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Sir Creep

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Everything posted by Sir Creep

  1. Sir Creep

    Stairway To Heaven/ Highway To Hell

    Oh SirC harps on that all the time. To Bruce's credit he hasn't (yet) made such a misstep. But I've dashed a few names to the side of a potential theme team I always threaten I'm going to launch with those who 'beat' cancer. SC
  2. Sir Creep

    Stairway To Heaven/ Highway To Hell

    OK I REEEEALY thought I updated this (or someone else did lol) to say his treatments were unsuccessful and he had maybe a year to live. Cut away a few months, and throw in some experimental treatments, and shazam Corbitt says his C is 'nearing remission'. There's your Bruce Corbitt update. SC
  3. Sir Creep


    sad but true. I can feel the junk mail and drive by's already
  4. Sir Creep


    Not sure it's a good idea to work on other people's names, that Pandora's Box right there. (Plus, DDT is perfect as is) Koppish, Boudylicious?
  5. Sir Creep


  6. Sir Creep


    Sir Creeps-A-Lot
  7. Sir Creep

    Political Frailty

    Who decided that? Why cant ‘hurry the fuck up’ be a virtue?
  8. Sir Creep

    World Cup predict the scores 2018

    Not by giving scores and no teams he don’t. I guess we can all start doing that then
  9. Sir Creep

    World Cup predict the scores 2018

    Germany 2 Sweden 1 Belgium 3 Tunisia 0 South Korea 1 Mexico 2
  10. Sir Creep

    Who's Going To Be Around For A While?

    That's just fahkin wrong.
  11. Sir Creep

    World's Oldest

    Or African Despots, but Political Frailty may be most accurate
  12. Sir Creep

    ABC Deadpool II

    And by that I suspect you mean born from 1938 to present. Just asking for clarification sake. That interpretation makes sense to me.
  13. Sir Creep

    ABC Deadpool II

    yeah..... when all else fails (like stabbing at google search)... EDIT: Well I'd like to thank Wormfarmer for allowing me to see just how many names (Chinese in particular) start with X, just random vowel and consonant combos, nearly every one a hit. Lost an hour of my life but it was fascinating.... (zzzzzz). That said, I think I found one that will be unique, and non-Chinese. SC
  14. Sir Creep

    ABC Deadpool II

    Seriously..... with XXXTentacion gone, where the HELL am I supposed to find anyone with a friggin X
  15. Sir Creep

    Political Frailty

    Smell that? it smells like....... victory! I can feel it coming upon us...
  16. Who is this fucktard? [Christie Elan-Cane wants passports to have an "X" category, which could be used by those who consider themselves neither fully male nor female.] Fucking moron. Nice to see you have em too. Yours don't lead the country though. Well wait....
  17. Sir Creep

    The Deathlist Poker Tournament 2018

    Entry submitted. Kept it pretty simple, no real crazy names. Best of luck to all. SC
  18. Sir Creep

    The Dead of 2018

    Just an FYI we have a terribly underutilized thread entitled 'Suicidal Celebs'. We get enough of them, feel free to throw one in that direction on occasion once in a while. SC
  19. Sir Creep

    Minimalists (and other classical composers/musicians)

    At least he didn't lose the use of his right hand.
  20. Sir Creep

    Derby Dead Pool 2018

    Not sure why Hardegen was listed as Lost. His obit was published 90 seconds after he died. Or thereabouts. Anyway, came here to post just in case.
  21. Sir Creep

    World Cup predict the scores 2018

    Every game starts out 0-0 so you got it right coming out of the box
  22. Sir Creep

    The Deathlist Poker Tournament 2018

    Everything about this DP confuses me other than submitting 25 names, which I believe I can handle. I shall PM Y-Dub in a couple days. Thanks for being dungeonmaster. SC
  23. Sir Creep

    Charles Krauthammer

    Was my #1 for 5-4-3-2-1 DP, ready to launch in a week. Well fuck....
  24. Sir Creep

    Charles Krauthammer

    well fuck......
  25. Sir Creep

    World Cup predict the scores 2018

    Nigeria 1 Iceland 0 Brazil 3 Costa Rica 0 Switzerland 2 Serbia 1

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