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Everything posted by YoungWillz

  1. YoungWillz

    The 10th death of 2017

    Still never got it right, so ding dong, hellloooo Leslie Phillips.
  2. YoungWillz

    The Deathlist Poker Tournament 2017

    With Forsyth's death everyone is playing! Shaun Of The Dead had him as a sub and drew the 7 Hearts for 7 Points. No-one running away with it. Good game, good game!
  3. YoungWillz

    The Deathlist Poker Tournament 2017

    Deaths so far: Smith Hart (2 July) - Obit Gained Ssebaana Kizito (3 July) - No Obit Liu Xiaobo (13 July) - Obit Gained John Wraw (25 July) - Obit Gained June Foray (26 July) - Obit Gained Jeanne Moreau (31 July) - Obit Gained Jim Marrs (2 August) - No Obit Robert Hardy (3 August) - Obit Gained Glen Campbell (8 August) - Obit Gained Yisrael Kristal (11 August) - Obit Gained Bruce Forsyth (18 August) - Obit Gained Death Impends: 412 Points (Hart; Xiaobo; Foray; Wraw) (Sub: Kristal [Q Diamonds]) Cards Played: gcreptile: 405 Points (Hart: Xiaobo; Campbell; Kristal) Cards Played: JoeyRuss: 313 Points (Hart; Xiaobo; Wraw) (Sub: Campbell [K Clubs]) Cards Played: The Dead Cow: 310 Points (Hart; Xiaobo; Wraw) (Sub: Campbell [10 Hearts]) Cards Played: Captain Chorizo: 300 Points (Hart; Wraw; Campbell) Cards Played: msc: 300 Points (Xiaobo; Hardy; Campbell) Cards Played: RadGuy: 300 Points (Hart; Wraw; Campbell) Cards Played: YoungWillz: 300 Points (Hardy; Campbell; Forsyth) Cards Played: RishCast: 210 Points (Xiaobo; Campbell) Cards Played: Bibliogryphon: 200 Points (Kristal; Forsyth) Cards Played: Grave Danger: 200 Points (Xiaobo; Forsyth) Cards Played: Toast: 200 Points (Campbell; Forsyth) Cards Played: Zsa Zsa's Leg: 200 Points (Hart; Campbell) Cards Played: Gooseberry Crumble: 100 Points (Moreau) Cards Played: JiroemonKimura: 100 Points (Xiaobo) Cards Played: Shaun Of The Dead: 7 Points (Sub: Forsyth [7 Hearts])
  4. YoungWillz

    The Hare's Death Pool

    Just had a more detailed look at the old scoreboard. Toast and Widow's Peak had Brucie as a Wildcard and therefore become joint leaders of the highest individual score at this point @Deathray of 458 Points. Yes. it is tighter at the top now....
  5. YoungWillz

    The Hare's Death Pool

    Well, I've had a quick glance at the old scoreboard and Brucie is a hit. Unfortunately for msc, this means that with Widow's Peak smashing in with a Wildcard, msc remains the holder of the title for the longest time without a hit.
  6. YoungWillz

    Shadow Lists

    Brucie my 8th hit. Still nip and tuck, though DL generally pulls away at this point. DL - 9 YW 8.
  7. YoungWillz

    Windy City Deadpool 2017-18

    Brucie Forsyth is my third hit. Sure I'm not alone. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-40978576
  8. YoungWillz

    The Joker's Dead Pool

    Bruce Forsyth makes it 6 for me: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-40978576
  9. YoungWillz

    Bruce Forsyth

    BBC announcing it now.
  10. YoungWillz

    General Non School Massacre Thread

    Finland, though not sure it's a massacre yet: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/finland-terror-attack-several-people-11010652
  11. YoungWillz

    General Non School Massacre Thread

    Is it totally impossible that the real perpetrators of these attacks are Hallmark, Interflora and balloon manufacturers?
  12. YoungWillz

    Room Lovely, Look You.

