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Everything posted by Moosey

  1. Moosey

    Billy Smart

    I'm not normally one to blow my own trumpet, but... I told you so, you know. Billy could have been hit number 6 on the year, but instead you went and padded the list out with fit & disappointingly healthy people like Herbert Lom. (Go on Herb, pop your clogs & prove me wrong!) *Sigh* Nobody listens to a word I say. Although, for balance, I should confess that Maradonna's was my pick of the year for 2005 & he's now supposedly fitter than he's been in ages. The bastard.
  2. Moosey

    Tommy Vance - Dead

    Absolutely. When I was a nipper, the Friday Rock Show was essential listening. There are bands I still listen to today which I would probably never have heard of if it wasn't for "TV on the radio". He will be sadly missed.
  3. Moosey

    Fidel Castro

    That would be my impression too. I've just come back from 2 weeks in lovely sunny Cuba (It's a fantastic place for a holiday in February btw, especially when it's 30 degrees on the beach and you hear it's snowing in England) and nobody I spoke to seems p1ssed off with Castro or the current regime. I got the feeling that they feel that they are much better off with Communism than they were under the US-backed regime of Fulgencio Batista. At least, that's what I thought they were saying. My Spanish is particularly poor and I may have horribly misunderstood. Anyway, to drift back on topic for a moment... Castro was on TV a fair bit over there. He looked a bit old but pretty fit & healthy: Nowhere near death's door.
  4. Moosey

    Mickey Rooney

    Well, you learn something new every day... I didn't realise birds of prey ate nothing. ok, ok. small people shrink to very small people when they get old... *sigh*
  5. Moosey

    Mickey Rooney

    Are you sure about that? Another well known fact is that people get shorter as they get older. So maybe all the old people you see are just tall people who have shrunk, while small people shrink to nothing when they get old and then get picked off by birds of prey.
  6. Moosey

    Near Misses for 2005

    Tish, silly me. I thought you meant Bread.
  7. Moosey

    Hey, Rude Kid!

    Although I too find him to be, in general, something of a waste of space I have an effective technique that means I no longer find myself shouting "Why? What's your point?" at the screen. I'm happy to pass it on to Mr NotASpud and all fellow sufferers. It is this... Don't bother reading his posts. When you see Bazza in the margin, skip over it, scroll down and read the next one.
  8. Moosey

    Norman Wisdom

    Well that rather depends how he drives his 5 series BMW. If he drives it like a twat then there's every chance he could oblige us.
  9. Moosey

    Diego Maradona

    A big order of Bolivian marching powder? He'll be very happy with that.
  10. Moosey

    Derby Dead Pool 2006

    Are you sure? Has it been confirmed by the Prime Minister of Luxembourg yet?
  11. Moosey

    Dead Losses (2004)

    He won the duel on points, or Away Goals, or something. The Times has an obit here.
  12. Moosey

    Things to do while waiting for Death ... 2004

    there do seem to be an awful lot of commands. cartwheel, handstand, push up, stretch and jump all get her exercising. She'll do various styles of dance too, including rock, tap and macarena. scared, fight, knee and change are amusing. shower, pillow fight and cowgirl are definitely worth a look too (but not if your wife/girlfriend are nearby)
  13. Moosey

    Things to do while waiting for Death ... 2004

    Entertaining - Tammy the Virtual Bartender I am, however, at work, so I haven't tried asking her anything too risqué and thus can't say whether this is suitable for the weathermunchkin.
  14. Moosey

    Herbert Lom

    There was an article about him in Saturday's Independent. He is still working & comes across as very sharp mentally. Unless someone knows something about his health that I don't, he doesn't look a good bet for renomination in 2005.
  15. Moosey

    Pete Doherty

    NME also reported chaos on TOTP the previous week. In both cases, it was noted that there was no comment from the band’s official spokesperson. Call me picky but, in my book, that makes him/her a pretty piss-poor spokesperson.
  16. Moosey

    Shane MacGowan

    There's an article about Shane in the Glasgow Evening Times in which he sounds disappointingly fit & healthy. They've got a good photo of him trying (& failing) to drink wine & lager at the same time though:
  17. Moosey

    Buster Bloodvessel

    Now, now children. Stop being petty, and thank the nice drive-by gentleman for keeping us informed of a potential candidate's health.
  18. Moosey

    Emlyn Hughes

    As loathed as I am to cast aspersions towards a normally sober & upstanding pillar of the DL committee, don't these... ...sound like the ramblings of a drunk who's just rolled in at 1 a.m. with half a kebab down the front of his shirt? Hope the head's clearing nicely, Mr A
  19. Moosey

    The Stiff Competition

    Is this stuck in the "pending" tray on someone's desk at DL Towers? Or have I missed the subtle humour in creating a deathlist competition and then quietly killing it off?
  20. Moosey

    Things to do while waiting for Death ... 2004

    That's quite clever: It took me several minutes to notice the trick. I was particularly amused by the link to "explanations of the ESP results". Someone's either spent ages creating boat-loads of fictitous entries in the thread, or there really are a lot of fools out there who now think that they have ESP.
  21. Moosey

    PW Botha

    By Jiminy, he's right you know. Well spotted that eagle-eyed little visitor! May all the DL exec committee hang their collective heads in shame.
  22. Moosey

    William Rehnquist

    Ok, so they each get 72 virgins. That seems reasonable recompense for blowing yourself the sh1t away. But now you've got me curious: If you get 72 virgins and knock one of them up, what happens? Does she i) get replaced by another virgin, in which case you will end up having to shag the ones you don't like and just snog the ones you do like (to keep them around)? And do the substitute virgins get progressively ropier as the bottom of the virgin-barrel gets scraped? Or ii) get to stay, leaving you with 71 virgins and a girlfriend that moans at you for not paying her enough attention any more?
  23. Moosey

    Fred Dibnah

    Unless it turns out that Fred &/or Fredfan actually hails from Hale, in which case it was a very clever play on words which passed GR by. [EDIT] OK, Dibnah's from Bolton so that struck out. Couldn't find Fredfan's birthplace on Google. Perhaps he'll come back & tell us...
  24. Moosey

    Bigwig For Earwigs

    Thank-you, Sir Humphrey
  25. Moosey

    Arafat's (Inevitable) Death

    Looks like he's on the way out, say the BBC.

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