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Everything posted by drol

  1. drol

    Alt Obituaries Deadpool

    I'm here too. Here is my list: 1)Alcock, Paul (British referee) 2)Andretti, John (NASCAR driver) 3)Bracknell, Leah (British actress) 4)Bosbach, Wolfgang (German politician) 5)Bush, George Herbert Walker (Former US President) 6)Cappotelli, Matt (American wrestler) 7)Cecchi Gori, Vittorio (Italian film producer) 8)Clegg, Johnny (South African singer) 9)Norden, Denis (English presenter) 10)Gilbert, Greg (British singer, frontma of Delays) 11)Goldberg, Denis (South African lawyer and activist) 12)Brigance, O. J. (American football linebacker) 13)José, José (Mexican singer) 14)Jowell, Tessa (British politician) 15)Cryne, Patrick (Barnsley owner) 16)Ikeme, Carl (Nigerian footballer) 17)Lambie, John (Scottish footballer) 18)Lederman, Leon (American physicist, Nobel Prize recipient) 19) Le Duc Anh (Vietnamese general and politician) 20)Lima, Devin (American singer) 21)Lorimer, Peter (Scottish footballer) 22)Mack, Ted (australian politician) 23)Miller, Liam (Irish footballer) 24)Newton-John, Olivia (Australian singer and actress) 25)Nolan, Linda (British singer) 26)Nuti, Francesco (Italian actor) 27)Orridge, Genesis P. (British singer) 28)Rae, Charlotte (American actress) 29)Rea, Chris (British singer) 30)Remigino, Lindy (American sportsman) 31)Ricksen, Fernando (Scottish footballer) 32)Ruffo, Johnny (Australian singer) 33)Stefansson, Stefan Karl (Icelandic actor) 34)Stiles, Nobby (British footballer) 35)St. Paul, Lara (Ethiopian-Italian singer) 36)Tapie, Bernard (French club owner) 37)Tsvangirai, Morgan (Zimbabwean politician) 38)Estrella, Alberto (Mexican actor) 39)Woodward, Joan (American actress) 40)Yarnall, Celeste (American actress)
  2. drol

    Deathrace 2018

    Being in Italy I have many difficulties researching English terminal picks, so I have simply no chance for this game and I'll be lucky if I score some point at least. But the essence of the game is indeed speed and, you like it or not, searching for terminal nobodies who die in a week. So I comprehend how frustrated is one player when he finds out Willow has died two days prior, anyway tweet about her death seems to have been posted on December the 30th so there was evidence of death. The same cannot be said for Mr. Dudley, who died in 2017, but got reported only one day later. I understand your frustration about Willow, but the Hewlett rule should not be applied here. Said from a neutral point of view, as I have no chance and therefore direct interest in this game.
  3. drol

    The Deathlist Gets Franchised

    Yes, but Diff'rent Strokes (Il mio amico Arnold) was far more popular. Many remember Edna Garrett here.
  4. drol

