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Everything posted by TomTomTelekom

  1. TomTomTelekom

    The 2Nd Death Of 2017

    Javier Perez !
  2. TomTomTelekom

    Mary Tyler Moore

    3rd week of the year and my 3rd hit. R.I.P:
  3. TomTomTelekom


    wow, second week and my second hit. R.I.P.
  4. TomTomTelekom

    Biggest Misses By The Committee 2017

    Well, to be honest I didnt really expect an OBIT for Zhou Youguang and thats how I didnt consider him in my personnel DL. Maybe thats the same reason why the comittee did never consider him? It`s bloody difficult, like a bet you have to place, cause you never know before if People like Zhou Youguang are really obitable.
  5. TomTomTelekom

    Biggest Misses By The Committee 2017

    I could be wrong but I'm sure someone said on the forums years ago the deathlist committee limit the amount of people over a 100 on the list. Yes, that could be right. I have analyzed the average Age of all 50 People in official deathlist in the past years. The average is constant at about 88 years. By the way, I follow the same approach regarding my own shadow list. Of course I could reach a lot more hits if I would adjust the year-average upwards and put some more centenarians in my list. but this is not particularly challenging in my point of view.
  6. TomTomTelekom

    The 100 Club

    The new Number One is now Zoltan Sarosy, a hungarian chess master. He is 110 years old
  7. TomTomTelekom

    Tony Booth

  8. TomTomTelekom

    Biggest Misses By The Committee 2017

    Soares is without a doubt biggest miss by committee. Beside of Barroso he was the most important politician in Portugal, well known all over the world. He implements democracy and brought Portugal in the EU. Claire Hollingworth is for my taste not a big miss, pure national personality, not important enough on a worldwide-viéw. If you would ask coincidentally ten people outside UK, for example in Germany, Italy, France or somewhere else I would be sure nobody would know her. Not sure regarding Peter Sarstedt or John Berger, both were definitely better known than Hollingworth
  9. TomTomTelekom

    The 100 Club

    German Physicist and Computer scientist Heinz Billing is dead. He was 102 years old.
  10. TomTomTelekom

    Mario Soares

    First week, first hit. not a big surprise, it was expected. First big miss for official DL
  11. TomTomTelekom

    Bob Barker

    Jawohl, mein führe... Oops, I mean, I thought you'd at least complain about the lack of German folks (or should I say Völker? the Austrians and the Swiss are missing as well), their only candidate on the list seems to be the Pope Emeritus and even he is a Vatican citizen (although at least he was affiliated with the Hitlerjugend). So many missed opportunities... (e.g. Kohl or Habermas etc.) @Gossip Gape: Attached the 50 Deathlist-People sorted by origin (percentage), here you can see what I meant before 42% from UK 40% from USA incl. 1 from Canada 8% from Africa (Tutu, Mugabe, Mubarak and van der Westhuizen) 4% from EU (Cardin, King Michael) 2% from South America (Perez) 2% from Asia (Akihito) 2% Rest (Pope from Vatikan) 82% are only from UK and USA. This is everything else than a worldwide cross-section. Or do the DL-comittee really believe that most of prominent figures exist only in UK and US? Only 4% from EU, this is embarassing, not only cause I am living in EU, but EU contains at least as many prominent people as the USA. Maybe DL-comittee are brexit-supporters, who knows, that would explain all. Ok, enough criticism. maybe they can try to improve this next year....
  12. TomTomTelekom

    Bob Barker

    In my point of view a good pick für DL. Big Name, he is well known all around the world and he`s 95 years old fart
  13. TomTomTelekom

    Mario Soares

    ah okay, mille grazie!
  14. TomTomTelekom

    Mario Soares

    Is he already dead or why is Mario Soares-thread marked as "dead" in Forum?
  15. TomTomTelekom

    The 1St Death Of 2017

    Herman Wouk
  16. TomTomTelekom

    Thoughts On The 2017 List

    All in all solid list. I would suppose 12-13 hits this year. But for my taste again some unspectacular names like Sandy Gall, Gord Downie, Gay Byrne. Quite possible that they are well known in UK, but certainly not worldwide. I mean, they even dont have a wiki-entry here in Germany...on the other Hand they have renounced some big names like Chirac, Chuck Berry, Doris Day, Kissinger....but anyway I am also surprised that Colin Meads or Mario Soares were not included, in my Point of view two certain deaths this year?! What I like is the selection of Rockefeller, Pope Benedikt, Akihito and Hugh Hefner! Well done
  17. TomTomTelekom

    8. Sandy Gall

    I know her only from DL, typical UK-specific pick....
  18. TomTomTelekom

    Gay Byrne

    Never heard of him...
  19. TomTomTelekom

    Think You're Better Than The Committee?

