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Everything posted by drol

  1. drol

    The Joker's Dead Pool 2018

    Alcock, Paul Alliss, Peter Anzaki, Satoru Athill, Diana Bannister, Roger Benedict XVI, Pope Emiritus Bosbach, Wolfgang Bracknell, Leah (JOKER) Buhari, Muhammadu Bush Sr, George Caballe, Monserrat Cappotelli, Matt Chivers, Sara Churchill, Dick Cocks, John Cole, Richard Conway, Noel Crider, Bill Davies, Rick De Havilland, Olivia Dodd, Ken Douglas, Kirk Fabray, Nannette Francis, Dean Frankland, William Gascoine, Jill Gilbert, Greg (JOKER) Goodwin, Vanessa Graham, Rev Billy Greaves, Jimmy Halpin, Luke Harper, Valerie James, Clive Jose, Jose (JOKER) Jowell, Tessa Kumar, Dilip Lima, Devin Maren, Jerry McCain, John Miller, Liam Moss, Stirling Nevin, Catherine Perez de Cuellar, Javier Rae, Charlotte Ricksen, Fernando Stiles, Nobby (JOKER) Trintignant, Jean Louis Tsvangirai, Morgan Vervoort, Marieke (JOKER) Zeffirelli, Franco SUBS: Cameron, Earl Obaldia, René De Kamprad, Ingvar Newton-John, Olivia Nolan, Linda
  2. drol

    Authors Last A Long Time, But....

    Prominent Nicaragua poet Claribel Alegria has died aged 93.
  3. drol

    Inverse Dead Pool 2018

    Ok. 1)Donald Trump 2)Paul Gascoigne 3)Queen Elizabeth II 4)Terry Jones 5)Robert Mugabe 6)Angela Lansbury 7)Betty White 8)Dick Van Dyke 9)Aretha Franklin 10)Val Kilmer 11)Jimmy Carter 12)Henry Kissinger 13)Pope Benedict XVI 14)Olivia de Havilland 15)Prunella Scales 16)Prince Philip 17)Stan Lee 18)Doris Day 19)Alberto Fujimori 20)Olivia Newton-John 21)Stephen Hawking 22)Jimmy Greaves 23)Vera Lynn 24)Little Richard 25)Devin Lima
  4. drol

    Derby Dead Pool 2018

    It's a local BBC obit therefore it is not qualifying.
  5. drol

    Derby Dead Pool 2018

    Glad Elias made the drop 40. Bucket of Blood seems pretty strong, with very few differentials from me, one of them being Vanessa Goodwin. So my chances to revenge last year top five place are Goodwin not obiting (which seems unlikely considering how many top deadpoolers picked her) and Clegg/Tapie/Heine dying. We'll see.
  6. drol

    Ideas and Possibilities for 2019

    José José has been in ICU for the last two/three weeks and has been moved to regular ward two days ago. He apparently weights 50 kg, but they say he has started to eat again and he feels better.
  7. drol

    Only Famous For Being Ill And Dying

    No obits yet for Toothill. Only available obits are that BBC local and the Star one. He was not mentioned in any news source in the last 24 hours.
  8. drol

    Death, Italian Style

    Italian actress Anna Campori dead at 100.
  9. drol

    Thoughts On The 2018 List

    I lost my virginity at 27. The first time it was not easy with her tail but then I got used.
  10. drol

    Derby Dead Pool 2018

    No, but she is not the dead cert many think she is. She had part of the skull and a kidney removed, but they said she had 50/50 possibilities fifteen days ago. Then she remained critical but apparently stable and after her family's funeral her relatives switched life support off, presumably to end her sufferings. A day later they are at her bedside literally "waiting for a speedy recovery", like it was a cold. Don't know what to think, two days ago I was certain, now I'm just confused.
  11. drol

    Derby Dead Pool 2018

    I'm slowly understating why.
  12. drol

    Derby Dead Pool 2018

    Falkholt may be 15 due to unnatural death if she goes. I got Phantom of the Midway point about accident happening last year.
  13. drol

    Alt Obituaries Deadpool

    I has Dennis Stamp. An IBTimes obit was not enough apparently and that made me a bit angry. Anyway welcome to this forum, mr. Kirshner.
  14. drol


    13th January and we already have the Joke of the Year. Hard to beat this.
  15. drol

    Derby Dead Pool 2018

  16. drol

    Betty Driver Memorial Soapstar Superstar Thread

    Sunday morning, 5.30 a.m. in Australia: condition still unchanged.
  17. drol

    Betty Driver Memorial Soapstar Superstar Thread

    To say the truth I'm starting to think she will survive. Poor girl, that's not good news at all!
  18. drol

    Reality TV

    Update: Fast Eddie Clarke still dead.
  19. drol

    Ideas and Possibilities for 2019

    Italian former Environment minister and European deputy/commissioner Carlo Ripa di Meana is gravely ill and spends his whole life confined in his bedroom. He learned about the passing of his wife Marina Ripa di Meana from the TV, because they did not want to shock him. He clearly has not much time left. Could be talking weeks or months. Link
  20. drol

    Betty Driver Memorial Soapstar Superstar Thread

    Anyway this clearly states the decision was made by her family.
  21. drol

    Betty Driver Memorial Soapstar Superstar Thread

    The decision to end her life support came after a funeral service for her family on Wednesday. "On behalf of the family of Jessica Falkholt, St George Hospital has been asked to advise the media and the community that Jessica's life support has been switched off," a hospital statement said. Her family decided to switch life support. They are not doctors, so I think they did it to end her sufferings. That did not succeed as she is still clinging to life after one whole day. So I suppose her family did not expect this. The first part can be understood from the article, the second (her being still here) is factual evidence.
  22. drol


    Last week?
  23. drol

    Betty Driver Memorial Soapstar Superstar Thread

    BBC adfirms it was switched to put her out of her misery. It seems she is more attached to life than they thought.
  24. drol

    Betty Driver Memorial Soapstar Superstar Thread

    Situation is unchanged and she clings to life despite the life support being switched. The thing I don't understand is if they switched it to let her die or they switched it because she can breathe on her own.
  25. drol

    Betty Driver Memorial Soapstar Superstar Thread

    Are you so certain? Can you give me logical proof we are mortal? Seeing one billion of mortal human beings does not necesarrily means we are mortal too, or Jessica Falkholt is mortal too.

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