    Derby Dead Pool 2018

    Here's my teams and judgement on picks: Drollercoaster 1)Rayya Elias (J): She looks like a skeleton and everyone is astonished she made it that far. Pancreatic cancer for almost two years, I'd say a dead cert. 90% 2)Jessica Falkholt: Yes, they say she could be in a coma for months or years. But the accident scene was frightening, I guess she was half burnt alive. If I have to compare her to someone, I'd choose Jules Bianchi rather than Schumacher. Her sister died and was in her same condition. She has definitely good odds. 75% 3)Patryck Cryne: Very near now, no cures, no treatments, club sold. A matter of days or weeks. 98% 4)Marieke Vervoort: One could always rethink about euthanasia. She is chatting about it since 2014 more or less, but this time she seems determined. Not that hell of a cert, though. 80% 5)Johnny Clegg: Two years with pancreatic cancer and a farewell tour planned. Can not end too well. 70% 6)José José: Have you read his medical history? Severe pneumonia, alcoholism, cocaine, nodes in vocal folds, diabetes, emphysema, hernias, Bell's palsy, diabetic retinopathy, gastritis and now pancreatic cancer. Oh, he has a good chance to die even without it! 65% 7)John McCain: Glioblastoma, and pretty advanced. Should be a cert. 85% 8)Leah Bracknell: Stage 4 lung cancer for a year and a half, off treatment since March. How the hell she is still here? 90% 9)Bobby Zarin: Has had advanced cancer for a long time and it does not seems to be curable. Bedridden at Christmas, so I think it won't be that long. 75% 10)Devin Lima: I picked him only because his cancer is rare. But he has good chance of seeing the year out indeed. So 35% 11)Dean Francis: Stage 4 cancer, off treatment, then on treatment. No hope for him. 85% 12)Bill Heine: Acute myeloid leukaemia. 15 months to live, but I think he has a good chance to reply Steve Hewlett. Likely, indeed, as there is no cure for him. 70% 13)Linda Nolan: No faith in her, I picked her only because she is a cult pick. Almost no chance of dying this year, breast cancer is not enough. 30% 14)Liam Miller: Risky pick. He is young and could last longer than we think with pancreatic cancer, so I'd say only 55% 15)Denis Goldberg: The old man has lung cancer and not much to do on this planet. I think his days are numbered. 75% 16)Greg Gilbert: Liver cancer, now uncurable. Tick tock. 90% 17)Tessa Jowell: Another glioblastoma and looks awful. 90% 18)Peter Lorimer: We do not know much about him, except he has brain cancer. Old footballers don't live too much and I guess his continued absence from the public scene means something. 75% 19)Matt Cappotelli: Given 5 years to live, but it seems sooooo much. He will go this year or next. 75% 20)Bernard Tapie: You may think he is a fraud, but last post of his daughter about "fuck cancer" and his pics are not the best. We knew how "fuck cancer" Halliday ened, no? 75% Plan B from outer Space: 1)Patrick Cryne (J): Same as above. 2)Pete Frates: Was in a bad mood last year and Mirror buried him too early. Pneumonia could finish him off. 70% 3)Olivia Newton-John: Metastatic breast cancer, but still singing and dancing. My feeling here is she won't die for sure. Bah. 15% 4)Morgan TsvangiraI: African leaders never die, doesn't matter how ill they are. Bowel cancer, but oly rumours. 40% 5)Charlotte Rae: Pancreatic survivor and now advanced bone cancer. Fucked. 95% 6)Lindy Remigino: Pancreatic cancer at 86 is dreadful. Practically done. 90% 7)Johnny Ruffo: Nah, it's over, he has won his battle. 10% 8)Simon Ricketts: He could be safe for another year. But he has cancer and can't last forever. 65% 9)Nobby Stiles: Cancer, dementia and what else? A cert. 95% 10)Paul Alcock: Advanced cancer, feeding tube, depressed. Seems to be very near to death. 85% 11)Catherine Nevin: Shame on me, but those Irish papers insist she is going. Probably a Haggarty neverending fraud as you may suspect. 30% 12)Stefan Karl Stefansson: In the same situation of Ricketts. Now terminal, now free. Only 60% 13)Leah Bracknell: Same as above 14)Noel Conway: Given 11 months to live a year ago, obit almost certain. 75% 15)Rayya Elias: Same as above 16)Fernando Ricksen: End of life expectancy is near, but the reason I picked him was to not repeat last year Joost's mistake. 60%, though. 17)Johnny Clegg: Same as above 18)John McCain: Same as above 19)Carl Ikeme: No, he will beat it. 15% 20)Tessa Jowell: Same as above. 18=
  5. drol

    I Miss Badegg

    He's back! The Universal Judgement must be near!
  6. drol

    Derby Dead Pool 2017

    Retire at best. Well done, Bert!
  7. drol

    The Deathlist Gets Franchised

    Here is the 2018 Italian DL. Thomas Monson, Tim Curry, John Paul Stevens, Bill Cosby, Jean-Marie Le Pen, Gorbachev, Robert Duvall, Bill Shatner, Louis Nirenberg, Albert Uderzo, Ron Masak, Doyle Brunson all make their debut!
  8. drol

