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Everything posted by YoungWillz

  1. YoungWillz

    General techy thread.

    Taking this away from the Nerds thread, the Atari was the first console we had, which was a joint Christmas present between me and my brothers. I had a ZX Spectrum (long gone) and my brother had a Commodore 64 (which is still in OldWillz's attic). I had a SNES too, but god alone knows where that is. Amazing to think of the simplicity of those games, which didn't really encourage us to sit in front of them for hours on end. Well, you couldn't really, we had one telly so we could only use them when we were allowed. The stunning games I have on Xbox One now, it's no wonder kids today love to sit in front of them....
  2. YoungWillz

    Video Game Nerds

    Look what I found:
  3. YoungWillz

    Not Seen Any Good Films/movies

    Bread sauce is.... Mmmmmm *smacks lips*
  4. YoungWillz

    Video Game Nerds

    OldWillz recently discovered our original Atari 2600: Wanted to throw it away. Told him to keep it, should be worth summat...
  5. YoungWillz

    French speaking deathlist

    Bellemare dead: https://translate.google.co.uk/translate?hl=en&sl=fr&u=http://www.lefigaro.fr/flash-actu/2018/05/27/97001-20180527FILWWW00014-le-journaliste-pierre-bellemare-est-mort.php&prev=search
  6. YoungWillz


    QO: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/ap/article-5775187/Astronaut-moonwalker-Alan-Bean-dies-86.html
  7. YoungWillz

    FIFA World Cup Players

    Piantoni dead. https://translate.google.co.uk/translate?hl=en&sl=fr&u=https://www.lequipe.fr/Football/Actualites/Roger-piantoni-l-ancien-international-francais-est-mort-a-86-ans/904739&prev=search
  8. YoungWillz

    Most Significant Death Of Each Month

    I'm intrigued by the suggestions above. While each person has their own definition of "significant", I'm frankly astonished by Bain and Goodall being suggested. Goodall will be remembered mostly for his euthanasia. Bain is a "famous for being (moderately and niche) famous" pick. I find nothing seminal, intriguing, inventive or great thinking in either. When gamers who play games become the norm as "significant", then we truly are in the end times.....
  9. YoungWillz

    Richard Branson

    The 67 year old Virgin is in training to blast off into space within months: https://metro.co.uk/2018/05/26/sir-richard-branson-is-training-to-become-an-astronaut-and-planning-a-journey-into-space-7578619/ If the training doesn't kill him, maybe the flight will. Just let us know the celebrity passenger list in advance, Dicky love....
  10. YoungWillz

    Prince Philip Duke Of Edinburgh

    He eats in the bath?! Now there's a different type of dip....
  11. YoungWillz

    A Night To Remember

    Being bored I have decided to revisit this thread. Now in relation to Charles Belchier, I found this: https://www.londonfictions.com/colin-wilson-adrift-in-soho.html which specifically refers to him as the chap in the film, and also the book reference here: https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=ZCvrS9DjE68C&pg=PT281&dq=dreaming+to+some+purpose+charles+belchier&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiJ5oCyjaLbAhWLAMAKHWi-D_YQ6AEIJzAA#v=onepage&q=dreaming to some purpose charles belchier&f=false So it appears he died in 1968 in prison in Germany.
  12. YoungWillz

    The Muppets (and other puppets)

    Well, anyone have a spare grand, and time to spare after entering the MMMDP? Emu (of Rod Hull and Emu) goes up for sale on 31 May this year: http://www.gazetteandherald.co.uk/news/16223601.Most_feared_puppet_of_the_70s_and_80s_to_be_sold_at_auction_in_Chippenham/ (awaits the bafflement of non-UK readers )
  13. YoungWillz

    Sydney Pollack

    Rather than do the Anniversary Thread.... Sydney Pollack died 10 years ago today, aged 73.
  14. YoungWillz

    Films with entirely dead casts

    Hmm, somebody didn't check the full cast including uncredited folk. Anyway, the Telegraph has Dorothy Barrett's obituary: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/obituaries/2018/05/25/dorothy-barrett-actress-wizard-oz-obituary/ IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0057118/ Died back in March, but doesn't seem to have been mentioned since Prophet said she was a possibility for 2018.
  15. YoungWillz

    Derby Dead Pool 2018

    @Spade_Cooley When I go to D on the list of celebs, I can only scroll down as far as Vic Damone. Been happening for a few days. 'Sup?
  16. YoungWillz

    Inverse Dead Pool 2018

    Dodged another one with Dean Francis...phew, phew....
  17. YoungWillz

    The Hare's Death Pool

    Ten teams had Dean Francis who goes from the ring to a box. Still an early knockout in the great scheme....
  18. YoungWillz

    Boxing Clever?

    It's like a Wordsearch: Bain Bean Dean.....
  19. YoungWillz


    Bean and Gone? Bain, then Bean?
  20. YoungWillz

    The Hare's Death Pool

    Only one gamer has a hit with Totalbiscuit. https://www.gameplanet.co.nz/news/g5b07489d4b806/YouTuber-and-critic-John-TotalBiscuit-Bain-dies-at-33/ That'll teach him to Hob Nob with a pick with Digestive problems, however he's a slam dunk.
  21. YoungWillz

    John Bain

    Tweeted it from own account now: https://twitter.com/Totalbiscuit/status/999787845127634944 Looks very much like he's gone....
  22. YoungWillz

    John Bain

    Is he dead? https://twitter.com/GennaBain/status/999785407087808512
  23. YoungWillz

    Kim Jong-Un

    Summit with Trump off. Apparently Kim's having his hair done that day....
  24. YoungWillz

    Grange Hill

  25. YoungWillz

    Gary Glitter


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