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Posts posted by Deathray

  1. 10 minutes ago, Deathtreat23 said:

    Happy Easter to the 3 users that went for Sir Sterling Moss as social Media rumors are coming in that he's just become the 8th hit of 2020!




    Kindly fuck off. You could just report rumours of his death without the congratulatory bollocks.


    A true fucking legend, hope he ain't dead. 

  2. 4 minutes ago, Lard Bazaar said:

    Coming from the king of tedious insults. 

    Read the shit you like, ignore the shit you don’t. 


    It's easier to ignore the shit you don't like when it's once every couple of pages.


    When it's once every few posts because all the posters who are mentally ill, drug addicts, sex addicts and criminals have been forced back into quarantine so they're moral compass and bored out of skull filter directs them here because of they've got fuck all better to do, it gets nye on impossible to ignore the monotonous and tedious shit. This place was finally turning a corner and becoming less of a cesspit, now you, Windsor, LFN and a bunch of other cockwombles who this place was better without have suddenly resurfaced..... fuck off and play candy crush or tiddly winks with your dog.


    Go anywhere but here so we can go back to deadpooling. 

    • Haha 1

  3. 7 minutes ago, Lard Bazaar said:

    I wouldn’t give yourself too much credit for ‘routing’ people out,  people just stopped posting because the forum became a meeting place for completely tedious cunts. 


    Shame quarantine has bought all the boring wankers who think they're clever out of hiding.


    I wasn't giving myself the credit - I was given the forum the credit.


    I'd rather read an interesting debate about the obit-ability of someone or how they're health condition might affect them than a barrage of nonsense and tedious insults like the forum used to be. 

  4. 28 minutes ago, Windsor said:

     It’s an Internet forum. That’s what it’s here for. It’s pretty sad that you think you’re a valued member who has contributed. You poor wee boy.


    I thought you were just something for the mods to play with but going by what you wrote they probably pity you so perhaps I was a bit harsh to them before. You’re just their good deed for the day. :lol:


    Your being a facetious tosspot.


    It's an internet forum for the dead-pooling community where people derive enjoyment from participating in dead pools etc. People actually have to put effort into running those things for others to derive enjoyment, and those people should be seen as valuable contributors to the forum. I get you've been away a decade or so, and the place has changed a lot - we don't need the old wankers who saw this place as somewhere to post shit back; we need members who take the hobby and community associated with it seriously. Fuck off please. We've spent years routing your type out.

  5. 3 hours ago, Windsor said:

    Na I think I’ll stay put until they get rid of you. 

    I know that the mods like to keep little projects they like to look down on so for the time being we shall presume you are one of them.


    Says a lot about the existing mods if they have to play with someone like you to help them through their own insecurities.


    I'm now t a mod project. I am a long term active contributor to the forum whose ran several deadpools and is willing to hell other members when it's needed. 


    What have you done for this place aside from post bollocks every few months? 

  6. 47 minutes ago, Windsor said:

    Anyone else getting fed up of all these frontline heroes who think they deserve a medal for stacking shelves? 

    Or people with a chip on their shoulder because they’re a carer?


    It was their career choice... 


    Re docs and nurses, police etc you have a fucking point. 



    The rest of these front line jobs are overwhelming jobs you take as a stop gap when your life has gone to pot and it's all you got. Overwhelming min wage positions. 

  7. 2 hours ago, gcreptile said:

    Stop trying to get my attention, you will not get me to send you a dickpic again!


    I passed on the last one you sent to a health worker friend for a medical opinion, he surmised it could only belong to an alien or a eunoch with genital disfiguration.

    • Like 1

  8. 1 hour ago, Banana said:

    Didnt you just give up the reigns to Hares because you were incapable you of running it?


    Yes, I.e stepping aside when it became clear it would be better if someone else ran it. It's called pragmatic common sense and putting your ego trip away to consider the situation. A few round here could learn from that.

  9. 44 minutes ago, gcreptile said:

    Is this still going on? I updated the name a couple of hours ago.



    And I last posted in this thread a few hours ago.


    You lot are about as good at reading this thread as you are running the DDP which is bloody shoody. Bring Back OoO.... 


    Please dissappear along with msc...

  10. 1 minute ago, Joey Russ said:

    Have it ever occurred to you that people can’t go run a dead pool 24/7? Also, I think msc is a great member on the forum and I certainly hope he doesn’t disappear anytime soon.


    Yes it had occurred to me that people can't run a deadpool 24/7. That's why there's 3 fucking hosts for the DDP.


    If they still need help with 3 hosts you have to wonder how they tie their shoelaces, don't worry I wonder the same about you.

  11. 45 minutes ago, msc said:

    I am grateful for the help, with 40000 names people do fall down the back of the sofa.




    Grateful for being able to skimp on the googling more like. If Willz is so bloody competent and your not why don't you do the right think like @themaninblack and disappear. 

  12. 32 minutes ago, The Quim Reaper said:

    BBC going with 917 for now. Could change like it did yesterday. They’ve also finally started noting that this is only hospital deaths.


    I’ll go 838 for Sunday. Under-report innit.


    The only figures that matter are the ONS figures. But even the in the midst of a global pandemic pseudo-apocalypse people on here are too fucking lazy to wait a few weeks for them. 

    • Like 1

  13. 29 minutes ago, Lord Fellatio Nelson said:

     Government debt? Fucking hell.....

    Lets leave it there Deathers and agree to disagree.

    I'm going fucking stir crazy, no good for shit, all this.


    If you want, although we want to debate the finer points of post-recession economics to understand why I term 'government debt' and 'personal debt' differently my inbox is always open.


