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Everything posted by YoungWillz

  1. PCCs? Jeez, the inventions they think of down South just to have another election.
  2. Long as you are using your vote, 'tis a thing to be cherished. Lot to be said for a good local candidate sometimes as well, rather than the big picture. Roll on June 8th!
  3. Tezza Pre-Paxman: And Post -Paxman:
  4. YoungWillz


    Neville Wigram, 2nd Baron Wigram has died aged 101. https://wincollsoc.org/news/ow-obituaries Scavenger Hunt pick. Wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neville_Wigram,_2nd_Baron_Wigram
  5. Thought Paxo had her on the ropes there. "Here is your arse, Tezza, I'll hand it over to you". Then he gave her the gilt edged Brexit card, you know, the one that gets you into Number 10 from the outside. She still performed poorly overall though. It's like "My manifesto has no figures in it, I'm thinking of a figure on [welfare/NHS/social care/Brexit/other project], I'll let the public write it down on a piece of paper and after the election I'll tell you the figure I was thinking of."
  6. I didn't miss it. I've never seen such a smug git with nothing to be smug about. Meantime, the audience have openly scoffed at Tezza. Openly laughed in her face. That hasn't happened since....Miliband.
  7. Jezza certainly got a better result there than Miliband's last outing. Paxo scoffing at talking to terrorists to promote peace. Tezza takes the stand.
  8. I assume they are all talking bollocks. Talking of which, Paxo's about to "get tore in" to Jezza.
  9. So Tezza is once again lying to the British public? If it's the case that intelligence will be shared regardless (which I agree it will), that's another discard from Tezza's "strong hand".
  10. YoungWillz

    Docter Docter!

    Not me personally, but just been told a good friend of mine has suffered a heart attack. At 24 years old. Seems fine now apparently, though I think he was briefly comatose. At least that's one more thing we have in common.
  11. Agreed to everything. However, to suggest in the face of that particular fuck up that the EU will be desperate for our services is, to quote you, "fucking bollocks".
  12. Jezza and Tezza on Channel 4 tonight. I see Tezza is banking on using our intelligence services and police as bargaining chips in the Brexit negotiations. That'll be the intelligence services who knew about the Manchester bomber and did nothing about it and the police whose numbers we are cutting. Jezza meantime has come out saying he might open discussions with the Scottish Parliament on the independence issue. That'll be the issue that his Scottish leader has ruled out forever. They really are both toxic as far as I'm concerned.
  13. YoungWillz

    The Hartlepool Deadlypool

    John Noakes did do panto though, he was in Mother Goose in 1960 according to this bio. http://www.presentersagency.com/clients/maleclients/johnnoakes.php
  14. YoungWillz

    The 6th death of 2017

    Still not got this right. I choose to save Nobby Stiles, accordingly. He will be fine.
  15. YoungWillz

    Derby Dead Pool 2017

    To be fair (i) it's the Daily Mail, so press is a loose term here, and (ii) I wasn't particularly looking.
  16. YoungWillz

    Very Blue Peter

  17. YoungWillz

    The Hare's Death Pool

    John Noakes has turned blue and is a hit for Shaun Of The Dead and The Unknown Man.
  18. YoungWillz

    Shadow Lists

    John Noakes still keeps us level: DL - 5 YW - 5.
  19. YoungWillz

    Shauns Death By Numbers 2017

    John Noakes is my 5th hit here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-40083025
  20. YoungWillz

    John Noakes

    Good lord, the hero of my childhood. RIP.
  21. YoungWillz

    George Bush Senior

    Now do come along George. It's nearly the end of May. You'd assure your place in history as the first Prez to die in May, no matter what. It's not like you'll be remembered for much else.
  22. YoungWillz

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2018

    I'm intrigued by the discussion on this issue. I have no idea behind the Deathlist concept. A wishlist it clearly is not. An opportunistic way of predicting the demise of a lot of ill people it isn't either. Famous or infamous people who might cark it is my best guess. Which is why I was surprised to see Downie and Bracknell this year. Who wants a list made up of people who have a 90% chance of dying?
  23. YoungWillz

    The Hare's Death Pool

    The question really is do you want 8 hits in the first half of the year, or hope for 8+ hits in the second half? Or in my case, 8 hits? Are you joking?
  24. YoungWillz

    Only Famous For Being Ill And Dying

    Report of the death of Ray Pfeifer, US firefighter suffering from 9/11 cancer. https://twitter.com/FDNYEngine63/status/868870052686311424 DDP Pick.
  25. YoungWillz

    Aaron Ramsey

    So, anyone want to look again at the first post and update?

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