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Everything posted by YoungWillz

  1. YoungWillz

    Dead Pop Stars

    I'm fine either way.
  2. YoungWillz

    The Rabbi Thread

    Rabbi Moshe Levinger, who led the movement for Jewish settlements in territories occupied by Israel after the 1967 Six Day War, has died at 80. http://www.haaretz.com/news/israel/.premium-1.656754
  3. YoungWillz

    Formula 1 & Other Motor Racing

    I believe I mentioned this clip on post 271 above. At the end of the clip, you can also see Tom Pryce's blood-soaked body being stretchered away. I was surprised to find this footage even existed, as South Africa only started its TV service in 1975. It certainly adds some context to the other, more famous, clip of the accident. Though many people have been bemused at the reactions of Renzo Zorzi and Bill (the marshal seen with the non-Pryce killing extinguisher) to what was Jansen van Vuuren flailing past right in front of them. I also scanned the pages detailing this accident from the recent 'The Lost Generation - The Brilliant But Tragic Lives Of Rising British F1 Stars Roger Williamson, Tony Brise And Tom Pryce' book, if anyone's interested in seeing them. Renzo Zorzi has taken the last lap at 68. http://www.omnicorse.it/magazine/55315/f1-ricordo-addio-a-renzo-zorzi-un-campione-incompreso
  4. YoungWillz

    Dead Pop Stars

    Appreciated, but was asked for over in the Pop Stars Thread after Ben E King's death. A lot of soul music, particularly Northern Soul, was more or less niche and was neither "pop" nor engendered "stars" in the meaning of chart hits. It's worth a thread I think. Give it a chance?
  5. YoungWillz

    Charles Manson

    Manson's reported death confirmed a hoax. http://www.inquisitr.com/2093546/charles-manson-dead-in-another-internet-hoax/
  6. YoungWillz

    Mohamed Morsi

    And now it appears 3 Egyptian judges have been shot dead in Sinai as a response. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/africa/three-egyptian-judges-shot-dead-in-sinai-hours-after-mohamed-morsi-sentenced-to-death-10255067.html
  7. YoungWillz

    Dead Pop Stars

    Ortheia Barnes-Kennerly, Detroit based singer, has died at 70. http://www.wxyz.com/news/region/detroit/detroit-singer-ortheia-barnes-dies-at-70 Here's some Northern Soul: https://youtu.be/_l1gBSTg9wc Edit: Independent: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/obituaries/ortheia-barneskennerly-jazz-and-rnb-singer-who-had-northern-soul-hits-and-opened-for-stevie-wonder-and-marvin-gaye-10274408.html
  8. YoungWillz

    American Football Players

    Garo Yepremian, kicker for the Miami Dolphins, especially during their 17-0 season, dies at 70. https://uk.news.yahoo.com/former-dolphins-kicker-garo-yepremian-dies-70-034745145--spt.html#a8TbMxx However he will be remembered for almost costing them the Superbowl (he didn't): http://www.nfl.com/videos/nfl-videos/0ap3000000455023/Super-Bowl-VII-Yepremian-s-blocked-field-goal-interception
  9. YoungWillz

    Terrorists & Topical Terrorist Targets

    Abu Sayyaf, who helped direct Islamic State's oil, gas and financial operations, as well as holding a military role, reported killed in engagement with US forces. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-32764995
  10. YoungWillz

    The Dead Of 2015

    Flora MacNeil, "queen of the Gaelic singers" dies at 86. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-32763529 Gus am bris an latha.
  11. YoungWillz

    That Portillo Moment

    Will we get a double Portillo for Jim Murphy? Lost his seat, will he lose the Scottish Labour leadership? Stay tuned for more...Soap! Edit: Bloody hell*, he's staying! (But only for a month). (*Ron Weasley)
  12. YoungWillz

    Businesspeople, Investors, CEO's

    William Wilson MBE, former chairman of Aston Martin, has died at 93. http://announce.jpress.co.uk/isle-of-man-today/obituary/william-wilson-mbe/41797614 He famously bought the company for £100 in 1972 and 3 years later sold it for over £1m.
  13. YoungWillz

    World's Oldest

    The (now former) oldest woman in France and second oldest in Europe, Olympe Amaury, reported dead at 113. http://translate.google.co.uk/translate?hl=en&sl=fr&u=http://www.ouest-france.fr/doyenne-des-francais-olympe-amaury-est-decedee-114-ans-3403875&prev=search She is now replaced by Eudoxie Baboul on the list of validated supercentenarians.
  14. YoungWillz

    Cage Fighters

    Latest report indicates that he did in fact die this afternoon. Manager and another source confirm. http://mmajunkie.com/2015/05/ufc-veteran-corey-hill-dead-at-36-reports-manager
  15. YoungWillz

    The Dead Of 2015

    Robert Drasnin, composer of incidental music for such shows as Twilight Zone and Mission Impossible, and served as director of music for CBS Television from 1977 to 1991, dies at 87. http://variety.com/2015/music/news/robert-drasnin-dead-dies-twilight-zone-voodoo-1201497751/ https://youtu.be/GhLP96S2AmE
  16. YoungWillz

    Dead Screenwriters Society

    Gill Dennis, who co-wrote the screenplay for Walk The Line, has passed away at 74. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/gill-dennis-dead-walk-line-795926
  17. YoungWillz

    By-Election Bingo

    Have to cause a by-election, so I would say yes. Yes these are sitting MPs from the current parliament. You can if you wish include the speaker or any of the Northern Ireland parties. I am pleased to say I have received the first entry(apart from mine). ok, I'll have to refresh my knowledge on incumbent MPs, it's been 11 years since I moved away so it'll be a challenge to come up with 30 names, but I'll certainly give it a go. If I can be of assistance here, I used the list of Parliamentary constituencies on Wiki (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_United_Kingdom_Parliament_constituencies) and went from there to cross check incumbents (which are 99.5% correct, I found one that hadn't been updated). Sped up the task no end.
  18. YoungWillz

    The 4th Death Of 2015

    Gone for Cliff Michelmore, I'm never right so I might as well be so wrong it's got a chance.
  19. YoungWillz

    By-Election Bingo

    Have to cause a by-election, so I would say yes.
  20. YoungWillz

    Dead Poets Society

    Franz Wright, US Pulitzer prize winning poet, dies at 62 after a long struggle with lung cancer. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/ap/article-3083492/Franz-Wright-prize-winning-poet-dead-62.html
  21. YoungWillz

    By-Election Bingo

    My entry is now sent to Bibliogryphon. Team Name: No Seat For Rump (Parliament). Fingers crossed!
  22. YoungWillz

    By-Election Bingo

    Just a thought (as I reach Stoke On Trent Central, gawd this is turgid!). There is a proposal regarding recall of MPs, and this might become law during the Parliament. Should we have an indication of a points award in such an event?
  23. YoungWillz

    That Portillo Moment

    Aye, but that story is fairly non-specific on who the alleged fraudsters might be. There were allegations of intimidation by UKIP at the polling station, so - does anyone know - are they the ones suspected of fraud. Fraud inquiry closed. http://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/577149/South-Thanet-election-fraud-investigation-closed
  24. YoungWillz

    Political Frailty

  25. YoungWillz

    Life In Prison

    Has his own thread. Thought this would have hit much more widely if true, even if speculation.

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