    Having an economy you can boost to repay debt makes a massive difference to how you can treat that debt, austerity is based on the lie (by self-serving politicians) or misbelief that you need to cut spending to remove government debt when you don't you can increase revenue, increasing revenue is the much less deadly solution. 


    As you said though I don't think we'll ever agree on economics.... we've had similar discussions in the past.

  14. 14 minutes ago, Lord Fellatio Nelson said:

    That big pot of money you are on about is actually a monumental debt we are all now saddled with.

    It wasn't found under a sofa.

     You are not inhumane, a sock wanker maybe, but not inhumane.:D


    It's government debt. The reality is the easiest way to remove government debt is to borrow and invest money into infrastructure and get more money flowing round the economy to increase tax returns....


    Not to cut money in order to reduce a deficit and abandon most infrastructural spending. The government's debt is not household debt, you don't pay it off like it was. There's no reason we couldn't have spent this money in 2010 and recovered the economy by now leaving us in a better position to deal with this. Any politician who engaged in the lie of austerity deserves to have their ventilators cut off during Covid and that includes Boris. 


    I have no time to be civil about austerity when I've known people whose lives were ruined and lost by it.. tbf. 

    • Like 1

  15. 8 minutes ago, Lord Fellatio Nelson said:

    So explain away how a hospital suddenly had 127 spare beds and a virtually empty A&E when this all began to kick off?

    How comes people are coping with not trundling down to the local GP every other fucking week with sore throats?

    This has highlighted the utter fucking abuse of the NHS by people just as much as it has highlighted the lack of, supposedly, funding for our NHS.

     I don't have a problem with people trying to rip new arse holes out of Boris, or any Politician if they have been nailed to the wall for something that they have done that they shouldn't, but this is all plain fucking stupid.

     He is being shot at for a lack of testing, shot at for not stopping flights coming in, shot at for not locking down sooner ( yeah, those that are whinging like fuck now would have been delighted about that ) and he is being shot down for being a fanny rat, which is a fair point.

    Look around you, the Germans are testing at a huge rate but the Swedes are not even locking down. So what IS the right response?????

    He was ill, he looked terrible, more so than normal, and it is utterly fucking obvious that he was not taking part in some sort of publicity stunt FFS.

    Look, it is what it is. We will all discover, once this is over, just how abused the NHS has been by the public and we will learn where resources are MOST needed and where it is not needed as much.

     Until then, we shut the fuck up, we stop trying to score needless points and we ride this shit out.

    The inquest will begin afterwards and I think we are all going to have to accept uncomfortable truths.

    We are lucky this shit isn't killing everybody who gets it.

     Maybe we ought to be grateful  and recognise that, for all the moaning, nobody would want to be in charge now, fucking horrible job.



    The fact someone can suddenly find a big that pot of fucking money in a crisis just raises questions about where that big pot of money was when his party were ripping the service apart on the basis of not taking on debt......


    Austerity was a deadly myth and he belongs to that myth - and bears responsibility for the deaths it causes. I'm in favour of charging people for unnecessary use of the NHS btw,  I agree with you on that - it doesn't redeem Boris or his part for the past 10 years. Health is always more important than saving money, not just during Covid. 


    I'm  going to shut up and I'm not trying to score needless points - as I said above I'd happily have pulled the plug on his ventilator. Maybe that makes me a inhumane arsehole but that's the facts. 

    • Like 1

  16. 4 minutes ago, Ulitzer95 said:

    Well thank goodness we don't live in a society where everyone has your level of compassion. 

    You don't need to feel sorry for the man, you don't even need to wish him well but no human being "deserves" to be inflicted with a deadly virus, IMO. The NHS is built on that principle. If we "rated" humans and treated them accordingly we'd be in Josef Mengele territory.


    He's repeatedly voted to cut that NHS services provisions and been part of a country and party that deserves to tear him apart. If I was an NHS Doctor I'd have pulled the plug on his ventilator and let off party poopers myself.


    You might call that a lack of compassion, I call it fair play in treating a man who has repeatedly undermined the fundamentals of the NHS and has been partially responsible for the deaths of tens and tens, if not hundreds of thousands of disabled and poor people over the last ten years. 


    1 utter bastards life in exchange for 130,000 preventable deaths he contributed to seems fair to me..... 

  17. 1 hour ago, Toast said:


    Well, of course the worry is that they might chew through something important, eg wiring or cables.  Poor little buggers have to keep chewing because their teeth never stop growing.  That, and their lack of a sphincter means there is a trail of wee wherever they go.  Appalling design from the Creator.


    I first became aware that I had lodgers in the car last year when I bought something fragile.  I keep a fleece blanket in the boot for various contingencies, and when I took it out to wrap the item I discovered that it had been well shredded.  A cosy nest for someone!  Since then I've had the cleanest boot space in the county.


    I mean this might be a revolutionary idea but you could just not leave food in your fucking car...... that tends to stop mice and rodents.....

    • Haha 2

  18. Just now, YoungWillz said:

    You could read it that way I guess, it's not pedantry at all, there had already been one round of additions to the list of the dead, so I guessed Anderson's death had been missed and would be added next time. It wasn't, so I gave a gentle nudge as the next round up was due.


    Here's the version that you imply I made:


    "For fucks sakes reptile, I do fucking round ups and you can't even add the deaths and obits I put up. What is the fucking point!??? Get it right or I'll not bother. Jeez-US!!!!"


    That's pedantry max. :lol:


     There's no arguments here. It's assistance. In the nicest possible way.


    Yes, because I'm capable of reading subtext something you seem to be accusing msc of being too thick to do.


    Don't get me wrong appointing yourself as the self-appointed purveyor of pedantry is a clever ruse for being an annoying dickhead undermining the DDP gamerunners.... 


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