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Everything posted by YoungWillz

  1. YoungWillz

    Ask A Deathlister

    Do you have someone with you to get assistance?
  2. YoungWillz

    DDP 2018 Town Hall

    It's a discussion, not an argument, for the game runner will decide all anyway. We can put our counter-arguments effectively here. It's true that the Drop 40 bonus doesn't help much, which is why it should be increased to an additional 10 points, ha ha! If you can't have a game runner checking and re-checking entries to decide whether someone qualifies under some sort of ban on certain picks, then you need something that effectively dissuades people from that sort of pick. If you do away with the Drop 40, the only alternative is to deduct say 5 points when a certain person dies based on some sort of rule about cancer/terminal nobodies. That might be a problem for the website and how calculations are made. I'd argue picking someone who is famous for something, anything, who may die should be rewarded over someone who will definitely die who never did anything in their life apart from getting ill and getting a "compassionate" write-up from the press.
  3. YoungWillz

    DDP 2018 Town Hall

    Because cancer nobodies are disproportionately rewarded for having no celebrity status whatsoever. "Look, I found this 18 year old dame who will definitely die this year! She's from Huddersfield and has two kids and once had her picture taken with Wayne Rooney! Mirror Obit guaranteed!" Why you should be rewarded for that type of pick escapes me.
  4. YoungWillz

    DDP 2018 Town Hall

    Yikes. I'd say nobodies with cancer reduce the quality of a team right off the bat. The Drop 40 didn't even enter my head when selecting my team. Additionally, popular picks don't always equate to popular deceased, however they are more likely to obit. Depends how you view the competition. Is it: 1. Win by selecting carefully chosen celebrities that no-one else might have picked? 2. Win by selecting the picks that everyone else might pick, thus gaining the likelihood of drawing most of your competitors' picks? 3. Win at all costs, how dare other people get lucky with their selections? 4. Take part and mourn/cheer as appropriate the selections you make? Not everyone's in it to win. But it's a bit rich for the more successful participants to want rule changes that actually make it more difficult for others to win, just because they "do a lot of hard work" with their picks.
  5. YoungWillz

    The Grammy Dead Pool

    If the game didn't start until the 10th and Campbell died on the 8th, why is he a hit?
  6. YoungWillz

    Ice Hockey Players

    Bryan Murray dead: https://www.nhl.com/senators/news/former-senators-general-manager-bryan-murray-passes-away-at-age-74/c-290654492
  7. YoungWillz

    The Hare's Death Pool

  8. YoungWillz

    DDP 2018 Town Hall

    I'm guessing Brokenshire won't be far behind....
  9. YoungWillz

    The Hare's Death Pool

    Previous leaders have taken a philosophical approach, in that a lead at this stage is nothing. DI has tumbled from a commanding position, msc remains clawing and clinging to the top 5. Widow's Peak could conceivably draw level with Joey Russ if JR has no more hits and WP hits only 4 in late November/early December. And loads have their valuable Wildcards to play.... It all depends who stalls, who goes, and when. This just ain't over until it's over.
  10. YoungWillz

    The Hare's Death Pool

    Fourteenth Leaderboard 2017: (*=Joker) 1st: JoeyRuss - 1298 Points [11/25] (Snuka; *Wetton; Westhuizen; Langhorne; Morano; Pirsig; Bayldon; Allman; Sallis; Campbell; Kristal) 2nd: Sir Creep - 987 Points [10/25] (Soares; McGiffin; Wetton; Skellern; Morano; Lakovic; Carey; Christie; Van-Zandvliet; Campbell) =3rd: JiroemonKimura - 924 Points [8/25] (*Snuka; Cordero; Mohren; Skellern; Christie; Hofer; Del Rio; Campbell) =3rd: The Dead Cow - 924 Points [8/25] (Sarstedt; D. Carrington; Westhuizen; Skellern; Morano; Sallis; *Van-Zandvliet; Campbell) 5th: msc - 826 Points [11/25] (Snuka; B. Simpson; McGill; Wetton; Coward; Skellern; Hewlett; Lakovic; Sallis; Christie; Van-Zandvliet) 6th: Grim Up North - 800 Points [8/25] (Wetton; Westhuizen; Coward; Skellern; Morano; Christie; Fawkes; Campbell) 7th: drol - 757 Points [7/25] (Soares; *Snuka; Bossom; Clifton James; Sallis; Hart; Campbell) 8th: The Unknown Man - 723 Points [5/25] (Wetton; Noakes; Christie; Kohl; Campbell) 9th: RadGuy/Phantom Of The Midway - 713 Points [7/25] (Snuka; Tyler-Moore; Westhuizen; Morano; Sallis; Christie; Kristal) 10th: Book - 621 Points [5/25] (Sarstedt; Tyler-Moore; Kohl; Bergmann; Campbell) 11th: gcreptile - 600 Points [8/25] (Hollingworth; Youguang; Snuka; Mohren; Rockefeller; Morano; Kaiser; Kristal) 12th: Death Impends - 585 Points [9/25] (Youguang; Nakamura; Hale; D. Carrington; Corey; Skellern; Rockefeller; Sallis; Hart) 13th: Toast - 584 Points [7/25] (Sims; Westhuizen; Sumner; Coward; McGuinness; Sallis; Campbell) 14th: Rotten Ali - 573 Points [5/25] (Hurt; Wetton; Christie; Kohl; Blazer) 15th: Shaun Of The Dead - 572 Points [6/25] (Hollingworth; Skellern; Kaufman; Noakes; Sallis; Christie) 16th: Deathers - 491 Points [5/25] (Westhuizen; Kaufman; Berry; Morano; Campbell) 17th: YoungWillz - 376 Points [3/25] (*Snuka; Bayldon; Campbell) 18th: Bibliogryphon - 375 Points [4/25] (Dalyell; McCowen; *Freeman; Norman) 19th: ImNotHades - 307 Points [2/25] (Fresco; Sarosy) 20th: Pedro67 - 274 Points [3/25] (Skellern; Walcott; Sallis) 21st: Rockhopper penguin - 223 Points [3/25] (Westhuizen; Berry; Dreyfus) 22nd: Whoaml - 222 Points [5/25] (Sarstedt; Hale; Westhuizen; Berry; Rockefeller) 23rd: Captain Chorizo - 156 Points [3/25] (Hollingworth; Suzuki; Morano) 24th: Widows Peak - 0 Points [0/25]
  11. YoungWillz

