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Everything posted by drol

  1. drol

    José Mujica

    He is clearly circling the drain.
  2. drol

    José Mujica

    Yes, he is a great guy.
  3. Brazilian singer Tom Zé, 87, hospitalised for "a cold" and "routine check-ups". You know, it's the same things that killed Silvio Santos.
  4. drol

    Scientists, Inventors And Techno Wizards

    Emmanuel Rashba (wiki), legendary theoretical physicist whose work is being recently rediscovered, will soon be 97 and has been in frail health since he suffered a massive cerebral hemorrhage in 1997!
  5. American-Israeli mathematician Shlomo Sternberg (wiki) reportedly dead at 87.
  6. drol


    Not who I was expecting as the next wrestling death. He kept serious during the Shockmaster incident. This guy was a legend.
  7. drol

    Political Frailty

    Nabil Elaraby dead at 89. Lot of decrepit significant names from that list. Fayek is a fucking dinosaur. So are Guiga and Chebbi from Tunisia. Mebazaa and Ennaceur are unexplicably alive over 90 despite a decade of failing health. Ibrahimi has been decomposing for years. Ahmed Osman has not made public apperances for a while. Arab world icons Moussa and Brahimi are getting ancient too. Very frail looking list.
  8. drol

    Who are the immortals?

    Selim Hoss (1929-2024) "No! I can't die before Michel Aoun! Pleaseee" (Hoss tries to make a deal with the Reaper) "Damn! He beat me again!" (Michel Aoun) "He wanted us to attack Israel! That's his last wish! He told me!" (Hassan Nasrallah) Age at death: 94 Known health issues: Skeletal in 2020, rumoured death mutiple times in the last four years. Cause of death: Poisoned by the Mossad. Alignment: PM during a very difficult time for Lebanon, namely a civil war. He fought for years with his archnemesis Michel Aoun, who was the legally nominated head of state. Hoss, a Muslim, asked Syrian troops to intervein against Aoun, a Christian. This ultimately led to Aoun's fall in 1990. Hoss was a staunch supporter of the Palestinian cause and his relation with Hezbollah remains shady. However, he was also the only Lebanese PM to stop death penalties in the country, and he converted to Shia just for one day in order to leave a better will for his daughter.
  9. drol

    Hospitalization Pool

    Here' s a new deadpool in which people get points if their picks are hospitalised, and loose points if they die. A good way to celebrate the staying power of some people. RULES 1) Pick 10 people for your team (plus 1/2 subs). 2)Entries close on midnight of March 31 2024 and game starts on 00:01 of 1st April 2024. 3)Game last one year. Whoever has the highest score wins. SCORING 1)If your pick is hospitalised you get +10 points 2)For every ten days your pick spends in hospital you get +5 points 3)If your picks gets discharged you get +10 points 4)If your pick is in ICU you get +5 points 5)If your pick enters hospice care you get +20 points 5)If your pick dies in hospital you get -20 points 6)If your pick dies after being discharged or without having been in hospital you get -10 points PERENIALLY HOSPITALISED If your pick is perenially hospitalised (e.g. Zhang Lixiong, Shi Ping, Yang You) or a perennial hospice patient (ahem Jimmy) you get +10 points for every month they survive and -20 points if they die. These are the rules. If there are questions feel free to ask.
  10. Brazilian singer Preta Gil suffering from metastatic colon cancer .
  11. drol

    José Mujica

    Interviewed by NYT. Doctors said he is well, he seems convinced he is dying. He is "very weak" and "does not eat much". He won't recover, but could see 2025.
  12. drol


    Scarface of Geto Boys hospitalised in ICU .
  13. drol

    Who are the immortals?

    Selim Hoss dead at 94.
  14. drol

    Time Added

    Uruguayan footballer Juan Izquierdo (wiki) on life support after cardiac arrest.
  15. drol

    Time Added

    Plenty of Brazilian sources online. Again, Wikipedia is NOT a source.
  16. drol

    20th Century Americans Sitcoms

    I was going to post that. Seems bullshit.
  17. drol

    World War II Veterans

    Madeleine Riffaud turns 100 today. She looked very frail last year.
  18. drol

    Tennis players

    Federer's former coach, and player on his own, Peter Lundgren dead at 59. Never mentioned here, but from a quick search he had a long history of ill health.
  19. drol

    World's Oldest

    Maria Branyas had been steadily declining from the start of the year and it was evident from recent photos.
  20. drol


    Jorge Lanata is suffering from deterioration in kidney function. They insists he is better and improving, and I'm surely no doctor, but that usually means he is fucked, unless he is Jayapataka, and he isn't. Nana Caymmi hospitalised again, though of course in no danger.
  21. drol

    Political Frailty

    He was quite the human being. When terrorists shot an elderly Jewish man on a wheelchair while they were hijacking Achille Lauro, he claimed his wife had pushed him to get the insurance money.
  22. drol

    Political Frailty

    Farouk Kaddoumi dead at 93.
  23. drol

    World's Oldest

    She is not in good health, she's totally dying.
  24. drol

    Political Frailty

    You are becoming a top death reporter from the US. Congrats.

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