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Everything posted by Deathray

  1. Deathray

    Fort William Football Club

    I firmly believe Fort William FC will get promoted to the SPL and win the Scottish Cup by 2100.
  2. Deathray

    Deathlist 2014

    Can we please get a proper description for poor Sid Ceasar's death?
  3. Deathray


    Yeah, I read that. 3% fatality rate for NASA's space voyagers, hadn't realised it was that high and I'm assuming it includes the Challenger 7, who didn't even get a sniff of space flight on their mission. Bring out the Branston, eh? Angelina jolie , tom hanks and bob geldof are all taking part. Imagine if a big star like that dies in this manner it will be news for weeks !! I remember i was talking to someone on here about stopping normal programming for breaking the news of someone's death well if one of these crashes you can bet they will do that. If several famous celebs/ businessman /rich people etc die will your looking at 9/11 type coverage . Imagine if the thing burned up on re-entry? It'd be a DDPer early Christmas bonanza.
  4. Deathray


    A possibility for the future: http://www.theguardian.com/science/2014/feb/21/richard-branson-first-virgin-galactic-space-flight
  5. Deathray

    Derby Dead Pool 2014

    Just goes to show no-one at DL reads the sun...
  6. Deathray

    Ian Brady

    http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-26246608 Still wants to die? Wouldn't it be for the best just to let him now?
  7. Deathray

    The Dead Of 2014

    I was just responding to your joke, hate the internet sometimes. I'm guessing it's his uncle no-one talks about
  8. Deathray

    The Dead Of 2014

    If you don't realise people make mistakes I'll shove your dinosauric ass into Barack Obama's camp david fishing rod and make him pull it so hard your intestines fly into his dinner.
  9. Deathray

    The Dead Of 2014

    Did someone get out the wrong side of bed this morning? I fail to see the issue in reporting an important death? It was posted yesterday, by a guest, on this thread and on this page. Buried in a paragraph of fluff, no wonder I missed.
  10. Deathray

    The Dead Of 2014

    Did someone get out the wrong side of bed this morning? I fail to see the issue in reporting an important death?
  11. Deathray

    The Dead Of 2014

    ??? Christopher Malcolm passed away 3 days ago and it hasn't been reported on this forum.
  12. Deathray

    The Dead Of 2014

    http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-26240620 Christopher Malcolm Seems to be a lot of actors dying young recently.
  13. Deathray

    Charles Aznavour

    Aznavour is 89
  14. Deathray

    The Dead Of 2014

    http://www.thehindu....icle5699784.ece Carnatic musician R. K Srikantan passes away.
  15. Deathray

    Deathrace 2014

    Has there been a winnerless year yet?
  16. Deathray

    Room 101

    My nomination for room 101 is "bus people". Hear me out, I regularly ride the bus as it's my only way of getting about but I've come to realise how self-involved, ignorant and annoying bus people are. Drivers: Normally decent folk 99.9% of the time, so why do I constantly get the 0.01% that don't have a fucking clue. Today I was on the border between two zones in my local area when attempting to board a bus got told I'd have to pay to the next stop so decided I'd save myself a couple of quid and walk to the next stop. Only to be told by the driver I'd have to pay more to get to the next stop (i.e 2 stops after the stop I'd been thrown off)? Obviously I couldn't argue with the bus driver over it as I'd be the one who'd look like a tosser. Also I buy a week ticket and they put it in a little cover, fair enough, however it takes about a minutes to put the ticket in the cover. Why can't they just hand me ticket with the cover to do it myself (it's not exactly rocket science) rather than holding a bus queue and a bus up for longer? Teenagers/student: There discounted travel must cloud there fucking judgement. They take up far too much room and are often carrying pointless shit like musical instruments, satchels that apparently needs it's own cunting seats; why on earth can't you bastards squeeze those things in front of you, especially when buses start getting to standing room only. Bloody nora. They then get pissed off when you listen to their conversation, when you're talking at 90000 decibels what am I supposed to do pretend I can't hear you? I'm not even joining in, I'm just laughing at you and that's definitely at you not with you. Phone w***er: There should be a rule against taking phone calls while on a bus unless it is a genuine emergency. I do not need you screaming at whoevers on the other end of the phone. These people go in the same category as bus arguments with two physical people. I don't even want you to answer a phone happily that's still annoying. Bus Flirter: The morons who don't use bus rides as a way of getting from A to B but as a way of getting to D or V. It's genuinely creepy, and I'm sure a form of harassment but yet you still do it. Why do people attempt to chat totally random strangers up on the bus or at bus stops? Surely you realise the uncomfortable position you're putting that sod in and the way your ruining everybody elses journey, especially when the person has given you a total of 35 back off indicators (yes, I counted, bus journeys are boring). Headphone Twats:, Please don't wear headphones on buses, especially if you're stupid enough to drop your ticket. When the bus driver then attempts to give you the ticket back as he's a jobsworth who can't let people travel without valid tickets the entire bus is stood still for ten minutes while the driver tries to fucking locate you. Also in headphones twats go those of you who play music so loud that the people five seats away can hear it, I really don't want to listen to your latest pop shite through crackly headphones. Old People: I don't think I've ever heard anyone over the age of eighty have a meaningful conversation on a bus. I don't care about the telly you watch last night or your grandkids latest innocuous achievement. The thing that gets me the most though is the way you invade busses directly after the curfew on your pass limits has been placed and the way you get to the bus stop long before the curfew is lifted to queue up meaning those of us who arrived for the bus that we can actually get on time have to get past the waiting room for heaven on the way to our bus without bumping into you. Bus Snoggers: Do I even have to explain what's wrong with these people?
  17. Are any of the members of this forum obit-able, for the sake of argument by DDP standards? I'm not, unless my life changes dramatically but I'm curious as to whether others are?
  18. Deathray

    2nd Death Of 2014

    So the question now is will the law of buses kick in?
  19. Deathray

    The Dead Of 2014

    For the end of year researchers: Sid Ceasar is dead. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-26162316
  20. Deathray

    2nd Death Of 2014

  21. Deathray

    The Hare's Death Pool

    Firstly if any of your team have died in the last 2-3 weeks it's possible I've missed them so let me know with an obit... More importantly, Sid Ceaser has ceased to exist and thus Death Impends and Rotten Ali have both gained 42 points. The table now: Rotten Ali 52 points Death Impends 42 points Estuarian Float 21 points The Unknown Man 10 points US Funeral Director 10 points maryportfuncity 7 points Everyone Else 0 points
  22. Deathray

    1st Death of 2014

    Who'll go first?
  23. Deathray

    Derby Dead Pool 2014

    It could be worst I have entered 4 teams and have no hits in January. Very surprised to see billy graham and valerie Harper still alive , its looking like a very unpredictable year so far . I think we might see some big surprise deaths this year, well we get them every year but I think we might get more than usual this year. I though you could only enter 3 teams? "There is a maximum number of 3 teams per individual (can be any combination of normal and theme teams) although I know in some cases that certain emails will contain many teams as part of a "syndicate" of different teams."
  24. Deathray

    Derby Dead Pool 2014

    Barring miracles all three of my teams will see it through to February. FFS.
  25. Deathray

    William Thickey

    Bernie Ecclestone and Ellie Goulding?

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