Opposed by Burdin ("Gregory VIII"), antipope (1118) Callistus II (1119-24) Honorius II (1124-30) Opposed by Celestine II, antipope (1124) Innocent II (1130-43) Opposed by Anacletus II (1130-1138) and Gregory Conti ("Victor IV")(1138), antipopes (1138) Celestine II (1143-44) Lucius II (1144-45) Blessed Eugene III (1145-53) Anastasius IV (1153-54) Adrian IV (1154-59) Alexander III (1159-81) Opposed byOctavius ("Victor IV") (1159-1164), Pascal III(1165-1168), Callistus III (1168-1177) and Innocent III (1178-1180), antipopes Lucius III (1181-85) Urban III (1185-87) Gregory VIII (1187) Clement III (1187-91) Celestine III (1191-98) Innocent III (1198-1216) Honorius III (1216-27) Gregory IX (1227-41) Celestine IV (1241) Innocent IV (1243-54) Alexander IV (1254-61) Urban IV (1261-64) Clement IV (1265-68) Blessed Gregory X (1271-76) Blessed Innocent V (1276) Adrian V (1276) John XXI (1276-77) Nicholas III (1277-80) Martin IV (1281-85) Honorius IV (1285-87) Nicholas IV (1288-92) St. Celestine V (1294) Boniface VIII (1294-1303) Blessed Benedict XI (1303-04) Clement V (1305-14) John XXII (1316-34) Opposed by Nicholas V,antipope (1328-1330) Benedict XII (1334-42) Clement VI (1342-52) Innocent VI (1352-62) Blessed Urban V (1362-70) Gregory XI (1370-78) Urban VI (1378-89) Opposed by Robert of Geneva ("Clement VII"), antipope (1378-1394) Boniface IX (1389-1404) Opposed by Robert of Geneva ("Clement VII") (1378-1394), Pedro de Luna ("Benedict XIII") (1394-1417) andBaldassare Cossa ("John XXIII") (1400-1415),antipopes Innocent VII (1404-06) Opposed by Pedro de Luna ("Benedict XIII") (1394-1417) andBaldassare Cossa ("John XXIII") (1400-1415),antipopes Gregory XII (1406-15) Opposed by Pedro de Luna ("Benedict XIII") (1394-1417), Baldassare Cossa ("John XXIII") (1400-1415), and Pietro Philarghi ("Alexander V") (1409-1410), antipopes Martin V (1417-31) Eugene IV (1431-47) Opposed by Amadeus of Savoy ("Felix V"), antipope (1439-1449) Nicholas V (1447-55) Callistus III (1455-58) Pius II (1458-64) Paul II (1464-71) Sixtus IV (1471-84) Innocent VIII (1484-92) Alexander VI (1492-1503) Pius III (1503) Julius II (1503-13) Leo X (1513-21) Adrian VI (1522-23) Clement VII (1523-34) Paul III (1534-49) Julius III (1550-55) Marcellus II (1555) Paul IV (1555-59) Pius IV (1559-65) St. Pius V (1566-72) Gregory XIII (1572-85) Sixtus V (1585-90) Urban VII (1590) Gregory XIV (1590-91) Innocent IX (1591) Clement VIII (1592-1605) Leo XI (1605) Paul V (1605-21) Gregory XV (1621-23) Urban VIII (1623-44) Innocent X (1644-55) Alexander VII (1655-67) Clement IX (1667-69) Clement X (1670-76) Blessed Innocent XI (1676-89) Alexander VIII (1689-91) Innocent XII (1691-1700) Clement XI (1700-21) Innocent XIII (1721-24) Benedict XIII (1724-30) Clement XII (1730-40) Benedict XIV (1740-58) Clement XIII (1758-69) Clement XIV (1769-74) Pius VI (1775-99) Pius VII (1800-23) Leo XII (1823-29) Pius VIII (1829-30) Gregory XVI (1831-46) Blessed Pius IX (1846-78) Leo XIII (1878-1903) St. Pius X (1903-14) Benedict XV (1914-22) Pius XI (1922-39) Pius XII (1939-58) Blessed John XXIII (1958-63) Paul VI (1963-78) John Paul I (1978) Blessed John Paul II (1978-2005)
  9. Deathray

    Name A Million Dead People

    Given our ridiculous high target, we should probably count such obscure folk as "minorly famous" and put them in.
  10. Deathray

    Name A Million Dead People

    287. Robert Peel (prime minister)
  11. Deathray

    Name A Million Dead People

    If you mean the actor who played the third Dr. Who & Worzel Gummidge, amongst other roles, see number 20. Oops, sorted.
  12. Deathray

    Name A Million Dead People

    280 - Lynn Redgrave Edited to avoid duplication.
  13. Deathray

    Kirk Douglas

    Do you have a credible source for that?
  14. Deathray

    Name A Million Dead People

    219 - Bill Hicks
  15. Deathray

    Name A Million Dead People

    211 - Doris Speed
  16. Deathray

    Name A Million Dead People

    206. C.S Lewis
  17. Deathray

    Name A Million Dead People

    202. Josy Barthel
  18. Deathray

    Name A Million Dead People

    Read my post immediately before yours. There is a facility to 'SEARCH THIS TOPIC' at the top of every page. Fairy Muff. 199 - James Avery
  19. Deathray

    Name A Million Dead People

    198. Walter Sisulu
  20. Deathray

    Name A Million Dead People

    I suppose I could create a notepad document and just ctrl + f it. 194 - Anna Wing
  21. Deathray

    Name A Million Dead People

    192 Kate O'Mara
  22. Deathray

    Name A Million Dead People

    160 - Roger Ebert
  23. Deathray

    Ask A Deathlister

    Because they do. That's all anyone really needs to know, although we are grateful to you for sharing this information so as to know not to get caught in a windowless room or elevator with you. It may interest you (or not) to know that my late and not always beloved Mumsy had a bit of trouble with that issuance thing as well, We never did find out why. Because if it were abbreviated as THI it would be confusing. Seems straightforward enough the way it is. In Heir-itance Tax My neighbor recently disappeared for a while and the police broke down his door to see if he was in there and hurt or alive or even dead. Would he have been suitable material for listing here on DL as he had appeared in several off-Broadway theater productions? (I mean of course, had he been dead. As it turned out he was alive and well and living on a cruise ship) Depends how big your neighbour is, I'm pretty sure for the DL he'd need to be guaranteed headline news or breaking news slots in British news outlets.
  24. Deathray

    Name A Million Dead People

    157 - George Harrison
  25. Deathray

    Name A Million Dead People

    127 Fred 128 Joe Davis 129 Paul Hunter

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