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Everything posted by Moosey

  1. Moosey

    Billy Smart

    Billy Smart, heir to the £30m circus fortune, is 70, mentally confused & terminally affected with small cell carcinoma lung cancer. The Sunday Times reports that he has already outlived doctors' expectations and could die within 6 weeks. A rock-solid nominee for 2005, surely (if he passes the famousness test).
  2. Moosey

    Pete Mccarthy

    Sunset and evening star, And one clear call for me! And may there be no moaning of McCarthy's bar, When I put out to sea. Pete McCarthy, writer, broadcaster and humorist, loses 8-month battle with cancer aged 51. Which is shame, because I liked his books & he was on his way to writing another one. Did anyone even know that he was ill? (Apart from him, his doctor, his wife & kids, etc, etc. Obviously.)
  3. Moosey

    Margaret Thatcher

    Hope someone remembers to stick a wooden stake through her chest. Just to make sure.
  4. Moosey

    Assisted Suicides

    Don't ask why I was reading this far back in the thread (I was bored at work, okay?) but couldn't help but notice that your skills at predicting political deaths still have some room for improvement. But then again, his career has out-lived all reasonable expectations. If even scandals like this this aren't forcing him from power then I can only assume that he must have some Faustian pact on the go.
  5. Moosey

    Sara Douglass

    Did you take your own advice and pick her up this year? I must confess that she missed the cut on my list for once, so poor judgement means no points for me.
  6. Moosey

    Sara Douglass

    Meh. Not much recent news on her I admit, but she was in a pretty serious way last year and I didn't find any evidence that it was all fixed yet. Her most recent blog entry heavily implies that cancer is still an issue for her (without going into any detail about her current prognosis). Actually, it's worth a read - An Angry Post - and should be compulsory reading for all would-be ranters who visit this site: it's an excellent study in how to rant with passion, intelligence and eloquence.
  7. Moosey

    Derby Dead Pool 2010

    Well, seeing as everyone seems to be doing it, here's the voting from Impaled on the Antlers of Doom 1) Abdelbaset Al Megrahi 2) Philip Carlo 3) Henry Cecil 4) Winston Churchill 5) Gene Colan 6) John Demjanjuk 7) Ronnie James Dio 8) Sara Douglass 9) Laurent Fignon (JOKER) 10) Annette Funicello 11) Seán Garland 12) Eydie Gormé 13) Shaun Greatbatch 14) Kristin Hallenga 15) Ernie Harwell 16) Stephen Hawking 17) Simon MacCorkindale 18) Penny Marshall 19) Zelda Rubinstein 20) Jim Stynes Spent a lot of time stealing other people's research off Deathlist, so here's hoping it was worth it.
  8. Moosey

    The First Death Of 2010

    Can't find the radio button for Zelda Rubinstein...
  9. Moosey

    Ideas and Possibilities for 2010

    She might not see Friday, methinks.
  10. Moosey

    Derby Dead Pool 2010

    Huge thanks to you, Mr.O for all your superlative efforts over the past few years. May the new arrival have the correct & appropriate number of legs (I'm guessing five?) and quickly develop a healthy fascination with all things deathlist.
  11. Moosey

    John Hartson Diagnosed With Brain Cancer

    I confess I'm not totally au fait with all the developments of the story but I'm aware that it all started as testicular cancer. And I couldn't help but be mildly startled by the start of the video clip which starts on JH's face and quickly pans down to him cutting a ribbon right by his crotch. Anybody else catch themselves staring at his testicular area, looking for unusual shapes or missing bits? No? Just me then.
  12. Moosey

    2009 DDP

    Back up to 3rd= with the passing of Samak Sundaravej Which is nice. Going to need another surprise clog-popping or two to trouble the engravers though. If anyone feels that they can explain to me how - for the love of fish - I missed Patrick bleedin' Swayze this year, then they are welcome to try.
  13. Moosey

    2009 DDP

    Nice to see you're back in business Mr.O And a day earlier than predicted, too.
  14. Moosey

    Room 101

    Yes. Find the Secret Moderator button, hidden somewhere in one of the forum pages. It's been there for a while, so I'm surprised no-one has found it since the last intake, which seems like ages ago now. Damn it. I know you're taking the p1ss, but I suspect that I'll decide it's a double-bluff after half a bottle of tequila and end up looking for it.
  15. Moosey