    Does she have a cute little asp?
  13. Stirling is a beautiful campus and its tranquility may help a Philosophy student! One of my friends has just graduated from there and sadly is on his way to London where the jobs are for him. Have a superb time.
  14. YoungWillz


    And while I remember, Mail Obit: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4797480/Duke-owner-52-000-acre-Badminton-Estate-dies.html
  15. YoungWillz


    Death Notice for Miles Alvery Gladwyn Jebb, 2nd Baron Gladwyn aged c. 87. http://announcements.telegraph.co.uk/deaths/216484/gladwyn Daddy was high up in the UN, donthca know... Wiki (mention): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baron_Gladwyn
  16. YoungWillz


    Report of the death at 89 of David Somerset, 11th Duke of Beaufort: https://twitter.com/rupertevelyn/status/897884499958267905
  17. YoungWillz

    Derby Dead Pool 2017

    Round Up #20 (Trump Is A Person Of Colour - Orange! Special) Aundrea Bannatyne: https://forums.deathlist.net/topic/8709-only-famous-for-being-ill-and-dying/?do=findComment&comment=320055 Awaiting Obit. David Somerset, 11th Duke of Beaufort: https://forums.deathlist.net/topic/8456-aristocrats/?do=findComment&comment=320074 Daily Mail Obit: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4797480/Duke-owner-52-000-acre-Badminton-Estate-dies.html Susanne Cameron-Blackie: https://forums.deathlist.net/topic/9034-the-dead-of-2017/?do=findComment&comment=320221 Awaiting Obit. Bruce Forsyth: https://forums.deathlist.net/topic/379-37-bruce-forsyth/?do=findComment&comment=320242 BBC Obit: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-40978576 Sonny Burgess: https://forums.deathlist.net/topic/2389-dead-pop-stars/?do=findComment&comment=320562 Mirror Obit: http://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/rockabilly-icon-sonny-burgess-dead-11018277 Colin Meads: https://forums.deathlist.net/topic/4559-andy-ripley-and-other-boofheads/?do=findComment&comment=320616 (Telegraph Obit In Link) Jerry Lewis: https://forums.deathlist.net/topic/943-33-jerry-lewis/?do=findComment&comment=320741 (BBC Obit In Link) Karl Otto Gotz: https://forums.deathlist.net/topic/6496-art-for-deaths-sake/?do=findComment&comment=320990 Awaiting Obit. Brian Aldiss: https://forums.deathlist.net/topic/857-authors-last-a-long-time-but/?do=findComment&comment=320991 BBC Obit: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-41003085 Bea Wain: https://forums.deathlist.net/topic/8294-the-100-club/?do=findComment&comment=321001 Awaiting Obit. Margot Hielscher: https://forums.deathlist.net/topic/7873-foreign-personalities-from-stage-screen-politics-and-life/?do=findComment&comment=321116 Awaiting Obit. Terri Roberts: https://forums.deathlist.net/topic/857-authors-last-a-long-time-but/?do=findComment&comment=321272 Awaiting Obit.
  18. YoungWillz

    Only Famous For Being Ill And Dying

    Aundrea Bannatyne: http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/northern-ireland/she-fought-with-everything-she-had-right-until-the-end-brave-belfast-cancer-mum-aundrea-passes-away-36037375.html
  19. YoungWillz

    Derby Dead Pool 2017

    Top 100? *faints*
  20. YoungWillz

    Only Famous For Being Ill And Dying

    Polly Haydock's QO for the DDP: http://www.express.co.uk/celebrity-news/841371/Peter-Kay-care-share-fan-Polly-Haydock-cancer-death
  21. YoungWillz

    A Night To Remember

    Just to say IMDB now has Kathleen Williams (last on the list) dead in 1984: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0931030/
  22. YoungWillz


    Will he make it to Summerslam?
  23. YoungWillz

    The Dead Of 2017

    British actor and DDP pick Ronald Hines apparently died on 28 March 2017. https://www.thegazette.co.uk/notice/2813061 Wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ronald_Hines IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0385711/
  24. YoungWillz

    The 100 Club

    Pierre Langerock has died aged 104, one of the oldest set of male twins, leaving his brother Paul alone. https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/paul-langerock-104-bids-farewell-to-beloved-twin-6m5t77fxc
  25. YoungWillz

    Ask A Deathlister

    I'd say get the paramedics out to check you over. Straight away. Safe than sorry.

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