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Everything posted by YoungWillz

  1. Now now, I didn't say that. I don't think they've explicitly said the member of the public did get hit accidentally. Let's wait for the official report. I just imagine if there was a shoot to kill policy during the miners' strike, for example. I'm fed up with politicians saying we should carry on, it won't change our way of life, it won't change our values, then using things like this to change our way of life and our values. And it escalates. The crims get guns as a counter to increased guns by the police and more people die. Sorry you are dead, we got the wrong street. It's all terribly exciting though...if Tezza gets in, she'll make Thatcher look like a pussycat.
  2. You do now. Times have changed, enough is enough, etc etc etc. I do worry that extremist terror will simply be supplemented by police terror. They've already shot a member of the public (crossfire I presume, although that hasn't been made explicit) and mistakes do get made. Rogue police officers do get through, we've seen that too. It'll be demonstrators next...
  3. So, if we were to go those sites and the police break down our doors and use their Tezza sanctioned shoot-to-kill policy.....
  4. Jezza holds a moment's silence for all those who died in Liverpool. What did I miss?
  5. YoungWillz

    The Deathlist Poker Tournament 2017

    Appreciated. The Daily Mail can be a big help. If I look at recent obits there, I see Jimmy Piersall, David Delfin, Juan Goytisolo and Mark Colvin all gathered QOs - all of whom I've never heard of personally, but qualify for notability.
  6. YoungWillz

    The Deathlist Poker Tournament 2017

    Yeah, but given teams are going for more notable names, that shouldn't be a problem in most cases.
  7. YoungWillz

    General Non School Massacre Thread

    I didn't realise Pharrell was going to be on. Or Niall Horan. Hot day just got hotter.
  8. Tariq got his internet access back? Blimey!
  9. YoungWillz

    General Non School Massacre Thread

    Yes but she's available for a kicking, so she gets one.
  10. YoungWillz

    General Non School Massacre Thread

    Quite clearly the priority for stopping or foiling attacks are the ones targeted at politicians. Actually what has Tezza been doing these past 7 years? Says we need to change our approach. So the approach she and Ruddsy were in charge of has failed? No actual word on what Jezza would do either. Bombings and slaughter during elections used to be reserved for crazy states.
  11. YoungWillz

    Horse Racing

    Trainer David "Dandy" Nicholls reportedly dead at 61. https://twitter.com/RacingPost/status/871312905052053504
  12. YoungWillz

    General Non School Massacre Thread

    Nah, standard procedure to protect staff and patients. Quite the rampage. More collages of innocent bystanders' faces will follow, it's all very horrific.
  13. YoungWillz

    General Non School Massacre Thread

    More incidents apparently...looks like it's not over....
  14. YoungWillz

    General Non School Massacre Thread

    Sounds like some people in restaurants got a free meal though. Silver linings...
  15. YoungWillz

    General Non School Massacre Thread

    Someone arrested from the scene. Sounds like (s)he was speeding, maybe drunk driver rather than terrorism, but here we go again...
  16. I'm currently watching Top Of The Pops - The Story of 1984 on BBC iPlayer and squeeeing round my room! SQUEEEEEE!
  17. Surely the dance routines compensate though?
  18. Now that I'll vote for...
  19. Or we could just launch a nuclear strike on ourselves and start over as you suggest. I'm against nuclear in principle, if we are under threat of attack, we are fried and no amount of retaliation will save us. If we use it first, retaliation follows and we are fried anyway. I included childcare in working costs as a lot of households are making ends meet by sending both parents out to work (try affording a house on one income?), I dunno, the practical side of heterosexuality escapes me.
  20. Any state which provides incentives for people to sign on has failed its people. If the incentive to work is less than the incentive not to then it is, quite correctly, a failed state. That needs to be fixed. Work brings attendant costs. Childcare, travelling, lunch and the soul destroying company of strangers you have nothing in common with! That's before you've considered a mortgage, heating, eating, blah blah blah. When the entry level pay to work is so low that the basics are unaffordable, it is also a failed state, because then the safety net reduces further. The race to the bottom isn't the UK becoming a tax haven imo, the race to the bottom has begun at the most basic level of work paying. It will continue. It will get worse. Is there a better way? Who knows?
  21. British people have a proud tradition of being non-philanthropic, I'd suggest even though they think they are, when it comes to business. From the height of the Empire to Europe, Johnny Foreigner has always propped up our economy. That supply is about to dry up considerably. Meantime, the British worker is so self-flagellating, many are content to work for wages which don't actually sustain a living standard, while whinging all the time about how hard life is. The great tradition of complaining in secret about it can be maintained. They get what they deserve.
  22. YoungWillz

    The Deathlist Poker Tournament 2017

    Ok, a new entrant has submitted their team and cards have been allocated. Competition is on! Any questions, drop me a PM or place it here. It's not that confusing - 25 notable names, plus 5 notable subs. The rest takes care of itself. Ages to go until it opens anyway.
  23. YoungWillz

    The Deathlist Poker Tournament 2017

    I'm blindingly obvious. Don't worry, I doubt I'll be challenging for the championship. Anyway, teams are welcome. You have until the last minute of 30 June 2017.
  24. YoungWillz

    The Deathlist Poker Tournament 2017

    Just to prove these cards were random, here's the screenshot of my Random.org selection: Edit: Yikes, I can't seem to insert it. Edit: Done. Phew.
  25. YoungWillz

    The Deathlist Poker Tournament 2017

    Ok Chaps, my team has been selected and cards allocated. YoungWillz: 01. XXXX XXXXXX - 8 Diamonds 02. XXXXXX XXXXXX-XXXX - 4 Clubs 03. XXXXXX XXXXXX - Q Spades 04. XXXXXX XXXXX - K Diamonds 05. XXXXX XXXXX - 7 Clubs 06. XXX XXXXX - Q Diamonds 07. XXXXX XXXXXXXXX - 7 Hearts 08. XXXXXX XXXXXXX - K Spades 09. XXXXX XXXXXX - 5 Hearts 10. XXXXXXX XXXX - 9 Spades 11. XXX XXXXXX - 9 Diamonds 12. XXXXX XXXXXXX - Q Clubs 13. XXXXXXX XXXXXXXX - 3 Diamonds 14. XXXXX XXXX - A Spades 15. XXXXX XXXXXXX - Q Hearts 16. XXXX XXXXXXXX - 10 Spades 17. XXXXXX XXXX XXXXXX - 2 Hearts 18. XXXXXXX XXXX - 2 Spades 19. XXXXX XXXX - J Clubs 20. XXXXXXX XXXX - 10 Clubs 21. XXXXX XXXXXX - 9 Clubs 22. XXXX XXXXXXX - 3 Clubs 23. XXXXXX XXXXXXXX - K Clubs 24. XXXXXX XXXXX - 6 Hearts 25. XXXX XXXXXXXX - 4 Spades Subs: A. XXXX XXXXXXX B. XXXXXX XXXXX C. XXXXXXXXX XXXXXX D. XXXXX XXXXXXXX E. XXXXX XXXXXX

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