    For 2016 I had 16 out from 50, so 4 better than DL, Attached my personal DL 2017 1. Hosni Mubarak 2. Rev. Billy Graham 3. Mario Soares 4. Kirk Douglas 5. Nobby Stiles 6. Fats Domino 7. Helmut Kohl 8. Valerie Harper 9. Tommy Chong 10 Jimmy Carter 11 Herman Wouk 12 George W. Bush sen. 13 Prince Philip 14 Dick van Dyke 15 Shannen Doherty 16 Robert Mugabe 17 Charles Aznavour 18 Peter Sallis 19 Mary Tyler Moore 20 Doris Day 21 Glen Campbell 22 Joseph "Joe" Jackson 23 Olivia de Havilland 24 Vera Lynn 25 Jacques Chirac 26 Nicholas Parsons 27 Joost van der Westhuizen 28 Stan Lee 29 David Rockefeller 30 Colin Meads 31 Doug Ellis 32 Chuck Berry 33 Pierre Cardin 34 Javier Perez 35 Tony Bennett 36 Abu Bakr al Baghdadi 37 Bruce Forsyth 38 Michael of Romania 39 Lord Carrington 40 Henry Kissinger 41 I.M.Pei 42 Hugh Hefner 43 Jimmy Snuka 44 Leslie Philips 45 Jake Lamotta 46 Jerry Lewis 47 Daisy Berkowitz 48 Michael Anderson 49 Stephen Hawking 50 Angela Lansbury Happy new year to all of you!
  20. TomTomTelekom

    The dead of 2016

    sry to Death Impend, was obviously false alarm
  21. TomTomTelekom

    The dead of 2016

    June Foray is dead, she was 99 years old.
  22. TomTomTelekom

    Who Should Be On The 2017 Deathlist?

    Hey, attached this would be my personal Deathlist 2017 at the moment. Incl. some consideration for official DL 2017 1. Hosni Mubarak 2. Billy Graham 3. Murray Walker 4. Kirk Douglas 5. Nobby Stiles 6. Fats Domino 7. Helmut Kohl 8. Valerie Harper 9. Tommy Chong 10 Jimmy Carter 11 Herman Wouk 12 George W. Bush sen. 13 Prince Philip 14 Dick van Dyke 15 Shannen Doherty 16 Robert Mugabe 17 Charles Aznavour 18 Peter Sallis 19 Mary Tyler Moore 20 Doris Day 21 Glen Campbell 22 Joseph "Joe" Jackson 23 Olivia de Havilland 24 Vera Lynn 25 Jacques Chirac 26 Nicholas Parsons 27 Joost van der Westhuizen 28 Stan Lee 29 David Rockefeller 30 Colin Meads 31 Doug Ellis 32 Chuck Berry 33 Pierre Cardin 34 Javier Perez 35 Tony Bennett 36 Abu Bakr al Baghdadi 37 Bruce Forsyth 38 Michael of Romania 39 Lord Carrington 40 Henry Kissinger 41 I.M.Pei 42 Hugh Hefner 43 Jimmy Snuka 44 Leslie Philips 45 Jake Lamotta 46 Jerry Lewis 47 Daisy Berkowitz 48 Michael Anderson 49 Stephen Hawking 50 Angela Lansbury
  23. TomTomTelekom

    The 13Th Death Of 2016

    Javier Perez
  24. TomTomTelekom

    Star Wars Deaths

    You forgot Blues Brothers...
  25. TomTomTelekom

    Richard Adams

    He was No. 50 in my personnel DL. crazy yearend-Rally.

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