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Everything posted by YoungWillz

  1. YoungWillz

    Alex Higgins (And Snooker)

    Maybe I've been watching the wrong sessions, but I haven't heard Willie Thorne's dulcet commentary yet. Virgo, McManus, Doherty, Hendry and Taylor. Can understand Griffiths as I think he's still got a player he coaches in. Ali Carter's accent gets stronger every time I hear him, doing well for a repeated pick for the DDP.
  2. YoungWillz

    The 2019 Deathlist Cup

    Seamless as always, ha! Last thing a runner needs - headaches! And an extra month's worth of games. We love ya, msc.
  3. YoungWillz

    Pete Doherty

    Well, there's an open goal.... Anyone?
  4. YoungWillz

    FIFA World Cup Players

    Rodrigues Neto, part of the Brazil 1978 squad, dead at 69: http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2019-04/30/c_138024888.htm
  5. YoungWillz

    British Science Fiction Series

    While I'm here, happy birthday to Steven Mackintosh, 7 months younger than me and the ginger boy who is the first to be condemned to the Timelash. Gawd, I remember when I was that skinny. Still fairly skinny now, but then so is Steven.
  6. YoungWillz

    Dead Pop Stars

    That would be hilarious if his 1983 singing partner outlives him...…..cos I have her on my team! *laughs hysterically*
  7. YoungWillz

    The Dutch

    DDP pick Johannes Witteveen gets his QO @Spade_Cooley: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/obituaries/2019/04/29/johannes-witteveen-head-imf-negotiated-92-billion-bail-out-1976/ Who would have thought?
  8. YoungWillz

    Cartoonists And Animators

    Not sure about Bruck, what was his claim to fame?
  9. YoungWillz

    Hollywood Possibilities

    Problem with this is no-one can read the story in EU due to GPDR. But that's not your fault. Some US sites are readable, just the way it is, some things will never change....
  10. YoungWillz

    Tony Slattery

    John Sessions...now there's a talent. If you go back and watch how funny he is in Whose Line... then also look at his dramatic work, well there's no comparison with Slattery et al.
  11. YoungWillz

    Broadway - "the Great White Way"

    Not putting in the Widow thread, because.... Anyhow, Jo Sullivan Loesser, Broadway musical star and widow of Frank Loesser, dead at 91 reportedly: https://deadline.com/2019/04/jo-sullivan-loesser-dead-broadway-frank-loesser-actress-most-happy-fella-guys-and-dolls-obituary-1202603717/ IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1692989/ IBDB: https://www.ibdb.com/broadway-cast-staff/jo-sullivan-61452
  12. YoungWillz

    Tony Slattery

    I don't think she's funny though. Was she funny in The Taming? Thanks for the warning about Good Omens, though, whatever that is. I'd hate to accidentally take an interest in something she's in!
  13. YoungWillz

    Tony Slattery

    Never thought he was that funny. Talented I'd say, but comedy....nah! As far as that class goes, only slightly less overrated than Josie Lawrence, who had two buttons she could press...little girl or Northern. And let's face it, 99 per cent of Southern English comics have used Northern as their go to since the Romans invented roads.
  14. YoungWillz

    Hollywood Possibilities

    Daily Star story I linked to now refers to conflicting reports...ha! Looks like TMZ rowed back from their breaking story PDQ! So still available for Windy City-ers….
  15. YoungWillz

    Hollywood Possibilities

    John Singleton dead according to US reports I can't link to, because of GPDR. However, there's this: https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/world-news/775430/John-Singleton-dead-cause-age-stroke-Boyz-n-the-Hood-director
  16. YoungWillz

    Ozzy Osbourne

    Announces rescheduled gigs, already confident he'll make 2020: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-48093869
  17. YoungWillz

    Shannen Doherty

    Heartbroken at Luke Perry's death, Oor Shannen reboots for 90210: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-48090837
  18. YoungWillz

    Time Added

    Maybe now we are down to a manageable number, we should have a Bhoys of '67 thread. My money's on Bertie Auld outliving the others. (I'm probably losing that money, ha!)
  19. YoungWillz

    Foreign Personalities, From Stage, Screen, Politics And Life

    Monir gets a QO @Spade_Cooley, BBC no less: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-48037442
  20. YoungWillz

    People Who Are Dead According To Wikipedia...

    In fact, it was probably the murder of Blair Peach and the attitude of the police, including the tasty racism of McNee and his cohorts, which led to this from Not The Nine O'Clock News:
  21. YoungWillz

    People Who Are Dead According To Wikipedia...

    Anyone who remembers the horrid actions of the cops re Blair Peach can wish him well in hell.
  22. YoungWillz

    Very Blue Peter

    Richie Driss becomes the latest presenter: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-48058224 I'll update the list. Seems like he was born in 1989. Gawd.
  23. YoungWillz

    The Dead of 2019

    Well, where else to put this? British stunt performer and actor Frank Henson dead: https://www.fanthatracks.com/news/film-music-tv/frank-henson-rip/ Bond, Star Wars, etc, even Coronation Street and, yes, Supergran! Acting credits include Blakes 7, Space 1999 and Carry On Follow That Camel.
  24. YoungWillz

    Pete Doherty

    Pete talks about his history and his future: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-6963407/Peter-Doherty-discusses-drug-addiction.html
  25. YoungWillz

    Boxing Clever?

    Amir Khan's former trainer Oliver Harrison, dead from cancer at 59: https://www.thesun.co.uk/sport/boxing/8946074/khan-foliver-harrison-cancer-boxing/ DDP pick @Spade_Cooley.

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