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Everything posted by YoungWillz

  1. YoungWillz

    The Joker's Dead Pool 2018

    Yeah, I had Hawking here along with a few others. Looking forward to the update, but only when you feel up to it Joey.
  2. YoungWillz

    DL Prediction Game

    Ah yes, but if the DL had followed my list, they'd have 4 hits already....
  3. YoungWillz

    Shaun's Death By Numbers 2018

    And now I have a fourth hit with Hawking.
  4. YoungWillz

    The Hare's Death Pool

    Four teams now have a big black hole in their line-up. Far from being an event on the horizon, Stephen Hawking's death wheeled up a little too soon.
  5. YoungWillz

    The 4th Death Of 2018

    I'm investing in a TESSA. Jowell.
  6. YoungWillz

    Stephen Hawking

    Had the feeling this would be a huge clear out year, had him in almost every pool. Not the Cup though. Let's face it, he was a genius. RIP.
  7. YoungWillz

    Dead Screenwriters Society

    Andy Lewis, screenwriter most notably associated with, and nominated for an Oscar for, co-writing the screenplay for Klute, has died aged 92. http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/wickedlocal-concord/obituary.aspx?n=andrew-k-lewis&pid=188433937 IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0506920/?ref_=ttfc_fc_wr36 I find this quite interesting that this comes to light today, as OldWillz was watching an episode of The Avengers today with Donald Sutherland in it, and it brought to mind that Klute was the first movie I ever saw with Sutherland in it. And I didn't like it much...
  8. YoungWillz

    The Smiths Cover Stars

    @Handrejka @themaninblack Do you think that this one was the recently deceased Colin Campbell from his role in the Leather Boys? Edit: This might actually be the single cover, thinking about it...
  9. YoungWillz

    British Character Actors

    Here's something: https://www.facebook.com/TalkingPicturesTV/photos/a.651398788327447.1073741830.636949856439007/1245313118936008/?type=3 RIP.
  10. YoungWillz

    The Dead of 2018

    Report of the death of singer Claudia Fontaine aged 57. http://www.voice-online.co.uk/article/uk-singer-claudia-fontaine-has-died Now, I recognise her for her many appearances on Top of the Pops, singing backing vocals for the likes of Madness and Special AKA. And many more. On the left here: Nelson Mandela:
  11. YoungWillz

    British Character Actors

    Beth Morris, Welsh actress who had roles in I Claudius and The District Nurse, has died reportedly aged 74. https://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/local-news/swansea-actress-who-starred-top-14406019 Probably also known by forum members for her roles in Blake's 7 and the David Essex film That'll Be The Day. IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0606384/
  12. YoungWillz

    Tennis players

    American Ken Flach, who won 2 Wimbledon Men's Doubles Championships in the late 1980s with his partner Robert Seguso, has died aged a mere 54. http://www.stltoday.com/sports/ken-flach-olympic-gold-medalist-in-doubles-tennis-and-siue/article_a5519f81-2ab0-5b2a-8daa-8a4125f88ef2.html Also Gold in Men's Doubles at the Seoul Olympics in 1988 and a Mixed Doubles Championship at Wimbledon in 1986 (with Kathy Jordan).
  13. YoungWillz

    Political Frailty

    Former Tory MP for Billericay then Boston with Holland and then Boston and Skegness, Sir Richard Body, leaves his body aged 90. https://www.bostonstandard.co.uk/news/politics/former-boston-mp-sir-richard-dies-aged-90-1-8413395
  14. YoungWillz

    Donald J Trump

    40 - 60 odd per cent of positions unfilled since the start of his presidency. 40 odd per cent turnover of staff who work for him.
  15. YoungWillz

    The Dead of 2018

    This do? http://theventures.com/rip-nokie-edwards-may-9-1935-march-12-2018/ UK #4 1960
  16. YoungWillz

    Nazi of SS

    Zafke, Kisser and G. Sommer are all recent attempted prosecutions. Others are more distant convicts or attempted prosecutions. I have not heard of their deaths. Some I'm not sure of as I made up the list from the thread and the info available at that time. If there's any info for the thread, feel free to post.
  17. YoungWillz

    The Hare's Death Pool

    One team won't need a bookkeeper to count their points for Oskar Groening. On we March....
  18. YoungWillz

    Derby Dead Pool 2018

    @Spade_Cooley Just noticed that the DDP has two entries for the same person. There's Ben Ferencz and Benjamin Ferencz, who I believe are one and the same.
  19. YoungWillz

    Class of 1921

    And you're out.
  20. YoungWillz

    World War Three

    He was a fuck up Russian and I'm not dying in a nuclear attack over that.
  21. YoungWillz

    Nazi of SS

    List Updated for Oskar Groening and Theodor Szhehinskyj: Reinhard Hardegen (1913- ) Hans Sommer (1914- ) Günther Schwägermann (1915- ) Fritz Jauss (1917-2014) Josef Scheungraber (1918-2015) Michael Karkoc (1919- ) Hans Lipschis (1919- ) Ernst Pistor (1920-2011?) Walter Schuck (1920-2015) Hubert Zafke (1920- ) Rudolf von Ribbentrop (1921- ) Oskar Gröning (1921-2018) Algimantas Dailidé (1921- ) Heinrich Boere (1921-2013) Sören Kam (1921-2015) Charles Zentai (1921-2017) Gerhard Sommer (1921- ) Herta Bothe (1921-??) Siert Bruins (1921-2015) Reinhold Hanning (1922-2017) Vladimir Katriuk (1921-2015) Otto Carius (1922-2015) Joachim Boosfeld (1922-2015) Helma Kisser (1923?- ) Jakiw Palij (1923- ) Johann Robert Riss (1923- ) Alfred Stoerk (Stark/Stork) (1923- ) Ernst Tremmel (1923?-2016) Aksel Andersen (1924- ) Jakob Denzinger (1924-2016) Helmut Oberlander (1924- ) Helmuth Leif Rasmussen or Rasboel (1924- ) Theodor Szehinskyj (1924-2014)
  22. YoungWillz

    ABC Deadpool - a new one by Wormfarmer

    Oskar Groning is my fifth hit on this pool: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/mar/12/bookkeeper-auschwitz-dies-before-jail-nazis
  23. YoungWillz

    World War Three

    Russia practically accused of the poisoning of Russian agents on UK soil. from the despatch box Here we go...
  24. YoungWillz

    Crashing Companies

    Look, with all these companies closing, it really is simple. Put more money in the pockets of people and they will spend. Stick it to them with low or zero hours contracts, minimum or stagnant wages, growing inflation, high energy bills, houses they can't afford and the economy will suffer. I expect this thread will start becoming hugely active over the next few years. Unless things change.
  25. YoungWillz

    Rag Traders

    Yikes, a real superstar. RIP.

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