    Inverse Dead Pool 2017

    Thanks to all of you!
  9. drol

    The Dead of 2018

    Till know there have been four deaths in 2018: *Albino Longhi, 88, Italian journalist (whooooo? and I'm Italian!) *Pierre Minvielle, 83, French writer (whoooooo?) *Ebrahim Nafae, 83, Egyptian journalist (whooooooooo?) *Mauro Staccioli, 80, Italian sculptor (I'm Italian and what I'm thinking is Whooooo?) Conclusion: 2018 is not taking it seriously.
  10. drol

    Thoughts On The 2018 List

    It's my turn to piss Sir Creep, I think: Kirk Douglas: at 102, having suffered a heart attack 20 years ago and being a legend of DL, death can not be far away. He has a good chance to die, I say 63% Leah Bracknell: She cheated Death last year. Can't do the same again. 98% Herman Wouk: Wheelchair bound, 103, nasal cannula. Whiìy is he still here? 85% Olivia de Havilland: perfect health. Sharp and active. Forget her for 2018, bad pick. 15% Prince Philip: He's had some health issues, infections, heart problems but seems to be OK nowadays. Not more than 35% Billy Graham: Unbelievable he is still here. He's had Parkinson's for 26 years! 89% Betty White: No, forget her. Bad pick. 15% John McCain: He seems a dead cert, not like Bracknell, but near. 90% Linda Nolan: Yes, she has metastatic cancer and all, but she is not in immediate danger. I'd say 65% Lord Carrington: Perfect health. Bad pick. 26% Javier Perez de Cuellar: Frail and wheelchair bound. Almost surely his year. 79% Pierre Cardin: Good health and still active. Bad pick. 30% Stan Lee: No danger for him, forget him again. Bad Pick. 24% Stirling Moss. Has spent months in hospital with infection. Great pick. 88% Tessa Jowell: Glioblastoma. Almost no chances of seeing 2019. 96% Doris Day: Sharp as a tick and healthy. Bad pick. 32% Bob Dole: Pressure problems and heart disease make him a good candidate. 63% Bob Barker: Great shape and The National Enquirer just gave him another 10 years to live. Bad pick. 31% Prunella Scales: How the hell? She is still in early stages of Alzheimer's and relatively young. No Wayyyyyyy. Bad bad pick. 20% Jimmy Carter: He has beat cancer. Seems to be ok. 38% Leslie Phillips: Multiple strokes and seizures, wheelchair bound, prone to pneumonia. It's your year, Leslie. 86% Jill Gascoine: Late stages of Alzheimer's. Has good possibilities indeed. 76% Vera Lynn: Forget her. 21% Robert Mugabe: No No No. Bad pick.15% George Bush Snr.: pneumonia and Parkinson's. He's hard, but it could be his year, finally. 82% Charles Aznavour: AAARGH! Still performing reguarly, great health physical and mental. BAD BAD BAD PICK. 12% Henry Kissinger: No health issues, only old. 31% Honor Blackman: AGAAAAAIIIN! BAD BAD Pick. 15% Barbara Bush: She does not look so terrible. I think she still has some years to live. 41% Dick van Dyke: Performing everywhere at 92! BAAAAD Pick. 12% Stanley Baxter: No news of him for a long time. Seems ominous. 68% Valery Giscard d'Estaing: Active, healthy, sharp. Why the hell did you pick him? Bad pick. 21% Mel Brooks: Still out and about, death is very far. Bad bad pick. 14% Benedict XVI: Bla bla. Too early. 28% Neil Simon: Advanced Alzheimer's will make it. Great pick. 72% June Brown: Old and random. 37% Hosni Mubarak: Sorry, but this fraudster will go on for year. Wasted spot. 12% Sean Connery: He looks great and has no health issues. Forget him. Bad pick. 22% Louis Farrakhan: We all want to see him dead, but he appears to be in great shape. Bad pick. 23% Denis Norden: Blind and retired. The end is near. 88% Ian St. John: Picked over Nobby Stiles! Bad pick. 23% Jimmy Greaves: Yes, strokes, cancer, bla bla. 58% Valerie Harper: Cancer will get her, but not a cert for 2018. 55% Clive James: Finally his year, certainly. 89% Stephen Hawking: He is a robot ad robot do not die. 33% Ronnie Wood: Worst. Pick. Ever. 5% Olivia Newton-John: Metastatic cancer, but I do not think she will die. Let's say 65% Joni Mitchell: Stroke and frail, but the decline seems to be more mental (Morgellons) than physical. 44% Paul Gascoigne: Oh, guys, why? Bad bad bad bad pick. 6% Mark E. Smith: he has some problems. What we do not know, but that's enough. 61% Overall normal list. 13 Hits seems legit.
  11. drol

