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Everything posted by YoungWillz

  1. A. I didn't say it was unfair. I'm just pointing out that the Thatcherite line that May is following obviously isn't working. People are still going on strike despite her best efforts. The Government say they are for the workers - the same Government that yet again made it harder for you to take an employer to a tribunal, and practically impossible in some cases. I'll absolutely agree with you there. B. "Comrade"? Branding people this way is the same way May says you're not patriotic if you don't agree with her. The same as Labour brand "ordinary people". As both parties brand people by class, thus perpetuating the same old struggles which have constipated this country for generations. I'm for the death penalty in certain circumstances. I'm for big business, provided they pay their taxes and don't take their workers for granted, maybe even ethical capitalism. I'm even against gay marriage - that surprised you, didn't it? Everyone is different with differing opinions on certain issues. Don't bunch me in with some homogenous group that doesn't exist.
  2. YoungWillz

    The Hartlepool Deadlypool

    Children slaying not a crime against humanity? Anyway, happy to see you RA and cool got some real points on the board!
  3. YoungWillz

    Donald J Trump

    Well it was either impeachment or assassination. Anyway, did the Americans not realise they were voting for a Russian placeman? Land of the free ruled by a dictator?
  4. YoungWillz

    Death Anniversary Thread

    Ah yes, the Summer there was no Summer...
  5. YoungWillz

    Jane, Jayne, Jeanne, Jean And Joan

    Report here that Jean Fritz, children's author, has died aged 101. https://twitter.com/PWKidsBookshelf/status/864606579060084737 DDP Pick.
  6. YoungWillz

    General Election Game

    I've predicted UKIP gains too. Must still be on a high after the Portugal win in Eurovish!
  7. YoungWillz

    That Portillo Moment

    Yeah, but the Westminster leaders are always fair game for this game. I thought about including Chuka then didn't. But possibly.... The Tory up against Alex Salmond is known already as "four jobs", two of which are already political and all of which take second place to his international refereeing. He ain't gonna beat Alex on that record...but if he does, independence will soon follow...
  8. YoungWillz

    General Election Game

    Ok, here's my entry: 01. Morley and Outwood (Con) - to be taken by Lab 02. Eastbourne (Con) - to be taken by Lib Dems 03. Dumfriesshire, Clydesdale and Tweeddale (Con) - to be taken by SNP 04. Twickenham (Con) - to be taken by Lib Dems 05. Croydon Central (Con) - to be taken by Lab 06. City of Chester (Lab) - to be taken by Con 07. North East Derbyshire (Lab) - to be taken by Con 08. Edinburgh South (Lab) - to be taken by SNP 09. Blackpool South (Lab) - to be taken by Con 10. Bristol East (Lab) - to be taken by Con 11. Orkney and Shetland (LibDems) - to be taken by SNP 12. Sheffield Hallam (LibDems) - to be taken by Lab 13. East Renfrewshire (SNP) - to be taken by Con 14. North East Fife (SNP) - to be taken by LibDems 15. Richmond Park (LibDems) - to be taken by Con 16. Wrexham (Lab) - to be taken by Con 17. Bury South (Lab) - to be taken by Con 18. Birmingham Yardley (Lab) - to be taken by LibDems 19. Cardiff Central (Lab) - to be taken by LibDems 20. Gedling (Lab) - to be taken by Con 21. Boston and Skegness (Con) - to be taken by UKIP 22. Yeovil (Con) - to be taken by LibDems 23. South Thanet (Con) - to be taken by UKIP 24. Westminster North (Lab) - to be taken by Con 25. Birmingham Erdington (Lab) - to be taken by Con.
  9. YoungWillz

    That Portillo Moment

    So, plenty of contenders now the candidates' lists have been verified? Theresa May Jeremy Corbyn Angus Robertson Tim Farron Paul Nuttall Caroline Lucas Mhairi Black David Mundell Zak Goldsmith David Davies Mary Creagh Vince Cable Gloria De Piero Ed Miliband Nick Clegg Anna Soubry Clive Lewis Ian Murray Alistair Carmichael Any more?
  10. The Government recently made it more difficult for people to go on strike...(but they are all for worker's rights, now there's an election). So, the nurses want to go on strike, fresh wave of rail workers' strikes and remember the junior doctors? (All in Conservative England). Great, isn't it?
  11. YoungWillz


    Death Notice for Sir David William Perceval Cooke, 12th Baronet aged 82. http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/thetimes-uk/obituary.aspx?n=david-william-perceval-cooke&pid=185396912 Wiki (Mention): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cooke_baronets#Cooke_baronets.2C_of_Wheatley_Hall_.281661.29
  12. YoungWillz

    Shadow Lists

    Ian Brady keeps it tight for me: DL - 4 YW - 4
  13. YoungWillz

    The 5th death of 2017

    Hefner. It's time.
  14. YoungWillz

    Inverse Dead Pool 2017

    I gather a few more points. Ah well. Lower reaches on my table.
  15. YoungWillz

    The Hartlepool Deadlypool

    Ian Brady is my first hit on this pool for 2017.
  16. YoungWillz

    The Deathlist Cup

    Vicki Letele dead. http://www.newshub.co.nz/home/new-zealand/2017/05/convicted-fraudster-vicki-letele-dies-of-cancer-after-prison-release.html
  17. YoungWillz


    Fred Talbot latest trial: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-south-scotland-39926015
  18. YoungWillz

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2018

    Not Physical anymore...
  19. YoungWillz

    Ian Brady

    Apostrophe alert!
  20. YoungWillz

    Dead Pop Stars

    Report of the death of Pierre DeMudd, sometime trumpet player and vocalist with The Dazz Band. https://www.soultracks.com/story-pierre-demudd-dies Let It All Blow (UK #12, 1984):
  21. YoungWillz

    Ian Brady

    For some reason I always think of forklift trucks when I see that phrase...
  22. YoungWillz

    Ian Brady

    Remember when Charles Manson was gravely ill? Anyway, time will tell...
  23. Did Kwouk get snubbed again?
  24. YoungWillz

    The Deathlist Cup

    Likely as the Daily Mirror? http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/young-woman-who-made-heartfelt-10420677

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