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Everything posted by YoungWillz

  1. My seat. Sorry to see Margaret go by a few votes. She was very very good.
  2. YoungWillz


    Norris Wilson, co-writer of country hits including Charlie Rich's The Most Beautiful Girl, has died aged 79. http://www.countrystandardtime.com/news/newsitem.asp?xid=9670
  3. Scotland may place Tezza back in Number 10. Bloody fools fooled. Interestingly allowing Tezza to push through her dementia tax south of the border, while it doesn't apply up in Scotland. Poll Tax revenge!
  4. YoungWillz

    That Portillo Moment

    Amber Rudd in trouble? Ah well, she needs some time off after all the previous tragedies in her life recently. I don't mean that nastily by the way, in a way I feel she's had a hard time.
  5. Coalition very unlikely, trying Brexit in minority almost impossible, if it is accurate we are all voting again.
  6. Health warning on the SNP though, I'll be astonished if they've lost that many.
  7. Looks like it might be hung after all!
  8. Not long until David Dimbleby utters those immortal words from the exit poll. Gawd help this land....
  9. YoungWillz

    General Election Game

    I've just noticed that the majority that Vince Cable lost by in 2015 was....2017!!!! It's a sign, I tell ya...
  10. YoungWillz

    General Election Game

    Hmm, I'll probably be too busy and furious to chat. You could do an update here every hour, or do what I'm going to do with the Portillo Moment and change the colours as and when the results come in, with the odd scoreboard. Anyway, good luck with it Dimbers Deathray!
  11. Oh I dunno, you can look to 75% of the Labour Party.....
  12. Let's apply The Sun's bullet tests to Tezza, shall we? 1. Terrorists' Friend. Yep, they seem to be getting away with murder under her watch. 2. Useless on Brexit. Indeed, no-one sees to know what her plan is, she forgot Gibraltar,yada, yada, yada. 3. Destroyer of productivity. Yes, secure jobs are gone, more and more "self-employed" who are employees in law. More people in work but output lower. 4. Enemy of business. Proposed hard Brexit or possible no deal will crash the market. NI contributions to increase (be assured of that!) 5. Massive tax hikes. The so-called dementia tax will hit the sick and disabled harder, NI contributions again, no commitment not to raise income tax. Stealth taxes are the Conservatives bread and butter, they will get you one way or another. 6. Puppet of the wealthy. The inequality divide is growing apace, more people are predicted to be in poverty, public sector pay capped and private sector wages stagnant. Those independently wealthy are protected from the vast majority of cuts already in place. 7. Nuclear dogma. 130 billion to be spent on WMD, and a seemingly over-eagerness to consider using them, despite possibly being outdated by the time we get them. 8. Ruinous spending. We've had austerity for years and Tezza and chums have already borrowed mahoosively more than any previous Government. They've got lucky with low interest rates, but that has hit savers hard, inflation on the rise and black holes in an uncosted manifesto probably mean borrowing will increase and paying down the deficit will become harder, especially with the lack of growth anticipated. 9. Open immigration. It will continue, the cost of trade deals with more countries will be that people from those countries will be able to come here. So more Chinese, more Indians, more Americans (maybe), yada, yada yada. Continued failure to tackle UK education at source and further real terms cuts anticipated means the skills sets of UK people will remain subservient to other countries, and so in they will come. 10. Extremism. Ripping up human rights won't work, though the sound bite will be used by those who would harm us to further their agenda. A lurch to the right will encourage the legitimisation of the EDL, a resurgence of groups like the BNP and will further lead to hate crime. Right wing extremism is as bad as left wing extremism. Just for balance, he he.
  13. YoungWillz

    Phil Collins (And Other Genesis Types)

  14. The vote has been cast, rest of the day is my own! And then the long, long night to follow....
  15. YoungWillz

    Glen Campbell

    Campbell's daughter is apparently scheduled to appear on BBC Breakfast just after 9 am if anyone's up and around for that.
  16. But not til January.... They'd better be famous...
  17. YoungWillz


