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Everything posted by drol

  1. drol

    Mary Tyler Moore

    This is being reported by thousand of sources on the net. She's done.
  2. drol

    Inverse Dead Pool 2017

    God, I have MTM...
  3. drol

    List Of Dead Commies

    He's marxist. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/africaandindianocean/zimbabwe/1388043/Mugabes-not-mad-hes-a-Marxist-with-a-mission.html He thinks he's a Marxist. If with "marxist" you mean "undefeatable warrior who is blessed by God and is intelligent, handsome, cool and immortal" then yes, he thinks he is marxist.
  4. drol

    List Of Dead Commies

    He's marxist. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/africaandindianocean/zimbabwe/1388043/Mugabes-not-mad-hes-a-Marxist-with-a-mission.html
  5. drol

    Mary Tyler Moore

    Well, it's not the National Enquirer this time, so I think this may be true... Yes, TMZ is a reliable source. Did never lie even about Zsa Zsa.
  6. drol

    Mary Tyler Moore

    Good pick for DL. After Bush and Joost false alarms this seems to be real. Would be a well deserved hit.
  7. I was wrong not picking Tracy McGiffin, but I sincerely did not know who the fuck she was. Next year I'll be more careful in excluding some picks...
  8. drol

    List Of Dead Commies

    Short List of remaining old-fashioned commies: 1)Michail Gorbachev (1931) 2)Raul Castro (1931) 3)José Ramon Fernandez (1923) 4)Hans Modrow (1928) 5)Egon Krenz (1937) 6)Li Peng (1928) 7)Zhu Rongji (1928) 8)Jiang Zemin (1926) 9)Giorgio Napolitano (1925) 10)Alfredo Reichlin (1925) 11)Aldo Tortorella (1925) 12)Đỗ Mười (1917) 13)Le Duc Anh (1920) 14)Kim Yong-nam (1928) 15)Kim Yong-ju (1920) 16)Than Shwe (1933) 17)Tun Tin (1920) 18)Anton Vratusa (1915) 19)Robert Mugabe (1924) 20)Kenneth Kaunda (1924)
  9. drol

    George Bush Senior

    Well actually I think you'll find, according to the article, that they are both smiling brightly... If that's a smile on his face it's the kind that says; "I just filled a bedpan" They filled it with happiness and joy of living.
  10. drol


    I hoped there was another type of update...
  11. drol

    Thoughts On The 2017 List

    January will probably pass without hits, but February certainly not.
  12. drol

    Dying Presidents And Pms

    Bush Sr. and John Major, though Major will die around 2030.
  13. drol

    The Dead Of 2017

    Italian entrepreuner Vittorio Coin has died aged 77. http://www.rainews.it/dl/rainews/articoli/Morto-imprenditore-veneto-Vittorio-Coin-bd64fedf-ca62-4677-b716-832674bbc168.html
  14. drol

    The Dead Of 2017

    Italian anthropologist Clara Gallini has died aged 85 after suffering a heart attack/stroke this morning. http://www.ansa.it/sito/notizie/topnews/2017/01/21/addio-ad-antropologa-clara-gallini_484ef945-3495-42a1-99d0-b205788c3e9c.html
  15. drol

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2018

    Calm before the storm?
  16. drol

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2018

    No Jiang Zemin, Li Peng, Do Muoi, Le Duc Anh, Nuon Chea, Jean of Luxembourg? Well, nothing can be perfect...
  17. drol

    Ask A Deathlister

    No. It is indeterminate. Example: 6 / 2 = 3. Then working back 3 x 2 =6. 6/0 = ?. But ? x 0 = 0. Any number multiplied by zero is zero so you can't work back therefore it's indeterminate. The limit (right or left) of a positive number divided for a positive zero (or 0+) is positive infinity. The limit of a positive number divided for negative zero (0-) is a negative infinite. Anyway it's not and indetermination form as the function does not exist in the point you are considering (discontinuity on R) but you can still calculate left/right limits which don't require the function's existence in that point. 0/0, inifinity/infinity, inifinity*0, 1^infinity, inifinity less/plus infinity are forms of indetermination that remain even after the partial aritmetization of inifinity simble. That's what I said. It's not indeterminate. Simply it does not exist. Limits tending to it may exist because they don't need the function's existence in a point, but 6/0 is not an indecision form. 1)It does not exist on Real Numbers (may be a second grade discontinuity) 2)his right/left limit exist and are infinity 0/0 is indeterminate cause it can generate every number; 6/0 can not generate anything. That's why limits were invented.
  18. drol

    Ask A Deathlister

    No. It is indeterminate. Example: 6 / 2 = 3. Then working back 3 x 2 =6. 6/0 = ?. But ? x 0 = 0. Any number multiplied by zero is zero so you can't work back therefore it's indeterminate. The limit (right or left) of a positive number divided for a positive zero (or 0+) is positive infinity. The limit of a positive number divided for negative zero (0-) is a negative infinite. Anyway it's not and indetermination form as the function does not exist in the point you are considering (discontinuity on R) but you can still calculate left/right limits which don't require the function's existence in that point. 0/0, inifinity/infinity, inifinity*0, 1^infinity, inifinity less/plus infinity are forms of indetermination that remain even after the partial aritmetization of inifinity simble.
  19. drol

    Pope John Paul

    The doctor who assisted Pope John Paul II during his illness (and mainly during his final hours), Renato Buzzonetti, has died yesterday aged 92. https://it.zenit.org/articles/addio-al-dottor-renato-buzzonetti-il-medico-dei-papi/ He also declared John Paul I dead in 1978 and assisted Benedict XVI for four years.
  20. drol

    Who Will Win The Derby Dead Pool In 2017?

    No Droller Coaster? You must be joking! Jokes apart, I voted the Living End. Fortuna favet fortibus.
  21. drol

    Joost Van Der Westhuizen

    January 23rd.
  22. drol

    Donald J Trump

    Yes, he does not look that good.
  23. drol

    Donald J Trump

    Georg W. Bush is there with his wife.
  24. drol

    Donald J Trump

    Yes, the Democrats fight hate and violence to defend peace and love, as always. No one can claim the moral high ground here. Remember, Trump spent the first few years of the Obama presidency undermining his claim to citizenship. He never crashed Obama's car or put his house on fire. Things are showing who the real violent are. He was waiting until he became President. Considering Obama's house is now his house I don't think he will.
  25. drol

    Joost Van Der Westhuizen


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