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Everything posted by drol

  1. drol

    Only Famous For Being Ill And Dying

    I think his death will come within the end of next week.
  2. drol

    Political Frailty

    Former Italian Minister of Defense (1980-1983) and Tourism (1983-1986) Lelio Lagorio has died aged 91. http://www.ilgiornale.it/news/politica/morto-lex-ministro-lagorio-1348944.html
  3. drol

    Queen Elizabeth II

    The Queen will return at the Royal Rumble as a surprise entrant. I guarantee you.
  4. drol

    Mario Soares

    Oh, and Deathrace of course.
  5. drol

    Mario Soares

    First DDP points. Now you can write dead full word.
  6. drol

    Bob Barker

    Surely Soares could have been included. And then Asian/African political leaders might gain spots in DL, but this is just too much to ask. I mean, we already had Bhumibol last year and Akihito this year; I don't expect to see Yasuhiro Nakasone, Le Duc Anh, Nuon Chea, Khieu Sampan or Do Muoi included but they are all important historical figures. Surely more than Sandy Gall or Lester Piggott. Same things could be said about European leaders (I cited Soares, but Mitsotakis, Napolitano, Forlani, Delors, Hans Modrow, Gorbachev are all right examples) and African (Arap moi, Kaunda, Woldegiorgis). But Deathlist is an English site and it's its right to be mostly about England. When there will be an European DL I'm sure European leaders will be included as well.
  7. drol

    Charles Manson

    Exaggeration might be the word.
  8. drol

    Death In The Family

  9. drol

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2018

    Who the hell is Gord Howie in your 2017 Shadow List? Anyway Clifton James is LFN's perennial pick. You don't have the right to hunt him.
  10. drol

    Mario Soares

    Update on Soares: Still in deep coma but his conditions are stable since last saturday, 31st December. Family assures he is still alive. https://tudonumclick.com/noticias/portugal/159601/estado-de-saude-de-mario-soares-mantem-se-estavel
  11. drol

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2018

    Yes, mainly in his own thread.
  12. drol

    Cunning Linguists

    Any fucker can speak Italian, you just wave your arms about a lot like a demented chimp while shouting. I'm bringing my left hand to the right elbow to disagree.
  13. drol

    Cunning Linguists

    Italian expert of American (and British) literature Claudio Gorlier died yesterday aged 90. Many years ago he held a televised lesson to explain Joyce's Ulysses. http://www.corriere.it/cultura/17_gennaio_04/morto-claudio-gorlier-studioso-americanista-ccef8fe2-d2ac-11e6-af42-cccac9ae7941.shtml
  14. Lollobrigida is currently in hospital for pneumonia. Her conditions are not known. http://www.ansa.it/sito/notizie/cultura/cinema/2017/01/05/lollobrigida-ricoverata-forse-polmonite_ee07a32d-6154-49db-b8de-d4884befad9e.html
  15. drol

    Hollywood Possibilities

    Gina Lollobrigida hospitalized for suspected pneumonia. http://www.ansa.it/sito/notizie/cultura/cinema/2017/01/05/lollobrigida-ricoverata-forse-polmonite_ee07a32d-6154-49db-b8de-d4884befad9e.html
  16. drol

    Cunning Linguists

    Sorry for the dimensions, but this was his best picture.
  17. drol

    Cunning Linguists

    Handsome man, wasn't he?
  18. drol

    Cunning Linguists

    Southern Italian linguist and former minister Tullio De Mauro has died aged 84. http://www.repubblica.it/cultura/2017/01/05/news/morto_tullio_de_mauro-155445600/
  19. drol

    Minimalists (and other classical composers/musicians)

    Oh, Sorry. Beat me by a minute (in the other thread).
  20. drol

    Minimalists (and other classical composers/musicians)

    Italian obits for Pretre. http://www.lastampa.it/2017/01/04/spettacoli/musica/morto-il-direttore-dorchestra-georges-pretre-aveva-anni-ukOxlBI9WoFrPsqy1xKILL/pagina.html http://www.ansa.it/lombardia/notizie/2017/01/04/morto-direttore-orchestra-georges-pretre_092762cc-09a7-4315-9575-d04ffe0eb565.html http://www.ilsole24ore.com/art/cultura/2017-01-04/addio-georges-pretre-direttore-d-orchestra-stimato-maria-callas-200641.shtml?uuid=ADVK2PQC
  21. French orchestral conductor Georges Pretre has died aged 92. http://www.lemonde.fr/disparitions/article/2017/01/04/le-chef-d-orchestre-francais-georges-pretre-qui-a-dirige-la-plupart-des-grands-orchestres-internationaux-est-mort_5057794_3382.html Tomorrow, a year ago Pierre Boulez died. January is a bad month for French conductors.
  22. drol

    Bob Barker

    Jawohl, mein führe... Oops, I mean, I thought you'd at least complain about the lack of German folks (or should I say Völker? the Austrians and the Swiss are missing as well), their only candidate on the list seems to be the Pope Emeritus and even he is a Vatican citizen (although at least he was affiliated with the Hitlerjugend). So many missed opportunities... (e.g. Kohl or Habermas etc.) Habermas wird in diesem jahr nicht sterben. Er verdient es nicht auf der Liste zu sein.
  23. drol

    Derby Dead Pool 2017

    Terminally ill are allowed and so it's legit to pick them. On the other hand, I think there is no fun at all and no surprise in picking fathers who want to spend their last Christmas with their children or police officers who have severe accidents. These people are not famous (not even Traci McGiffin. who the hell is she?) and getting a compassionate Dailymail obit does not make them famous. Rules should be rewritten, allowing players to include only famous people (exclude Fringes of Fame and Terminally Ill). But I don't blame those who pick unknown obit-guaranteed people as it is the best method to obtain a good score. I blame the rules. That said, I picked Mark Sims, because sometimes the dark side of me can be quite persuasive.
  24. drol

    The 100 Club

    Sir Creep saying this is the wrong thread in 3, 2, 1...
  25. drol

    Mario Soares

    He isn't. I fear he has become a zombie. Who is now devouring the hospital staff.

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