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Everything posted by drol

  1. drol

    Dead Pop Stars

    I guess he will die before Monday. He has carried on for too long.
  2. drol

    Hollywood Possibilities

    Ann Morgan Guilbert, from the Dick Van Dyke show, is dead at 87. http://www.etonline.com/news/191178_nanny_star_ann_morgan_guilbert_dies_at_87_fran_drescher_pays_tribute/
  3. drol

    Political Frailty

    Don't go on Twitter, it makes Balotelli look intelligent.
  4. drol

    Political Frailty

  5. drol

    Political Frailty

    Man's name is Thomas "Tommy" Mair.
  6. drol

    Political Frailty

    When a Halibut kills someone its not all Halibuts and islam is not to blame we mustn't control islam when someone goes nuts with a gun its all gun owners and the gun is to blame we must control all guns You're 100% right about validation maria eagle already using this as political ammo on twitter. I have a feeling we will be seeing alot of this in the future , there is no justification in attacking innocent people like in Florida or anywhere else but people really hate MP's and they effect people's lives big time. If a disabled person attacked and killed IDS because his benefits were stopped would any of us really condemn him ? I can see either Halibuts attacking MP's for supporting certain wars or right wingers attacking MP's who they feel have turned their back on the UK like with today's attack. Wasn't another MP not long ago stabbed with a knife by a person in a burka? Don't remember that getting the same coverage as this. This is gonna be used to influence the referendum. Now it's clear Britain will remain in EU, whether she survives or not. P.S. Noooo, the Wicker man is one of my favourite horror movies. Why the hell?.... hey, Hilary's name is way scarier.
  7. drol

    General Non School Massacre Thread

    Nutjob was clearly favored by the referee! He does not deserve to win the European only because he scored 49 goals against team SWAT!
  8. drol

    Political Frailty

    The witness name is Hithem ben Abdallah. Typical British name, nowadays. Well, she's pretty die hard to say the truth, but I find it difficult for her to survive.
  9. drol

    Jimmy Savile

    Well, we better open a thread about English Babysitters. It would be really popular.
  10. drol

    General Non School Massacre Thread

    In fact this referendum is gonna be 90% irrational emotions and 10%.... irrational feelings.
  11. drol

    General Non School Massacre Thread

    This is gonna influence the referendum. UE conspiracy or simple British psycho? Man was arrested. https://twitter.com/Independent/status/743435691833561088
  12. drol

    Dead Pop Stars

    See here. https://forums.deathlist.net/topic/8688-next-music-shock-death/?p=268825
  13. drol

    General Non School Massacre Thread

    He was shot dead by the police (the Somali boy, not Peter Kay). This seems to be not related to terrorism. http://www.repubblica.it/esteri/2016/06/14/news/usa_sparatoria_a_walmart_in_texas_ci_sono_ostaggi_-142026294/
  14. drol

    Zsa Zsa Gabor

    immortal, immortal.
  15. drol

    General Non School Massacre Thread

    And, Zorde I have taste for easy jokes, that's all and I'm sorry I did not understand beforeApology not accepted. And you know why we are completele fucked? Because effing Europeans do not have children anymore, because we spend our time writing on forums, because we don't want to lose our well-being, cause we are completely wimps. At least I know I'm not a wimp, cause I don't post my effing selfies on facebook, twitter, snapfuck, but there are not people like me. Europe and US habe become populations of wimps and you know better than me. BETTER THAN ME!On the other side Arabs are probably less cultured, less intelligent, less all, but they die for a effing book and what is written on it. You know someone who would die for the Bible? No? Well, it's because we don't care about religion, about our nations, about anything, we only care about our likes on youtube, twitter or snapchat. so basically you hate the fact that plenty of brown people are willing to kill people over a book with so many inconsistencies that if it was made today it would have never been published. I get a hard-on from foreigners coming and taking over our country and I belong in the stone age What are you on about? Refusing to publish the QU''r'ruur'''quran (or whatever) would be terribly Islamophobic. Plus there's no inconsistencies either, it's pretty much just "Kill kill kill the unbelievers" all the way through.so is the Bible you racist. You're the racist, and much worse, a coward, because you (conveniently) only complain about the one that is read by old white people who won't behead you for dissing it. Cretin. What I always aked myself: where are Buddhist, Induist, Christian terrorists today? Someone still calls Islam a religion of peace while it is the only one which is actually bringing terror to the world. Zorders if you did not accept apologies it's only for pride I'm sure you actually accepted them.
  16. drol