    British tenor John Brecknock has received (an albeit odd) death notice in the Telegraph: http://announcements.telegraph.co.uk/deaths/214546/opera-singer IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0106570/
  18. Ah the newspaper that brought you the whitewashing of police at Hillsborough and Kelvin McKenzie. You get what you deserve...
  19. YoungWillz

    The Chequered Flag

    And another, Jochem van den Hoek: http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/motorsport/40189218 Annual carnage quick off the mark.
  20. I see Sturgeon has gone for The Prisoner look today...
  21. YoungWillz

    FIFA World Cup Players

    1962 player for Colombia Marcos Coll dead at 81. http://www.fifa.com/news/y=2017/m=6/news=olympic-goal-scorer-marcos-coll-dies-aged-81-2893130.html Scored directly from a corner against the Soviet Union. It's not as spectacular as it sounds:
  22. YoungWillz

    That Portillo Moment

    I think Clegg is a definite goner.
  23. YoungWillz

    That Portillo Moment

    Master list of nominees. Hopefully I'll be awake to roll the scoreboard through the night. Theresa May (Maidenhead) Hold Majority 26457 Jeremy Corbyn (Islington North) Hold Majority 33215 Angus Robertson (Moray) Lost by 4159 Tim Farron (Westmorland and Lonsdale) Hold Majority 777 Paul Nuttall (Boston and Skegness) Lost by 23963 Caroline Lucas (Brighton Pavilion) Hold Majority 14689 Mhairi Black (Paisley and Renfrewshire South) Hold Majority 2541 David Mundell (Dumfriesshire, Clydesdale and Tweeddale) Hold Majority 9441 Zac Goldsmith (Richmond Park) Win by 45 David Davis (Haltemprice and Howden) Hold Majority 15405 Mary Creagh (Wakefield) Hold Majority 2176 Vince Cable (Twickenham) Won by 9762 Gloria De Piero (Ashfield) Hold Majority 441 Ed Miliband (Doncaster North) Hold - Majority 14024 Nick Clegg (Sheffield Hallam) Lost by 2125 Anna Soubry (Broxtowe) Hold Majority 863 Clive Lewis (Norwich South) Hold Majority 15596 Ian Murray (Edinburgh South) Hold Majority 15154 Alistair Carmichael (Orkney and Shetland) Hold Majority 4563 Philip Davies (Shipley) Hold Majority 4681 Jon Cruddas (Dagenham and Rainham) Hold Majority - 4652 Yvette Cooper (Normanton, Pontefract and Castleford) Hold Majority 14499 Simon Danczuk (Rochdale) Lost by 28152 Chuka Umunna (Streatham) Hold - Majority 26285 Tom Watson (West Bromwich East) Hold - Majority 7713. Margaret Beckett (Derby South) Hold Majority 11248 Alex Salmond (Gordon) Lost by 2607 Liz Kendall (Leicester West) Hold Majority 11060 Cat Smith (Lancaster and Fleetwood) Hold Majority 6661 Dennis Skinner (Bolsover) Hold Majority 5288 Ben Gummer (Ipswich) Lost by 831 Amber Rudd (Hastings and Rye) Hold Majority 346 Ian Duncan Smith (Chingford and Woodford Green) Hold - Majority 2438 Stephen Crabb (Preseli Pembrokeshire) Hold Majority 314 Diane Abbott (Hackney North and Stoke Newington) Hold Majority 35139
  24. YoungWillz

    The Muppets (and other puppets)

    Report of the death of puppeteer Andy Cunningham, famous for some creation called Bodger and Badger. http://www.beyondthejoke.co.uk/content/4040/news-entertainer-andy-cunningham-dies IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0192233/ Apparently he was also in Star Wars - Return Of The Jedi and for some reason that has a separate IMDB entry: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1027625/ Bodger and Badger:

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