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Everything posted by drol

  1. drol

    Thoughts On The 2016 List

    Castro, Graham, Douglas, De Havilland, Gabor and Adultparty are fucking immortal.
  2. drol

    Thoughts On The 2016 List

    On my personal secret deathlist I have McCain, Tovar, Youguang, Sarosy, Dorfles, Hardegen, italian composer Cecilia Seghizzi (b. 1908) and others. I scored 7 hits: Umberto Eco, George Kennedy, Martin Crowe, Joey Feek, Nancy Reagan, Hilary Putnam, Cliff Michelmore. Not so good considering I have 130 names on my list!
  3. drol

    Thoughts On The 2016 List

    Forgive me, I will not continue because it's useless. I just want to say this list is awful and will go down as a major disappointment with 8-9 deaths. That's the way it is. People like Lester Piggott and Sandy Gall are completely random, plus age was considered more important than cancer. I hope it makes at least 12 deaths but I honestly think it won't. The deaths of Vigoda and BBG were pure luck (BBG broke his hip); Crowe was the only one we knew was going to die. But sincerely Cruyff, Umberto Eco, Hilary Putnam and others, not so old but haunted by cancer, could have been considered for this list. You did a great work, though. It's not so easy to write a deathlist, even if everyone retains he is the best at it.
  4. drol

    Thoughts On The 2016 List

    Zsa Zsa Gabor 60% Havelange 65% De Havillad 5% Bhumibol 30% Graham 50% Wouk 50% Perez de Cuellar 60% Adams 70% (he's THE MAN!) Douglas 55% Smith 25% Moore 5% Sallis 58% Philip 20% Randi 3% Carrington 38% James 40% Dole 49% Westhuizen 1% Scales 0% (why on this list? Why????) Carter 4% (Democrats never die) Kissinger 32% chong 5% Ellis 59% Bush Sr. 55% Lynn 3% Phillips 60% Castro 2% I will continue later
  5. drol

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2017

    Gillo Dorfles is really famous in Italy as an immortal zombie like painter Giorgio Michetti (b. 1912) and architect L. Caccia Dominioni (b. 1913). At least one of them will not see 2017, but I'm doubtful about their mortality... Former Italian President Carlo Azeglio Ciampi (b. 1920) is not in good health and he may die this year, while Giorgio Napolitano, former communist dictator, is very well and will reach 110 (evil guys don't die, you know). Radical politician Marco Pannella (b. 1930) is finally dying of cancer and I think former Prime Minister Arnaldo Forlani (b. 1925) is not so healthy as well. If Ciampi makes it to 2017 he would be a good choice for a sure death. The other men I cited are not enough famous to have their deaths announced in UK.
  6. drol

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2017

    Chinese linguist Zhou Youguang, father of the pinyn, would be a good choiche. I would also consider italian art critic Gillo Dorfles, Hungarian-Canadian chess player Zoltan Sarosy, Mexican actress Lupita Tovar. I'm joking, none of them will make it to 2017! But I still think Jonathan Demme will not live many years... and I think the same thing about Roger Corman, Kenneth Kaunda, Dawda Jawara, Abdoulaye Wade (random guys), H D Stanton, M Emmett Walsh.

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