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Posts posted by Deathray

  1. 8 minutes ago, The Quim Reaper said:

    It’s definitely fair to say he isn’t blame-free. He’s seen what’s happened to countries that got it before us. Scientists or not, he should’ve taken the precautions; this outbreak has happened to other countries a fair amount of time before it really got going here.


    Though maybe we should only shout at Johnson for once again paying too much attention to the views of the real PM, Dominic Cummings, before getting a dose of reality from, well, reality.


    Just a natural extension for pro-Eugenics cummings...


    Why wait for us weaklings to have babies....



  2. 24 minutes ago, the_engineer said:


    London could be the UK's Lombardy. Italy outside of Lombardy is relatively free of it .


    I'd implore anyone on deathlist in the UK(anywhere for that matter) to not go out until you've used up all the food you have. Don't go out to just buy bread and milk every few days.Buy flour to make your own bread it's fun to learn something new anyway and try the long life milk, yes not ideal but sacrifices have to be made. 


    A) you stop panic buying  

    B  ) you'll help do your bit to stop the spread of the disease.





    It's alright, some of us are about to be told we can't leave the house for 12 fucking weeks, even to walk the dog..... 

  3. 1 hour ago, Youth in Asia said:

    I really think anyone in the UK leaving their house during the next 2 weeks should be arrested and imprisoned unless they have a written justification. Having a half-arsed lockdown is pointless, because it won't work and a stricter one will be needed later. There is an argument to be made for letting the thing run free and generate 300K extra deaths so that people can still work, but that argument has been lost and can't work if no other country is doing it. So the only choice left is a proper lockdown.




    Indications of a proper lockdown being imminent for London from Sadiq Khan on the news earlier.


    Telling even non-critical workers to stay at home - regardless of whether they can work from home or not. 

  4. 16 minutes ago, QuebecCityOliver said:

    Well, last time I checked, this is called the deathlist.net. Yep. Still on the right website. We are a bunch of sick puppies, here, my mate. Look at your bloody name, for starters.


    Back to the question. The Boxing Day 2004 tsunami killed several hundred in Africa (mostly Somalia) - why? Because they were not told to move away from cosal areas even though there were hours (more than 5) to warn people. Is your argument, that we should not have warned Africa? Even in S.E. Asia people were saved because of the knowledge, when water goes out run uphill. That saved lives. Without question. Should we not try to do the same with COVID-19?


    "On Maikhao Beach in north Phuket City, Thailand, a 10-year-old British tourist named Tilly Smith had studied tsunamis in geography at school and recognised the warning signs of the receding ocean and frothing bubbles. She and her parents warned others on the beach, which was evacuated safely.[55] John Chroston, a biology teacher from Scotland, also recognised the signs at Kamala Bay north of Phuket, taking a busload of vacationers and locals to safety on higher ground."


    Best Case Scenerio - 50,000 to 100,000 - Worst case - 1 to 10 million.


    I don't remember writing You're Going Down.....



  5. 43 minutes ago, Lord Fellatio Nelson said:

    I am not denying the potential for this virus to kill more than 100,000 people globally.

    I am also not denying that it could end up being way more than 100,000 too.

    I am just saying that we are, almost, licking our lips every time the body count goes up.

    It still hasn't killed more than 1% of any individual nations citizens, as yet.

    It may not end up doing it either.

    We are speculating, which is dangerous really.

    I am certainly more concerned about it than I was, the doctors are now saying that it is more a form of pneumonia than flu.

    I am 'social distancing' from people and not putting my hands near my face, it never bothered me before but now? Yes.

    We need to dampen the hysteria and the Government needs to have a national two week lock down pronto.

    It would help!


    I agree with you on the last part. So many people in non-essential business being told they can't work from home when all their clients have been shut down. 


    Let key workers work and send everyone else home. We can worry about money (an imaginary concept when you're talking about government borrowing) later. 


    Supposedly takes 3 weeks for things to seep through, so we should see the effects of the latest announcements by the 10 April. 

  6. 6 minutes ago, Lord Fellatio Nelson said:

    They were Toastie, I was just referring to the loss of life from two individual natural disasters, from different parts of the world, that are still considerably more than the current global figure.

    Er, if you see what I mean.:wacko:


    I get your point. I do.


    But there's reasons that figure for corona isn't much much more. I want this all to be over, we all want this to be over, but tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of preventable death is not the answer.

    • Like 1

  7. 54 minutes ago, Lord Fellatio Nelson said:

    Yes it could but hat would be a global tally.

    The quake and the Tsunami killed those numbers from individual nations.