    FIFA World Cup Players

    Hmm, Ely Tacchella, aged 81, also of the Swiss team of 1962 and 1966: https://translate.google.co.uk/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.24heures.ch%2Fsports%2Factu%2FLe-grand-defenseur-suisse-Ely-Tacchella-n-est-plus%2Fstory%2F25909464&edit-text
  12. YoungWillz

    The Deathlist Poker Tournament 2017

    Bibliogryphon joins the game with Kristal's death. DI had Kristal as a sub and drew the Queen of Diamonds, giving an additional 12 points. Still waiting for Shaun of the Dead to throw down a card.
  13. YoungWillz

    The Deathlist Poker Tournament 2017

    Deaths so far: Smith Hart (2 July) - Obit Gained Ssebaana Kizito (3 July) - No Obit Liu Xiaobo (13 July) - Obit Gained John Wraw (25 July) - Obit Gained June Foray (26 July) - Obit Gained Jeanne Moreau (31 July) - Obit Gained Jim Marrs (2 August) - No Obit Robert Hardy (3 August) - Obit Gained Glen Campbell (8 August) - Obit Gained Yisrael Kristal (11 August) - Obit Gained Death Impends: 412 Points (Hart; Xiaobo; Foray; Wraw) (Sub: Kristal [Q Diamonds]) Cards Played: gcreptile: 405 Points (Hart: Xiaobo; Campbell; Kristal) Cards Played: JoeyRuss: 313 Points (Hart; Xiaobo; Wraw) (Sub: Campbell [K Clubs]) Cards Played: The Dead Cow: 310 Points (Hart; Xiaobo; Wraw) (Sub: Campbell [10 Hearts]) Cards Played: Captain Chorizo: 300 Points (Hart; Wraw; Campbell) Cards Played: msc: 300 Points (Xiaobo; Hardy; Campbell) Cards Played: RadGuy: 300 Points (Hart; Wraw; Campbell) Cards Played: RishCast: 210 Points (Xiaobo; Campbell) Cards Played: YoungWillz: 200 Points (Hardy; Campbell) Cards Played: Zsa Zsa's Leg: 200 Points (Hart; Campbell) Cards Played: Bibliogryphon: 100 Points (Kristal) Cards Played: Gooseberry Crumble: 100 Points (Moreau) Cards Played: Grave Danger: 100 Points (Xiaobo) Cards Played: JiroemonKimura: 100 Points (Xiaobo) Cards Played: Toast: 100 Points (Campbell) Cards Played:
  14. YoungWillz

    World's Oldest

    Mail: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/afp/article-4782640/Worlds-oldest-man-dead-Israel-113-media.html
  15. YoungWillz

    The Fringes Of Fame/family Of The Famous

    James Ellsworth's grandfather: https://twitter.com/realellsworth/status/895829766250647553
  16. YoungWillz

    The Hare's Death Pool

    Three teams saw their way Kristal clear to picking the oldest man (verified). Leaderboard in the early hours, will there be more hits before then?
  17. YoungWillz

    Last Word

    Glen Campbell, Helen Alexander, Clancy Sigal, Prunella Briance. Only 4?
  18. YoungWillz

    Only Famous For Being Ill And Dying

    Dead: http://www.theboltonnews.co.uk/news/northwest/15467855.Inspirational_mum_of_three_dies_after_brave_battle_with_cancer/
  19. YoungWillz

    DDP 2018 Town Hall

    Since it was brought up here, we now have 3 contenders who have received death notices but no obvious obit as yet: Jagraj Singh, Edward Allcard and now Laurie Brokenshire.
  20. YoungWillz

    The Dead Of 2017

    Quite right. Times Death Notice: http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/thetimes-uk/obituary.aspx?n=laurence-philip-brokenshire-laurie&pid=186341697
  21. YoungWillz

    Eddie Large

    If he hadn't been "a fat fuck" he wouldn't have made all his money though...
  22. YoungWillz

    Grange Hill

    Obituary for Beryl King aged 90. https://www.theguardian.com/stage/2017/aug/10/beryl-king-obituary Better known as a stage actress and teacher, she played the role of Mrs Stannard, a bitch of a governess of the school, at a meeting to discuss the alleged relationship between Fay Lucas and the teacher Mr King. This was also around the height of Zammo's drugtaking. IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1469271/
  23. YoungWillz

    The Dead Of 2017

    Yep, Toho Stars thread.
  24. YoungWillz

    Not Really Famous, But What A Moniker!

    Can't let this one go by. American County Judge Randy Carney: http://www.kait8.com/story/36097465/mississippi-county-judge-randy-carney-dies Well, aren't they all, love?
  25. YoungWillz

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2018

    Agreed. I've read most of the Marples/Poirots. I guess the most strange is The Big Four. Don't really have a favourite, but if pushed I might tell you...

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