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Everything posted by YoungWillz

  1. YoungWillz

    Olivia Newton-John

    Hope she does. She had a UK Top 30 hit in 1982. She did in 1981 too, so she's a miss for me if she doesn't see the New Year.
  2. Yikes, we've had car crash telly up here with the Scottish leader. Essentially, they are against Trident, but because English Labour will renew Trident, they are for it. Corbyn maintained today Scotland could have a referendum if voted for by the Scottish Parliament, meantime she says that isn't the case. Boasts of getting people into work, only for Scottish Labour to put your taxes up at basic rate (which isn't UK policy at all for this election). She doesn't do her party any favours at all.... As a result we missed the cosy One Show with Corbyn, I wonder how that went...
  3. YoungWillz

    Political Frailty

    That's austerity for you...
  4. SNP Manifesto sounds interesting. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/election-2017-40091999 If the day job is opposing hurt to Scotland at Westminster, they have set out their position. Interesting to note the comments at the end from the other parties. Apparently, significant policy announcements are "all about independence". I thought that was all the other major parties' leaflets, I've had them all.
  5. YoungWillz

    Hillary Clinton

    Impeach, convict, incarcerate, assassinate. Remake of Charlie And The Chocolate Factory on hold, pending discovery of another super Oompa Loompa.
  6. YoungWillz

    Political Frailty

    Report of the death of John Taylor, former Tory MP for Solihull, aged 75. https://twitter.com/julianknight15/status/869566579259977732 Wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Taylor_(Solihull_MP)
  7. YoungWillz

    That Portillo Moment

    Possibly, I doubt Amber "I Can't Be Drawn On That" Rudd (bad news for portrait painters everywhere!) is in danger. Ian Duncan "I have many untaxable bedrooms" Smith would be hilarious. Stephen Crabb though? Welsh Labour surge....
  8. YoungWillz

    That Portillo Moment

    Can't put Clegg in twice, unfortunately.
  9. YoungWillz

    That Portillo Moment

    I'll add him in. If Skinner goes that could be a contender, not necessarily by largest margin but for shock value.
  10. YoungWillz

    James Bond 007 (Connery/Moore/Villains etc)

    Molly Peters, who played Patricia in Thunderball, has died aged 75. http://heavy.com/entertainment/2017/05/molly-peters-dead-thunderball-james-bond-girl-age-patricia-fearing/ Wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Molly_Peters IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0676601/
  11. YoungWillz

    French speaking deathlist

    These days, staying away from town squares, heavily populated areas, pop concerts.....
  12. YoungWillz

    That Portillo Moment

    Theresa May Jeremy Corbyn Angus Robertson Tim Farron Paul Nuttall Caroline Lucas Mhairi Black David Mundell Zak Goldsmith David Davies Mary Creagh Vince Cable Gloria De Piero Ed Miliband Nick Clegg Anna Soubry Clive Lewis Ian Murray Alistair Carmichael Philip Davies Jon Cruddas Yvette Cooper Simon Danczuk Chuka Umunna Tom Watson Margaret Beckett Alex Salmond Liz Kendall Cat Smith Dennis Skinner Ben Gummer Amber Rudd Ian Duncan Smith Stephen Crabb List Updated. Any more nominees? Given the polls, those reliable indicators (pah!), do we need more Tories?
  13. YoungWillz

    General Election Game

    As the only entrant so far, could this be the first pool I could win?
  14. YoungWillz

    Monty Python

    He he, wasn't getting at you in particular Obake, Toast has her "less/fewer" peeve, apostrophes are mine.
  15. YoungWillz

    Rolf Harris

    Jury discharged after failing to reach verdict. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-40095612 Rolf will celebrate by releasing his version of Freedom 90.
  16. YoungWillz

    Monty Python

    What the hell is it with people and apostrophes?
  17. Jezza can't tell us how much Labour's policy on childcare will cost. After the steel and determination he showed last night, he looked like a tool today, graduating from the Diane Abbott School of Economics. Tezza meantime is on just now, making light of her dismal performance last night and talking about the desperate situation of - yes you guessed it - "ordinary working people". That'll be the "ordinary" people Tezza's had the power to transform their lives for the better for 7 years - thanks for your vote, we'll U-turn once we are back in power. Tiresome Timothy meantime thinks they are both rubbish, while scoffing croissants down the bakery with ex-MP and face of the past Simon Hughes. Scottish dictator in chief launches SNP manifesto, totally failing to attack Labour at all despite their overall surge in the polls and failing to answer the question once again, what if the Tories say no to your independence referendum request?
  18. YoungWillz