    Yes but that death toll is with all the steps countries and societies are taking to mitigate.


    You can only begin to imagine the number if we weren't taking those steps.

  8. 26 minutes ago, Lord Fellatio Nelson said:

    In the 2010 Haiti Earthquake, over 160,000 people died. That is a conservative estimate.

    So far, depending on source, the global total of corona virus dead is under 12,000.

    That is a REALITY!

    Yes, we are worried, we have to be, nobody ( I assume) has been through this kind of shit before.

    It looks bad because it is bad BUT it is killing a very very, tiny percentage of the worlds population.


    The point is without the social distancing and self isolation measures it would be killing a lot more.


    And this could kill well over 100,000 by the time it's done. 

    • Like 1

  9. 14 minutes ago, paddyfool said:


    Often, if you stick a frail person (eg the majority of octagenarians) on ventilation, you're doing so with the knowledge that you're never going to wean them off. And if you do wean them off, they'll be significantly more frail when they leave than they were on coming in (eg transitioning from being fully mobile to bedbound due to deconditioning).   There are reasons why ICU is not open to everyone, beyond simple rationing; it's simply not a pathway to good health once you're already frail.


    As much as that is true people in their 60s are not generally frail. 

  10. 1 hour ago, DeathClock said:

    A person who lives down the street from me died yesterday due to the coronavirus. I don’t know anything about him, but he was only in his 30’s. There goes the “only old people will die” narrative. 


    1 hour ago, Lord Fellatio Nelson said:

    That hasn't been the narrative here.

    They have always pointed out that people with underlying health conditions were equally likely to die.

    AFAIK, all the people who have died here so far have had extreme age, low immunity or previous serious health issues.

    It would be unlikely that a fit and healthy adult would die here without the press getting hold of it and creating pandemonium.


    I think some people seem to be conflating underlying health issues with terminal/serious health issues. Many of deaths are people who would otherwise live for decades without Covid-19. 

  11. 29 minutes ago, Toast said:


    A venue I occasionally go to posted this on Facebook yesterday.  It didn't go down well.

     This obviously means they aren't prepared to postpone and refund people.




    This is a small venue, capacity about 600, with a low ceiling.  Pretty cramped if it's a popular gig.  We had been planning to go to a gig there tonight - just a Doors tribute band, nothing unmissable - but had obviously thought better of it.


    The concerning thing is that among the now 80+ critical comments are two or three who clearly do not get it.  They think people are entitled to risk their own health and the govt hasn't actually shut these places down, so why is everyone else calling it irresponsible, shameful, etc.

     These are the people that will cause trouble.  Empty-headed, thick, selfish kids who are determined to do whatever they like regardless of circumstances.

    Mercifully they seem to be in the minority.


    Yup. I also saw one comment someone early along the lines of 'well all the vulnerable are self isolating/social distancing and if I give one of them that decides to go to a pub it that's there fault.'


    Humanity. These are probably the same morons who are robbing food banks....



  12. 13 minutes ago, Torva Messor said:

    The US climbed higher into the top ten - "USA! USA! US*coughcoughcoughwheezetopple"

    Australia and Canada are alternating positions day by day.


    What stats pages and dashboards are people following? I'm using coronavirus.jhu.edu and occasionally worldometers.info/coronavirus, less of the latter since some jokester entered 598,645 COVID-19 deaths in Vatican City


    Been fixed.

  13. 15 minutes ago, paddyfool said:


    Apparently there are two strains of this thing going around, and one is nastier than the other. Maybe only some of these countries got the more deadly strain?


    I thought it's that it was the same strain but it was more deadly if you had underlying health issues or were elderly. 

    • Like 1

  14. 3 minutes ago, BuffaloPhil said:

    Just been told by a friend who has a friend (yes, I know!) who works in Buckingham Palace that he has died.


    How true it is I have no idea, but thought I'd pass along.


    Everybody has an insider these days.


    I'll wait for an official announcement. Given Phil has always wanted a no fuss funeral arrangement he couldn't have picked a better time to cark it if he has. 

  15. 1 minute ago, The Quim Reaper said:

    There’ll probably have to be some kind of permit-based access to the outside world for those who can leave the house, and maybe even some controls on who can get shopping in at any given point.



    UK figures update: 104 dead (up 33), 2,626 cases (up 676). Now the upward curve is getting steeper still, the lockdown will come as less of a surprise.


    Something like the French or Spanish system. To be honest I'm in favour of government food parcels over leaving it to society to figure out, as tragic as the deaths from the virus itself are I'd be more terrified of deaths due to malnutrition and societal breakdown. 



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