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Sir Creep

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Everything posted by Sir Creep

  1. Sir Creep

    Biggest Misses By The Committee 2017

    Because he was on my home DP list (2 years running), I'm throwing Daisy Berkowitz/Scott Putesky's name as a huge miss. The Committee is beholden to naming the 95+ contingent 'cuz they're due to die' and leaves actual ILL people off the list, my ongoing complaint that lands on deaf ears. Scott should have been on the list until he died, stage 4 C and all. But no, another annual Fats Domino or whatever is what we get instead. SMH SC (Edit -- this means we will be reading about Fats later today lol)
  2. Sir Creep

    Marilyn Manson

    Daisy Berkowitz DEAD!? Seems so... SC (Edit: Sorry..... Scott Putesky to be proper)
  3. Sir Creep

    American Football Players

    Um no dumbass he has ALS, and until he is in a wheelchair with a tube to breathe through, he's got plenty of time. Even THEN they seem to last a few years. So him being at the stadium not in a wheelchair says he has at least 3+ years. SC
  4. Sir Creep

    Death Anniversary Thread

    Cleavon Little turned in his badge 25 years ago (53)
  5. Sir Creep

    The Hare's Death Pool

    Down to 10th? Fuckall. Looks like my hopes are resting on that health nut Rayya Elias and Texas' own wacky slapstick WW2 veteran (As he says, 'first in war, first in peace, and last to die on this year's DL"), comic--war hero--cigar smoker, Richard Overton. SC
  6. Sir Creep

    Conspiracy Theories

    As I posted in Death Anniversaries, President Trump has decided to release govt documents relating to the assassination of JFK on the 25th anniversary of Jim Garrison's death. Interesting timing. Too interesting. The release of these classified docs, meant to dispel conspiracy theories, creates its own conspiracy theory! SC
  7. Sir Creep

    A Joke

    When it comes to sharing, I take the cake.
  8. Sir Creep

    Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Predictions

    Portishead belongs more than 80% of who is already in. Just sayin. SC
  9. On a serious note, that happens in America, you got a decent chance an assault is about to take place when you walk to your distant vehicle with a conspicuous vehicle next to it for basically no reason.
  10. Sir Creep

    Death Anniversary Thread

    George McGovern quit mcgoverning this day 5 years ago (90).
  11. Sir Creep

    Death Anniversary Thread

    And isn't it interesting that President Drumpf has decided to release JFK govt documents on this, the 25th anniversary of Garrison's death. It's impossible for that to be coincidence. I'm positive it's meant to be a not-so-subtle slap in the face to Garrison's work on the matter. SC (Edit: Thus, the release of govt documents meant to vanquish conspiracy theories creates its own conspiracy theory!)
  12. Sir Creep


    Michele Marsh, a longtime (18 year) New York TV news anchor, who left the business for good nearly 15 years ago, has died. Marsh died Tuesday after a seven-year battle with breast cancer. She was 63. SC
  13. Sir Creep

    Nobel Prize In Death

    Isabella L. Karle, who was once told that chemistry was not a “proper field for girls” but went on to help her husband, Nobel laureate Jerome Karle, devise a pathbreaking method for determining molecular structure, died Oct. 3 at a hospice center in Arlington, Va. She was 95. The cause was a brain tumour. Jerome Karle shared the 1985 Nobel Prize in chemistry with the mathematician Herbert A. Hauptman, also a colleague at the NRL, honouring “their outstanding achievements in the development of direct methods for the determination of crystal structures.” Isabella L. Karle, a crystallographer, received the National Medal of Science in 1995, bestowed by President Bill Clinton, among other major honors in her field. Well she HELPED win a Nobel Prize....close enough. SC
  14. Sir Creep

    Dead Architects

    A construction industry architect instrumental in many iconic things in south Louisiana... Robert H. Boh, who led the construction company founded by his father and uncle in an era when the firm helped build the Superdome and renovate Jackson Square, died Friday. He was 86. Boh Bros....played an integral part in the construction of the 36.9-mile stretch of I-10 from Lafayette to Grosse Tete in 1973. It's an amazing stretch of road, from Baton Rouge to Lafayette near where I live, traversing swamps and rivers. Visually nothing like this road in the world. SC
  15. Sir Creep

    Magic Johnson, And Other Basketball Players

    Justin Reed, who starred for the Ole Miss basketball team from 2000-04 and went to play three seasons in the NBA with the Celtics and Timberwolves, died early Friday morning after a battle with angiosarcoma, a form of spinal cancer. SC
  16. Sir Creep

    Political Frailty

    Can't imagine why. I mean, she must have been no different than any other wife of a senator that was just like all the other senators. SC
  17. Sir Creep

    Political Frailty

    Because most people 80+ are frail and disoriented.
  18. Sir Creep

    Somewhere Over The Rainbow

    Damn. I don't need to hear news like this. Huge Throbbing Gristle fan in the day, and of course Psychic TV. Get well, dammit SC (EDIT: What the hell is this doing in the Rainbow thread?)
  19. Sir Creep

    Animal Antics

  20. Sir Creep

    The 16th death of 2017

    I just wanted to say how disappointing it is that no one does like we were doing and goes and changes their votes to the dead person, so we are all correct. I do, and I will. SC Olivia is queen (not literally) of this list that remains..... fitting she is icing on top of the record year.
  21. Sir Creep

    Shove Off, Eh?

    This speaks VOLUMES about Canada.
  22. Sir Creep

    Gord Downie

    Yo you're really dissin The Spoons.
  23. Sir Creep

    Gord Downie

    By God he DID do a Bowie with that final album!!!!!
  24. Sir Creep

    Terrorists & Topical Terrorist Targets

    I'm going to run 'capital' and 'has' through rigorous testing as well.

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