    Manuel Noriega

    Progression: Noakes, Noriega....Norden? Anyhow, a particularly nasty piece of work. He was one of the 25 I dropped from my Shadowlist to stay in line with the Deathlist.
  19. YoungWillz

    The Joker's Dead Pool

    Manuel Noriega is my third hit on this pool.
  20. YoungWillz

    U.S. Political Figures over 85

    That's ok, was just mentioning the oldest as it's very early (but late for my bedtime) and I couldn't be bothered doing an exhaustive list.
  21. YoungWillz

    U.S. Political Figures over 85

    Both Boyd and W. Marvin Watson (Postmaster General) are older than Clark from the three surviving Cabinet members.
  22. YoungWillz

    U.S. Political Figures over 85

    Interestingly, there's loads more but here's a list of the oldest 85+ former cabinet members: Obama: None. Bush Jnr: Norman Mineta (Transportation) Clinton: William Perry (Defense) Bush Snr: Lauro Cavazos (Education) Reagan: George Shultz (Secretary of State) Carter: W. Michael Blumenthal (Treasury) Ford: Frederick Dent (Commerce) Nixon: George Shultz (Labor/Treasury) Johnson: Alan S Boyd (Transportation)
  23. YoungWillz

    U.S. Political Figures over 85

    Updated list of United States political figures 85 years and older, as of July 15, 2014 1. Edward Brooke b. 1919, first African American elected to U.S. Senate since Reconstruction, currently oldest living former member of the U.S. Senate. Died 2015. 2. George P. Schultz b. 1920 former Secretary of State under President Ronald Reagan. 3. Nancy Reagan b. 1921, widow of President Ronald Reagan Died 2016. 4. John Glenn b. 1921, last surviving Mercury 7 astronaut and former U.S. Senator. Died 2016. 5. Ernest Hollings b. 1922 ,former U.S. Senator Died 2019 6. John Anderson b. 1922, former U.S. Congressman and 1980 Independent Presidential Candidate Died 2017. 7. Melvin Laird b. 1922, former Secretary of Defense under President Richard Nixon Died 2016. 8. Robert Michel, b. 1923, former Republican Leader of the United States House of Representatives Died 2017 9. Henry Kissinger b. 1923, diplomat and Secretary of State under Presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford 10. Bob Dole b. 1923, former U.S. Senator and 1996 Republican presidential candidate 11. George HW Bush b. 1924 President of the United States 1989-1993.Died 2018 12. Jimmy Carter b. 1924 President of the United States 1977-1981 13. Brent Scowcroft b. 1925 National Security Advisor to Presidents Gerald Ford and George HW Bush Died 2020 14. Barbara Bush b. 1925, wife of President George HW Bush and mother of President George W. Bush Died 2018 15. Happy Rockefeller b. 1926, widow of Vice President Nelson Rockefeller Died 2015. 16. David Dinkins b. 1927- former mayor of New York City 17. Rosalynn Carter b. 1927 wife of President Jimmy Carter 18. Harold Brown b. 1927, Secretary of Defense under President Jimmy Carter Died 2019. 19. Ramsey Clark b. 1927, United States Attorney General under President Lyndon Johnson 20. Zbigniew Brzezinski b. 1927 National Security Advisor under President Jimmy Carter Died 2017 21. Ethel Kennedy b. 1928 widow of Robert F. Kennedy 22. Walter Mondale b. 1928 United States Vice President 1977-1981 and 1984 Democratic Presidential Candidate
  24. YoungWillz

    Death Anniversary Thread

    40 years ago Guy McCrone who co-founded Glasgow's Citizens Theatre, departed from the stage aged 78.
  25. YoungWillz

    Donald J Trump

    Wasn't stamina mentioned during the campaign? Mmmm, let me think.... Who went on and on about someone not having stamina? 9 days abroad and he's flaking? Fuckwit.

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