    2018 DDP Salvage Lot

    Oliver Dragojevic: On December the 29th his cancer was apparently in remission. Ami Brown: Fraud Catherine Nevin: Fraud, but made it to my b-team. Rose West: Fraud. Ian Toothill: Not sure about obits. Vittorio Cecchi Gori: Seems to be recovering well.
  12. drol

    Who Should Be On The 2018 Deathlist?

    Nobby is a cert for next year. Undroppable.
  13. drol

    Who Should Be On The 2018 Deathlist?

    Only remaining bedblockers are Kirk, Olivia, Vera Lynn and Billy Graham. I think only Billy will die next year.
  14. drol

    Derby Dead Pool 2018

    I have no uniques for sure. To everyone's surprise I did not pick Cecchi Gori as he is said to be recovering and Olivia Newton-John is not on my main theme because I don't think she'll really die; anyway she has secured a place on b-team, as she is too big to miss. Same for Stefan Karl. Only two/three picks in both teams are not so common and I think one will be picked by very few people, but we'll see.
  15. drol

    Derby Dead Pool 2018

    BTW, Here is my Theme Team. No chances of winning, just did it for fun. Theme Team: Complications from a fall Dictators and former dictators, more or less: 1)Morgan Tsvangirai (J) 2)Robert Mugabe 3)Muhammadu Buhari 4)Daniel Arap Moi 5)Kenneth Kaunda 6)Hosni Mubarak 7)Abdelaziz Bouteflika 8)Nuon Chea 9)Khieu Sampan 10)Girma Wolde-Giorgis 11)Jiang Zemin 12)Mahatir Mohamad 13)Zine Ben Ali 14)Yasuhiro Nakasone 15)George H. W. Bush 16)Lê Đức Anh 17)Dawda Jawara 18)Mwai Kibaki 19)Ali Hassan Mwinyi 20)Li Peng There is great potential.... for the List of the Lost!
  16. drol

    Derby Dead Pool 2018

    Just sent two teams and a theme team. Do you receive an email in response after your teams are received?
  17. drol

    Derby Dead Pool 2018

  18. drol

    Deathrace 2018

    OK, sent again.
  19. drol

    Deathrace 2018

    Yes, Maryport, it is in our PM called Deathrace 2017, that of last year. I will re send it if you can't see it.
  20. drol

    Political Frailty

    Yes, very much alive by the look of it. It's an IP on Wiki but he seems to be sure and serious.
  21. drol

    The Hartlepool Deadlypool

    Ok, let's post it: 1)Patrick Cryne 2)Greg Gilbert 3)Leah Bracknell 4)Marieke Vervoort 5)John McCain 6)Denis Goldberg 7)Philomena Lynott 8)Charlotte Rae 9)Nobby Stiles 10)Lindy Remigino Subs: Jim Leavelle Ami Brown
  22. drol

    Deathrace 2018

    Team sent. Luck needed.
  23. drol

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2018

    Cecchi Gori is on the mend and will be discharged from hospital in ten days.
  24. drol

    Deathrace 2018

    I'll send him tomorrow. See what happens with two/three potential picks.

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