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Posts posted by Deathray

  1. 4 minutes ago, ladyfiona said:

    This is Coronavirus related. In the last week or so there have been many good deeds seen around the country and the world of companies or people who are doing good things for others, but then there are those who capitalize on others or who just don't care.


    Top contenders:


    • Tim Martin - Owns Wetherspoons - Didn't get a handout from the government so sacked 40,000 employees without pay and told them to go work at Tesco
    •  Mike Ashley - Owns Sports Direct and thinks Boris Johnson telling people exercise is ok, means he can still have his shops open and have workers exposed to the virus. Oh and raised their prices by up to 50%.
    •  Sir Phillip Green - Owns Top Shop. An hour before government announced they would pay 80% of what staff members earnt while they were in quarantine, he sacked everyone to avoid paying anyone.


    Feel free to add your own.


    Your Tim Martin summary is inaccurate. He's still furloughing staff - but not paying them until he receives the subsidy. He said those who want to leave and work in supermarkets will get first preference on jobs when they re-open. 

    • Thanks 1

  2. 4 minutes ago, Lord Fellatio Nelson said:

    ……..and they didn't shout 'Police State! when those laws were enacted way back then.

    Only now, so it seems.

    Society really has changed, and no, we are not much smarter than they were.


    They didn' t shout police state because there was no plague laws in 1918 to force you to tell a copper why you've left the fucking house. 


    They trusted people to not want to die....


    How many people will commit suicide in the next 2-3 months. Can you honestly say it will be less than the lives saved by these restrictions? No, you can't. 

  3. Just now, Gooseberry Crumble said:

    I think if they are right that they can develop a test that tells us if someone has previously had the virus and now has medium to long term immunity to it then that will offer us a route back to normality. At least partially. 


    That could take months to years. Meanwhile our lives are on pause mode, but the bills still need paying and we're still getting older. 


    At some point a balance will need to be struck between the lives measures save and the lives these measures ruin. 

  4. 5 minutes ago, Lord Fellatio Nelson said:

    Nah, most of the powers they have been given are, pretty much, already law.

    Police have had a crowd disposal order right to enforce for a long time now.

    The stopping of people visiting others etc is the newbie but that won't impact future society to any degree, apart from national emergencies.


    You've never had to justify to a copper why your leaving your home before. 


    As I said it might be the right call, but political scientists, medical experts, historians and behaviourologists will be pouring over this for decades in order to decide that. We can't tell now. 


    And there's still no clear route out of this and back to relatively normal life. 

  5. 20 minutes ago, paddyfool said:


    I'm sorry to hear that. Is there any prospect of your old man going for one of the available extra jobs with supermarkets, delivery companies, or as agricultural labour? I know they aren't exactly enticing options, but better than nothing.


     (The much needed employment would be yet another reason to crack on with building extra hospital space, of course... not that staffing it properly looks at all feasible, but we need the beds). 


    Those extra jobs aren't really options for people in at risk categories tbf. Most of whom need the support more than anyone else; and a lot of whom will be self-employed due to the control it gives them over their own lives around medical issues. 

    • Sad 1

  6. 8 minutes ago, Ulitzer95 said:

    It’s not. They’re announcing curfews.


    Source? I mean there's a fair chance your right but whatever.


    Lets take punts on what more civil liberties will be curbed in the name of saving people like the 103 year old who wouldn't have died from anything else obviously?


    - Non Essential Work?

    - Walking the Dog?

    - Exercise?

    - Wanking?

  7. Just now, Lard Bazaar said:

    So for all the government’s bluster about helping the self employed by letting them claim 94 whole quid a week, this still only applies if you’d have been entitled to it before anyway.  My old man is self employed and upon finishing the job he’s on now, has no further work but because I apparently earn too much he can’t claim anything at all.  So my way-below-average single wage now has to cover absolutely everything, which it won’t.  I am still working and don’t think I will be let go, but if they have to stop paying us and my wage then drops to the 80% the government will pay, I’ve no idea how we will manage.


    I realise many many people are in the same, or worse, positions.  I’m just feeling very low and out of kilter today, a big old cloud of doom is lurking. I wonder what he’s got to say in his announcement this evening. 


    Yeah much of the governments recent stuff is sticking plasters. UC normal entitlements count. 


    I'm likely out of work for 12 weeks for medical reasons, not on leave - out of work. Thankfully I've a caring family around me but not everyone will be lucky..

    • Sad 1

  8. 28 minutes ago, CoffinLodger said:

    They won't let me have a test.I phoned 111 and they just told me to sit tight and see what happens.I got the impression they are so swamped with cases they can't offer much in the way of sympathy or advice!


    Your only supposed to ring 111 if you need hospital treatment at this point, there basically a 2nd 999 in this sort of situation


    Don't phone them to tell you you've got the fucking thing. Half the country has and your taking the line up for someone who needs an ambo. 