    General Non School Massacre Thread

    I have taste for easy jokes, that's all and I'm sorry I did not understand before Apology not accepted. And you know why we are completele fucked? Because effing Europeans do not have children anymore, because we spend our time writing on forums, because we don't want to lose our well-being, cause we are completely wimps. At least I know I'm not a wimp, cause I don't post my effing selfies on facebook, twitter, snapfuck, but there are not people like me. Europe and US habe become populations of wimps and you know better than me. BETTER THAN ME!On the other side Arabs are probably less cultured, less intelligent, less all, but they die for a effing book and what is written on it. You know someone who would die for the Bible? No? Well, it's because we don't care about religion, about our nations, about anything, we only care about our likes on youtube, twitter or snapchat. so basically you hate the fact that plenty of brown people are willing to kill people over a book with so many inconsistencies that if it was made today it would have never been published. I get a hard-on from foreigners coming and taking over our country and I belong in the stone age And you know why we are completele fucked? Because effing Europeans do not have children anymore, because we spend our time writing on forums, because we don't want to lose our well-being, cause we are completely wimps. At least I know I'm not a wimp, cause I don't post my effing selfies on facebook, twitter, snapfuck, but there are not people like me. Europe and US habe become populations of wimps and you know better than me. BETTER THAN ME!On the other side Arabs are probably less cultured, less intelligent, less all, but they die for a effing book and what is written on it. You know someone who would die for the Bible? No? Well, it's because we don't care about religion, about our nations, about anything, we only care about our likes on youtube, twitter or snapchat.so basically you hate the fact that no one is willing to kill people over a book with so many inconsistencies that if it was made today it would have never been published. You want people to take over foreign nations and conquer them? You and zorders belong in the stone age. Well, now I'm risking a stroke, so I stop writing. You will accept my apology another day or, more likely, never. Answering to Morbidkid, I believe everyone stays well in his country, so we don't need to colonize, but we need even less to be colonized.
  17. drol

    General Non School Massacre Thread

    I have taste for easy jokes, that's all and I'm sorry you did not understand before, but I'm not a fucking libtard as you thought. Well, it was a pleasure to argue with you. I thik you removed yourself from my friend prematurely because I like to see a lone voice, occasionally, and you are this voice on Deathlist, for all of us.
  18. drol

    General Non School Massacre Thread

    And you know why we are completele fucked? Because effing Europeans do not have children anymore, because we spend our time writing on forums, because we don't want to lose our well-being, cause we are completely wimps. At least I know I'm not a wimp, cause I don't post my effing selfies on facebook, twitter, snapfuck, but there are not people like me. Europe and US habe become populations of wimps and you know better than me. BETTER THAN ME! On the other side Arabs are probably less cultured, less intelligent, less all, but they die for a fucking book and what is written on it. You know someone who would die for the Bible? No? Well, it's because we don't care about religion, about our nations, about anything, we only care about our likes on youtube, twitter or snapchat.
  19. drol

    General Non School Massacre Thread

    And you know why we are completele fucked? Because fucking Europeans do not have children anymore, because we spend our time writing on forums, because we don't want to lose our well-being, cause we are completely wimps. At least I know I'm not a wimp, cause I don't post my fucking selfies on facebook, twitter, snapfuck, but there are not people like me. Europe and US habe become populations of wimps and you know better than me. BETTER THAN ME!
  20. drol

