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Everything posted by drol

  1. drol


    Grillo, Garcia and KCR all discharged. Pretty weak list this time, none of them seems to be in a serious condition.
  2. drol

    World's Oldest

    Just 12 people left from the 00s... We should begin to count them down to extinction.
  3. drol

    World's Oldest

    Yuko Sato, previously unknown, dead at 113.
  4. drol

    Former First Ladies

    Former first lady of Missouri Betty Cooper Hearnes dead at 96.
  5. drol

    Françoise Hardy

    The more they complain the less they die.
  6. drol


    Carlos Alberto de Nóbrega hospitalised for brain surgery.
  7. drol

    Why no Indians ever in DeathList?

    Ra. Sankaran dead at 92.
  8. drol

    Academic Footnotes

    Next CAE member dead: Wang Zicai, aged 91.
  9. drol

    Military commanders

    Liu Ho-Chien dead at 97.
  10. drol


    Soviet cult actress Larisa Luzhina sharply deteriorated due to heart disease, but refusing hospitalization. I begin to think Russian media heavily exaggerate celebrities health issues, as deaths to hospitalization ratio is close to zero.
  11. Stenio Garcia hospitalised again.
  12. drol

    The D-A-CH-DeathList 2024 (page 18)

    When I saw this thread updated my fear was Rolf Schimpf, who is bit of a cult figure for me, had died. Luckily this is not the case and he plans to live other three years. Good luck Rolf!
  13. drol

    Dead Pop Stars

    Discharged. Nothing to see here.
  14. drol

    Gerard Depardieu

    Depardieu's first accuser, Emmanuelle Debever, committed suicide aged 60.
  15. drol

    The 100 Club

    Everybody is turning on your posts, not on you. If you either improve posting quality or simply post less things will be better.
  16. drol

    Dead Pop Stars

    Patti Smith hospitalised in Italy.
  17. drol

    1. Jimmy Carter

    For some seconds I thought The Old Crem was breaking the news of Jimmy Carter's death, redeeming himself from years of shitcopying wiki deaths. But no, it remains a dream.
  18. drol

    The 100 Club

    The famous one-line English wikipedia page created after their death.
  19. drol

    20th Century Americans Sitcoms

    Kate Micucci from Big Bang Theory diagnosed with lung cancer.
  20. drol

    FIFA World Cup Players

    Antonio Juliano dead at 80.
  21. drol


    Alexander Mitta out of ICU. Yury Solomin soon to be discharged. Alexandra Pakhmutova out of danger and recovering, according to TASS. Naina Yeltsina discharged and reports of ill health dismissed as "bullshit". Oh, those Russians...
  22. drol

    World's Oldest

    Fusa Tatsumi was also the oldest person whose name became for F. Now that person is Fujiko Mihara born on 13 Dec 1910. Incredible, just incredible.
  23. drol

    Time Added

    Zdenek Zeman hospitalised after minor stroke.
  24. drol

    Political Frailty

    Beppe Grillo hospitalised, but "nothing serious". What was serious in his whole life?
  25. drol


    Alexandra Pakhmutova was hospitalised last week, officially for routine check-up. Now she is also suffering from fever and cough, but negative to COVID. Said to be stable anyway.

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