    • Like 1

  9. 3 hours ago, the_engineer said:


    I remember that. Was in my friends dad's car he was driving a group of us to play football. The radio stopped the football commentary and started playing the national anthem ,then they announced she died. Only experienced two significant royal deaths in my lifetime Diana , Queen mother.


    Experienced none myself (Queen mother died while I was alive but don't really remember much) - wish Phil the Greek would fucking hurry up. 

  10. 1 hour ago, paddyfool said:

    Yep, my general reckoning that that prediction was calculating from an excess mortality this year of about 75k, both from direct Covid19 deaths and indirect disruption to standard healthcare deaths, giving a midrange prediction of about 690k deaths for the year. 


    It may well be that I'm wildly out in one direction or the other, however.


    The issue is we don't know if Covid just finishes off many people who were going to die anyway or hits gen pop more. It's prevalence in hospitals with lots of people who are dying anyway suggests the death numbers may not be all that more than normal. 

    • Like 1

  11. 5 minutes ago, paddyfool said:

    Casual prediction: This year, the UK will see more deaths than in any year on record for the last hundred years (I'm not sure if we'll exceed the whopping 715,000 deaths seen in 1918 courtesy of WWI and the Spanish Flu, but I reckon 2020 will likely beat every year since then; for reference, the last year on record, 2018, saw 616,000 deaths). 


    For context - the grimmest league table in history (stats start from 1887)


    1918 - 715,246

    1891 - 696,490

    1900 - 695,867

    1899 - 685,510

    1976 - 680,799

    1895 - 676,110

    1979 - 675,576

    1972 - 673,938

    1893 - 673,722

    1940 - 673,253


    Also in 2018 there was 1687 deaths a day.

    And in 2017 there was 1663 deaths a day


    Puts the Covid-19 numbers in context. 

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1

  12. 26 minutes ago, ladyfiona said:

    I book appointments for NHS in Cardiology. The state of things keep changing daily with different advice. Might need to contact my manager in the morning asking "so can I postpone non urgent tests until late May or early June?"


    I literally get no advice from my manager, he's useless.


    Seems about as clear as the public advise....



    45 minutes ago, Lord Fellatio Nelson said:

    Oh, come on now!

    So long as you don't run out of socks you will still be able to, ya know....:lol:


    I'm already running out ;) 


    • Haha 1

  13. 1 hour ago, the_engineer said:


    I think after 12 weeks inside the dog will be walking you.


    I know I'm going to struggle , I'm someone who likes to go somewhere new at least once a week . Just all have to get on with it, I have about 6 or 7 games backed up and Resident evil 3 around the corner (providing it's delivered) 30 books and over 50 movies in a backlog. If this never happened probably wouldn't of got around to playing, watching and reading them all anyway. 


    Thankfully live with someone else so they can do if it comes to it. Just my last pleasure gone if so.


    The lack of clarity in the shielding guidance is more the nuisance. If you have this condition but only if this applies but we can't say  what this actually is. Just tell me if I can go outside ffs. 

  14. 3 minutes ago, grobler said:

    Not sure all healthy fairly fit non smoking people who are catching this need ventilators though ?

    For them its just a bad case of man-flu.....

    We need to protect the ones who REALLY need help to breath .


    Not all but many are, your just more likely to survive a ventilator the younger you are, which is why the death toll is higher among elderly.


    Young people are still catching this, and quite a few are going on ventilators (obvs more common in those with 'underlying health issues' which while I'm on a rant, does not mean 'gonna die anyway'. I intend to live another 40-60 years thank you very much, so please don't demean my memoriam should I catch this stupid virus with the catch all 'thank god he had'  'underlying health issues...)

  15. 7 minutes ago, Grim Up North said:

    My concern too.


    It feels like the obvious solution is to lock up the vulnerable for 6 weeks and take food to their doors etc (military).


    Then actively infect the remaining population in week 1 - we all get it and survive and then in 6 weeks we release the vulnerable and  hey presto everything is okay again.


    None of us go to hospital we just suffer at home during the illness.


     Sounds harsh but it would massively reduce the ultimate death count and the length of the shut down and would give certainty that no one has at the moment. 


    The problem is healthy people still need ventilators for this so that doesn't work (it was the govs original plan).


    By we - I meant vulnerable - as I mentioned upthread I'm essentially mentally prepped for that letter asking me to stay at home for 12 weeks to come through. If not I still have to largely isolate from society for anywhere between 12 weeks and 12 months.


    You shield for 12 weeks - possibly 12 months if govs numbers are wrong - but then what, as @grobler says it might mean there's a ventilator for me the other side of it - and crucially more for others in the mean time - should the worst happen - but the mental toll of shielding for those 1.5m in that group might do more damage than the physical toll of getting infected with this viral infection. 

  16. 2 minutes ago, Bibliogryphon said:

    Even if Boris Johnson was acting on the best available advice at the time he would have to fight against a sizeable portion of society who believe that this Government would love to let the old and sick die. 


    The one unanswered question is what happens to us when were all let back into the world?


    We've built no immunity up. So surely we just get this shit then anyway?

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