    General Non School Massacre Thread

    I mentioned something off-hand, and you somehow turn that into me being "paranoooiiiiiiiiiiiiidddddddd" about it or something. Wow incredible, you shure are the graytist cummedyen uf urr tahhhrms! Wait until the only-able-to-express-themselves-through-the-like button brigade show up and discover your earth-shattering satire! (Or just kill yourself) God, now you are really paranoid! I'm the only one on your side here, Zorders. And no one likes my comments. First of all I don't "need" you or really anyone on my side against a mental pygmie like Phantard, second, please explain how it's "being on my side" to give Phantard and the rest of the wrinkle crew an excuse to turn this into a joke discussion about snails (whether you did it "maliciously" or not) instead of a discussion about how epically momumentally retarded you have to be to play the "OMG UR PARANOOIIID" card EVEN ON THE ACTUAL DAY OF YET ANOTHER ATTACK. You obviously don't understand that someone who's such an epic Clownfuckmongtard like Clownphuckphantard will take literally ANY excuse not to address the actual point when I pick holes in the logic of something when they've spent their whole clowntarded lives clownfending. Because he's lost that discussion a million times in a row, hence the block. Because he's a massive. f*cking. ISIS-cheerleading. Pussy. See? I don't need you to tell me you're on "my side" when you're actually not. Even if you think you are, you're too clowntarded to realise you're not. So go kill yourself. Well, Zorders, I still like you. Our west world is gonna fade, we are falling down and there's nothing to do. So few people understand it will be not a war but a silent demographic invasion which will reduce Europe to New Arabia in less than 40 years... But, hell yeah, I got three likes! Let's celebrate! It's not "inevitable" at all you utter fucktard, it's only "inevitable" if mongtards like you, Clowntardbama and Hitlery are still allowed to be in charge. Kill yourself. No it's inevitable because few people think like me... and you.
  21. drol

    General Non School Massacre Thread

    I mentioned something off-hand, and you somehow turn that into me being "paranoooiiiiiiiiiiiiidddddddd" about it or something. Wow incredible, you shure are the graytist cummedyen uf urr tahhhrms! Wait until the only-able-to-express-themselves-through-the-like button brigade show up and discover your earth-shattering satire! (Or just kill yourself) God, now you are really paranoid! I'm the only one on your side here, Zorders. And no one likes my comments. First of all I don't "need" you or really anyone on my side against a mental pygmie like Phantard, second, giving Phantard and the rest of the wrinkle crew "ammunition" like that isn't being on my side whether you were doing it deliberately or not you clowntarded cĂșnt. Well, Zorders, I still like you. Our west world is gonna fade, we are falling down and there's nothing to do. So few people understand it will be not a war but a silent demographic invasion which will reduce Europe to New Arabia in less than 40 years... But, hell yeah, I got three likes! Let's celebrate!
  22. drol

    General Non School Massacre Thread

    I mentioned something off-hand, and you somehow turn that into me being "paranoooiiiiiiiiiiiiidddddddd" about it or something. Wow incredible, you shure are the graytist cummedyen uf urr tahhhrms! Wait until the only-able-to-express-themselves-through-the-like button brigade show up and discover your earth-shattering satire! (Or just kill yourself) God, now you are really paranoid! I'm the only one on your side here, Zorders. And no one likes my comments.
  23. drol

    Silvio Berlusconi

    The surgery went well. A full recovery is expected. http://milano.repubblica.it/cronaca/2016/06/14/news/berlusconi_intervento_cuore_san_raffaele-141955508/
  24. drol

    General Non School Massacre Thread

    You can discuss politics much as you want , but each one will always remain his opinion , more or less sensible But after I read Zorders' last comment I realised we are gonna be invaded not only by Halibuts, but also by snails!
  25. drol

    Time Added

    Vincenzo Matarrese, president of A. S. Bari from 1983 to 2011, is dead at 79. http://www.gazzetta.it/Calcio/14-06-2016/bari-morto-vincenzo-matarrese-fu-presidente-1983-2011-1501059734304.shtml

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