    Ideas and Possibilities for 2010

    Not out of the woods yet. It's spread to her lymph nodes, says the ever-reliable Daily Mail (which I wasn't reading. Honest.)
  16. Moosey

    Room 101

    Thanks DDT. I'll try. I say we make him a moderator... him? ? Welcome back Moosey, whatever... Why not me? I could moderate.. probably. What's involved? Is there a test?
  17. Moosey

    DL Members' Secrets

    Which raises the question, what ever happened with SttG and her dead lurcher problem from the summer of 2006? Did it get resolved? There are no answers on this thread now (if there ever were)
  18. Moosey

    Michael Jackson

    Jackson's death ruled as 'homicide' Sooner or later OoO is going to have to award those extra 3 points for death by "unnatural causes".
  19. Moosey

    Room 101

    Thanks DDT. I'll try. Right, I'm off to Sainsbury's. I'm going to park at the back of the car-park (distance from parking space to shop has never been an issue by the way], and I'm going to park across two spaces to get extra door-room.
  20. Moosey

    Britney Spears, Kerry Katona, Heather Locklear et al.

    You would think that, wouldn't you? Then again, Iggy Pop is a shoo-in for the "fags/booze/class A" Hall of Fame and he's still going strong at the age of 62. So no guarentees.
  21. Moosey

    Dominick Dunne

    Yep, thanks for noticing Mr. O. DD & Teddy push me up to 2nd and only one point off the top... but that's reached my high tide mark, I think. My remaining picks are all either very popular choices or relatively healthy (or both). Unless (e.g.) Maggie suddenly carks or Melissa Bell* steps under a bus, I'm goes to start plummeting down the rankings as soon as Swayze & Biggs keel over. * [Jeez. Melissa Bell? What was I thinking? Should I pick Jade Goody or Patrick Swayze - who had real, diagnosed illnesses? Nooo, let's pick someone who's just "a bit unwell". *slaps head*]
  22. Moosey

    Room 101

    Sorry to drag us back a pages to this one but... Sainsbury's. They have recently taken it upon themsleves to post signs saying that they will issue £50 fines to people whom they deem to have parked in (i) disabled bays or (ii) "parent & child" bays. I have fundamental issues with this. Firstly, I never ever, EVER park in a disabled bay. It doesn't matter if it's the only parking space left in the car park or if the car park is completely empty with 100 disabled spaces available. I don't park in them. Disabled people don't choose to be disabled and have enough s'hite in their lives without me getting in their way. The fact that some people appear to be abusing the system and have got hold of disabled badges on the basis of having an ingrowing toe-nail or a slight cold is neither here nor there. Disabled spaces are sacrosanct. People with children, however, are a completely different kettle of fish. On the whole, they have chosen to have kids. They often tell me how "rewarding" it is, even though I wish they wouldn't (because my partner & I have tried to create some ourselves and failed. The miscarriage was particularly gutting.) My taxes get used to fund the education system & I don't complain. I don't mind kids running and shouting outside my house or kicking the occasional ball into my garden. I don't hate kids. I don't hate parents of kids, in general. But I do object to being discriminated against, based solely on a lack of procreativity. What gives Sainsbury's the right to banish me to the back of the car-park and exclude me from the larger parking spaces, just because I'm not going to fill my trolley with amusingly-shaped food or "Sunny Delight"? I have a reasonably large car, and don't wish to squeeze it into a small space only to risk some troll in an old ford fiesta parking next to me and smacking his car-door &/or trolley into my paintwork. Now I can't without risking a fine. My options seem to be risk a fine / call their bluff grit my teeth in frustration and rage every time I go shopping and park where they want me to shop on-line and risk getting all the crud that's about to expire shop at Tescos instead, which I despise. steal a child and put it in the car. Am I being unreasonable? Anyway, thanks for listening.
  23. Moosey

    Robert Novak

    Just done a member search for administrators. There are eight admin log-ins and three of them... <name><shame> Death Watch Beatle, football_fan, heaven can wait </shame></name> ... have logged in since Bob died, without bothering to update the site. The idle twunts. Perhaps we need some sort of coup and then appoint some new administrators?
  24. Moosey

    A Joke

    An Irishman applies for a job as an apprentice blacksmith. "Do you have any experience of shoeing horses?" asks the blacksmith. "No" replies the Irishman, "but I did once tell a donkey to feck off."

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