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Posts posted by Deathray

  1. Oh dammit that means I'm up......


    A typically violent tool related song from this eponymous modern punk band with 3 UK Top 40 albums (although all in the 2010s which may be out of many on here's remit)  who's lead singer broke from a moderately successful noughties hardcore punk band (a top 40 album and a top 40 collab single with Lethal Bizzle of all people) 

  2. 25 minutes ago, The Quim Reaper said:

    Doesn’t make me the official spokesperson, says the one who, upon every visit, takes it upon himself to audit people’s ‘post quality’ and ‘intelligence’ in his opinion which obviously outweighs everyone else’s? 

    More name-calling, too. You can’t stop. It’s so sad.


    Trust me far more people on here pity you than pity LFN....

  3. 4 minutes ago, ThePrematureBurial said:

    Stupid question, I know, but please, can someone tell me how to embed a tweet or a posting from Instagram? 

     There's an "embed tweet" option on Twitter, and they write that we should simply copy the code and insert it into (deathlist's) html section. I tried this unsuccessfully, and I also tried inserting the code into deathlist's "link" function. Didn't work either. :blush:


    cop the url from the top bar and paste it should auto-embed (this is just what i happened to be looking at...)



    • Thanks 1

  4. 49 minutes ago, msc said:


    4.      Daft Punk – Get Lucky




    Christ on a bike, I haven't listened to Some Nights in full for years......  know what i'm doing this afternoon.


    Edit: 5 songs in, there's a reason I haven't listened to the full album in years - jesus christ!!!

  5. 1 minute ago, msc said:

    Oh fucking hell. I've only heard of her because of camp friends! So when I saw her on the number ones Wiki list, stab in the dark.


    Giving it a listen on YouTube, can honestly say I've never heard the song before.


    I'm more interested in the evidence she's become highly regarded by critics :lol: Me and @Clorox Bleachman must read very different music magazines/websites to be quite frank. Anyway your turn to come up with a decent one by the looks of it :) 

  6. 25 minutes ago, Toast said:


    I like that you misspelled Grauniad :lol:


    It was deliberate ^_^


    What confuses me is there doesn't seem to be ones for the Daily Express, Daily Star or the Mirror......

  7. 12 minutes ago, redrumours said:

    Your'e telling us you've never read,The Daily Torygrath or The Scum.


    Yes, I have but Daily Fail was always the one I'd seen for The Mail.


    Daily Fail


    The Torygraph

    British Biased Corporation

    The Scum

    The Morning Tsar


    • Like 1

  8. 1 hour ago, CaptainChorizo said:

    By the same token I am sure there are millions of people with no interest or knowledge of tennis,but if Roger Federer or Rafa Nadal died in a plane crash next week it would still register as a significantly bigger impact death  to the public then Peart .


    Yup. I'm a massive Rush fan but there's no way in hell Peart is a more significant death than Bryant objectively.....

  9. 22 minutes ago, The Quim Reaper said:


    Mental illness exists in three ways, unfortunately: the sense of genuine instability/frailty that can't be helped, but also as a label that both cunts/attention seekers give themselves, and cunts/virtue signallers give to other people because they're too "decent" to immediately assume a cunt is a cunt.


    Let's be clear, Sugar is a cunt that sometimes appears mentally ill, rather than a mentally ill person that sometimes appears to be a cunt.




    • Facepalm 1

  10. 1 minute ago, Vaagheid said:

    For the people calling this the biggest death since Michael Jackson. Let's not excagurate.


    From my non-American perspective it is not even the biggest death of 2020 (so far).


    Biggest shock death since MJ,.



    Learn to fucking read you stupid fucking cunt.....

  11. 5 minutes ago, The Quim Reaper said:


    Appears so. Dreadfully insecure, certainly. He's got the same stock response of his critics "making him sick" whenever he curls out yet another reprehensible turd of a tweet.


    Well mentally ill is just a nice byword or 'irritating cunt' these days isn't it?? 


    Like a get out of jail free card for irredeemable twats, the mentally ill acceptance movement needs stamping on to be fucking host. Like the body positive movement and the trans rights movement.... fuck em all..... you're a cunt - end of. Why should the rest of us have to bend to your irritating cuntness just because you convinced a brainwashed doctor to diagnose you with mental spasticity??


    People who are genuinely mentally ill are locked up institutions....

    • Like 1

  12. Just now, Cant Wait said:

    Ha! Just the type of reply I was looking for! You really are a sad lonely man.:D


    I'm definitely not sad or lonely. As i said I'm just expressing my opinion that you are a fucking cunt. A fucking cunt who hasn't posted anything of note in the 86 diatribes you've managed in over 6 months on the bloody forum. I mean what's the fucking point? It's clear you certainly can wait to post.....


    1 minute ago, Banana said:

    Leave it to Deathray to speak out of his ass again


    I'm the only one in this thread talking sense you stupid fucking cunt.

    • Haha 1

  13. Just now, The Red Death said:

    Wow, this made me amazing and a bit sad. Legends don't rest in peace, they continue to live on through legacies. Long live the legend!


    Nobody rests in peace you stupid fucking cunt they either they get burned up - which I hardly imagine to a peacefully experience or eaten by maggots - which I hardly imagine to be peaceful.


    Legends are not exempt from such a fete, you stupid fucking cunt....

  14. 1 minute ago, Cant Wait said:

    You sad lonely man... Are you mad?


    Sad and lonely? Far from it......


    I just think you're a fucking stupid cunt, a sentiment I have the freedom to express!!!!


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