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Posts posted by Deathray

  1. 5 minutes ago, YoungWillz said:

    Apt though.


    Too soon? It was either that or this:


    What sounds were heard just as the helicopter crashed?


    Kobe (into the windshield): SLAM!


    Daughter (into the rear of Kobe's seat): dunk!


    Fucking hell, you're a nasty piece of fucking work aren't you. Let the fucking dust settle, the world is in mourning.


    I'll remember to be as crass and insensitive as possible next time a cherished Doctor Who actor carks it.... wankstain

    • Thanks 1

  2. 4 minutes ago, The Quim Reaper said:


    Just seen Sugar's Twitter feed. What a prick. It's full of him telling everyone who points out how insensitive he comes across "f... off you and your type make me sick"


    I genuinely think Sugar is mentally ill tbh.

  3. 19 minutes ago, msc said:

    Fucks sake, go away to watch one episode of Dr Who and come back to a dead 13 year old, the demonic spirit of Zorders trying to possess folk*, and the DL kitchen on fire.




    You've lost me....

  4. 1 minute ago, YoungWillz said:

    But he'll never throw Shada…..:lol:


    Quite what I wank over seems to be of surprising interest to our Deathray. If it matters, gingers are more type, maybe I should check my old dead dad's house for cuttings of Turlough? And who would need cuttings anyway? It's a digital age..... :lol:




    If your talking about the abomination of an animated reconstruction it got thrown through an open window along with Series 11 of the new series and Class if memory serves....

    • Haha 1

  5. 2 minutes ago, YoungWillz said:

     (A) I'm younger than Matthew Waterhouse by some years.


    (B) I had noticed. And I've never found it anything but amusing. :lol:


    (A) I'm not sure what that has or doesn't have to do with wanking over newspaper cuttings of him, or presumably ones from your DWM back catalogue....


    (B) Touche...

  6. 2 minutes ago, YoungWillz said:

    Get your lips off LFN's plunger, you are catching his troll attitude....


    I'm 'catching his troll' attitude am I?


    Fucking hell your late to the party.....


    It may have escaped your notice while you wanking over black and white episodes of Doctor Who and newspaper cuttings of a young Matthew Waterhouse, but I've been trolling the forum for just over 6 years and 3 months now.......

    • Haha 1

  7. 7 minutes ago, Spade_Cooley said:

    The important take is here:




    I just had to delete my response to that on twitter for fear of being banned, but to suffice to say Lord Sugar is a cunt.

  8. 3 minutes ago, the_engineer said:

    Absolutely insane . Biggest shock death since Michael Jackson ?  Reports he was with another player , wonder if he is well known? Feel so sad his daughter died aswell they both had many more decades and alot more to give so sad.


    Feels like biggest shock death since Jackson but I'm sure some would argue for Bowie or Prince....



    • Like 1

  9. 2 minutes ago, Lord Fellatio Nelson said:

    YW is back pedalling now.....:lol:


    Don't worry he's just in a mood because they made the Doctor a black woman........


    He'll be alright when his new Season 17 box set arrives and he's got a white male Doctor to watch......


    • Haha 3

  10. 2 minutes ago, YoungWillz said:

    Missing my point, you scamp.


     British coverage of British deaths actually died a long time ago. Takes a while for it to filter through it seems, sometimes ages. It's a long term sore with me that's all. Any opportunity to scratch the scab on the knee of the Forum....:lol:


    I'm not missing your point. The point your make is a load of fucking nonsense.


    British deaths/worldwide deaths of relatively unnotable people take a while to filter through because it's not noteable.

    British deaths/worldwide deaths of people who are actually notable come through almost instantly.


    That's not rocket science....

  11. Just now, YoungWillz said:

    I'm talking mainly about the UK press and media.


    Archibald..British (more accurately Scottish so he matters even less, if only he'd come from London), Olympic player for Team GB, died even younger than Bryant. Think it took at least a couple of days before any UK national media took any notice. Maybe it's easier for one to do the work and others to copy and paste.


    Or maybe one of the all time best NBA players is far more notable than a relatively mediocre (not an insult, a fact) NBA player.


    A bit

  12. Also it's not suprising basketball isn't very big in the UK as matches generally start at midnight or 2.30am in the morning, sometimes even 3 or 4am.


    That doesn't mean he isn't a global superstar. This is is the equivalent of a recently retired Premier League player dying in football......


    So could all you going who he is he kindly fuck off.....

  13. 2 minutes ago, YoungWillz said:

    Watching the gowf, now apparently Tiger Woods has been informed out on the course of the Farmers Insurance at Torrey Pines.


    I understand this is because they were friends. Again, 6 fucking pages of Google search news in the last hour and every story is about this guy, whoever he was. Where were these reporters when Robert Archibald died? Oh I know, took their own sweet time because British Internationals especially in niche sports don't matter. But apparently if they are American, we are all supposed to bewail this awful loss.



    He was one of the best basketball players of all time, an olympic basketballer and has died young.


    The news went into overdrive because a lower league footballer died last night, you can surely see why an internationally famous (Basketball is big in mainland. particularly eastern Europe) Basketballer has died completely unexpectedly at just 41.

    • Like 2

  14. 1 minute ago, YoungWillz said:

    Last week:


    Probably the best acted for ages, nice historical if sometimes inaccurate Tesla details. Again with the "1970s Streets Of San Francisco" epilogue, though. Yeah, he still dies and nothing changes. Not sure how it advances the story arc, maybe it's not supposed to.


    This week: Now they are fucking with us. Let's have another Jackson Lake type story only this one is going to be about parallel dimensions so the Master and that Doctor don't belong...but will they become canon? Perhaps overall yet another meaningless sideshow in a "personal journey" arc? Chameleon Arch telegraphed a mile out, saw it coming as soon as old Marcia was executed on the streets of Gloucester. Or is this all Lenny Henry's doing? There's your black female Doctor you always wanted, now fuck off.


    I think we have almost the exact opposite opinions....


    Last week: shit faux historical, bumbling character assassination of historical assassin and companions....




    I don't think Ruth is pre-Hartnell though, reckon she's a future Doctor but doesn't recognise the Doctor because at some point Gallifrey gets restored and 13 is captured and mind-wiped to do the bidding of the evil Master timelords.....

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1

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