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Everything posted by drol

  1. drol

    Thoughts On The 2016 List

    I say only one hit in June, one in July, zero in August, two in September, one in October, zero in November and one in December, for a total of 11 hits (good failure).
  2. drol

    Thoughts On The 2016 List

    Still nothing.
  3. drol

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2017

    Baby Peggy would be an excellent pick for 2017. She was really famous... in the twenties!
  4. drol

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2017

    He won't see 2017 for sure. Forgot him on my 50 men list.
  5. drol

    The dead of 2016

    Then you will be condemned to give your house to the burglar if he's wounded or to his relatives if he's dead, at least in Italy, where everyone is concerned about the rights of poor robbers but no one cares about hones people (Not populism, only truth).http://www.ilfattoquotidiano.it/2015/11/05/ermes-mattielli-morto-il-commerciante-condannato-per-aver-sparato-ai-ladri/2192908/ abolishing the death penalty is a slippery slope. Death penalty may be very useful in some situations.
  6. drol

    The dead of 2016

    Then you will be condemned to give your house to the burglar if he's wounded or to his relatives if he's dead, at least in Italy, where everyone is concerned about the rights of poor robbers but no one cares about hones people (Not populism, only truth). http://www.ilfattoquotidiano.it/2015/11/05/ermes-mattielli-morto-il-commerciante-condannato-per-aver-sparato-ai-ladri/2192908/
  7. drol

    The dead of 2016

    He's on my 140 men list which I have not written here, but his death was completeley unexpected as he looked twenty years younger.
  8. drol

    The dead of 2016

    Giorgio Albertazzi, legendary Italian stage actor, is dead at 92. http://www.repubblica.it/spettacoli/teatro-danza/2016/05/28/news/addio_a_giorgio_albertazzi_gigante_del_teatro_italiano-140776864/ God bless him.
  9. drol

    Thoughts On The 2016 List

    I said it was not a record breaking list. However, it can still score some hits in June, considering last year there were four hits in June, and only for from January to May.
  10. drol

    The 100 Club

    These days saw a lot of centenarians passing away. Strange, considering they've been alive for over a century!
  11. drol

    From Cleric To Relic

    Girolamo Prigione, the bishop who ordained Oscar Romero in 1970, is dead at 94. http://www.jornada.unam.mx/ultimas/2016/05/27/muere-a-los-95-anos-el-polemico-girolamo-prigione
  12. drol

    Doctor Doctor

    He's on my list but I don't think he's going anywhere this year....
  13. drol

    The Cardinals Of The Roman Catholic Church

    You are the writer of the Italian Deatlist, http://dpseggi.altervista.org/DeathList/X2016.html, right? Why didn't you put Gillo Dorfles on the list? he's a zombie!!!
  14. drol

    The Cardinals Of The Roman Catholic Church

    he was the oldest living cardinal and only centenarian one but incredibly there are no fewer than 6 Roman Catholic bishops aged 100 or over , the oldest being Peter Leo Gerety who's nearly 104. here's a list of them here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_oldest_Catholic_bishops And another hit for the master! Hail to the king, baby!
  15. drol

    Morgan Freeman

    Typical angry white man, as soon as a topic of black importance comes up, he tries to say it is not of importance. Shame on your creeper. Grab his farm!
  16. drol

    Bhumibol Adulyadej

    Deathlist 2016 is representing a major failure. We should pay Bhumibol to die, giving at least one more hit.
  17. drol

    The dead of 2016

    Erich Rudorffer died on April the 8th aged 98. He's my eleventh hit and I can remember you merged him, probably killing him during the process. http://en.ww2awards.com/person/26122
  18. drol

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2017

    Marco Pannella is dead at 86: https://translate.google.co.uk/translate?hl=en&sl=it&u=http://www.repubblica.it/politica/2016/05/19/news/morto_marco_pannella-140143111/&prev=search Oh and here's a qualifying UK obit (not that anyone picked him): http://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-italy-pannella-idUKKCN0YA1Q4 He's the tenth hit of my personal DeathList, which is only in my signature.
  19. drol

    Sinéad O'Connor aka Shuhada' Davitt

    Yes, she could....
  20. drol

    Sinéad O'Connor aka Shuhada' Davitt

    But it is not the first time it happens. She has to be really crazy... maybe she's simply hidden in her bathroom.
  21. drol

    Sinéad O'Connor aka Shuhada' Davitt

    As someone wrote about Prince, this COULD be huge.
  22. drol

    Olivia De Havilland

    Also Citizen Kane last cast member, Kathryn Trosper Pooper, died on March the 8th.
  23. drol

    Authors Last A Long Time, But....

    Yeh particularly children's authors here are a few more who have reached a grand old age. Shirley Hughes who wrote the Alfie books born 1927Nicolas Fisk (aka David Higgenbottom) author of Kids sci-fi books like Grinny, Trillions and Starstormers born 1923 Eric Carle (The Very Hungry Caterpillar) born 1929 No health information about any of these but just by age alone they are worthy of consideration. Report of the death of Nicholas Fisk at 92. https://twitter.com/LCecilLitAgency/status/729985447397609472 Awaiting news reports/qo for BiblioG's DDP team. Is he dead or not? Good question. Those who should be in the know on Twitter say he is, but there's been no word from any news sources as yet. At this point, he's this year's Judy Carne. I'm giving it until Monday night for some form of report to appear, if not, I'll take him off the round up. I hate when this happens and it also happened with Madeleine Lebeau. Media don't give a fuck about old forgotten celebrities and when they die they are still alive... on Wikipedia.shut up about Madeline lebeau why do you care so much couldn't you have pm predictor instead of spamming the forum with the proverbial droll of your mouth. I have a personal deathlist with 9 hits but I don't know how to put it online.
  24. drol

    Authors Last A Long Time, But....

    Yeh particularly children's authors here are a few more who have reached a grand old age. Shirley Hughes who wrote the Alfie books born 1927 Nicolas Fisk (aka David Higgenbottom) author of Kids sci-fi books like Grinny, Trillions and Starstormers born 1923 Eric Carle (The Very Hungry Caterpillar) born 1929 No health information about any of these but just by age alone they are worthy of consideration. Report of the death of Nicholas Fisk at 92. https://twitter.com/LCecilLitAgency/status/729985447397609472 Awaiting news reports/qo for BiblioG's DDP team. Is he dead or not? Good question. Those who should be in the know on Twitter say he is, but there's been no word from any news sources as yet. At this point, he's this year's Judy Carne. I'm giving it until Monday night for some form of report to appear, if not, I'll take him off the round up. I hate when this happens and it also happened with Madeleine Lebeau. Media don't give a fuck about old forgotten celebrities and when they die they are still alive... on Wikipedia.
  25. drol

    Hollywood Possibilities

    Hey, drol. Sorry for not replying sooner. I saw on Wikipedia that Madeleine LeBeau died in Malaga, Spain, on May 1st, 2016. But the information appears to be gone, because I assume reliable sources weren't provided. Now that I look at old revisions, it seems that the death info was given by an IP from Andalucia. There's also another IP from the Castilla-La Mancha region. Since the location pretty much matches with Madeleine's place of residence, it's unlikely to be a case of vandalism. https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Madeleine_LeBeau&oldid=718828454 Good. Already knew it... it's a shame anyone is interested in her death.

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