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Joey Russ

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Everything posted by Joey Russ

  1. Joey Russ

    Derby Dead Pool 2018

    Spade, any chance that, just like the Deathlist DDP team has the first 20 names ripped off from their list, you could rip the top 20 from the Crowdsource list done by the members as a DDP team? It would be interesting to see how well it does in the DDP (though it won’t win)...
  2. Joey Russ

    The Generation Game

    Presumably yes.
  3. Joey Russ

    What's Your 2017 Report Card?

    I think that in this year MMMDP it was quite funny that I legitimately thought Smith Hart was dead and that I won my first dead pool ever, only to find out moments after I made that post that he had posted a half hour earlier. He ended up dying a month and two days after the start, but that got to be one of the best dead pooling bloopers of the year for sure...
  4. Joey Russ

    Deathrace 2018

    14 entrants and counting. I suspect next year will be a highly competitive deathrace...
  5. Joey Russ

    Deathlist Dreaming

    I had a dream a night or two ago where I read about the demise of Bob Dylan...
  6. Joey Russ

    Who Should Be On The 2018 Deathlist?

    What’s wrong with Liam Neeson, besides the bullshit rumors of poor health in 2015?
  7. Joey Russ

    Derby Dead Pool 2018

    Team count after Boxing Day?
  8. Joey Russ

    What's Your 2017 Report Card?

    If I had to give a report card to myself: Hartlepool - Both this year's team and next year's team are a gag team (some of you might not get the gag the first time around especially with the 2018 lineup). Still, I did better than expected this year tbh, and the fact that my first hit there was the person who I put on first... C- Hare's Pool - While I definitely won't win this time, I still believe that the four month lead over everyone else between May and September was definitely one of my crowning achievements in my first year of dead pooling. I may not be in the top 5 in the end, but, eh, I'll take what I got. B+ Deathrace - The other major achievement in my first year of dead pooling was a top 3 placing in the deathrace, even though I was one of those who recognized that death row was needed in order to win. Even without the death row inmates though, the fact that I'm down to 4 survivors from one year shows that it was still a fine team to debut with. A- Death by Numbers - Like the DDP, I had many list of the losters on there, even with my replacements. I'm glad it shifting back to the 50 man team next year. C Inverse DP - Er, I need to order my people differently. D+ DDP Day In The Death - I'll definitely take a top 20 appearance without the use of a joker and two list of the lost folk. Rookie year, and that means I could definitely make an improvement next year. B+ Advent Avalanche - Did much better than expected, especially with it breaking the 100 point boundary. B- Don't Stop The Beat - An absolute abomination of a team. F
  9. Joey Russ

    So How's Your 2018 Shortlist Looking?

    I decided to put one of my planned deathrace fodder to the test to see if they could pass through with the other 5 picks (which I knew the rest would pass through). Turned out they accepted them. Lol...
  10. Joey Russ

    So How's Your 2018 Shortlist Looking?

    Entered alt obits team now (though I think one or two of them might get rejected so I need to try again with the list). I only have a few teams now that I have yet to enter: Shaun's Death By Numbers, Deathrace, and the DDP, all of which I am intentionally waiting to enter on a later date... EDIT: 6 names I have to replace, and I didn't expect a couple of those names that I sent to need to be replaced...
  11. Joey Russ

    George Bush Senior

    While I wouldn’t be completely surprised of him making 100, my gut feeling is still that he won’t see his 94th birthday next year...
  12. Joey Russ

    The Joker's Dead Pool

    There’s under one week left till we have a winner. Will there be any last minute twists before a victor is declared?
  13. Joey Russ

    Hooroo, Mate.

    Yeah, he was even one of the people I had in mind when I talked about last minute arrivals in the shortlist thread. And @Sir Creep, sometimes you try to be a smart ass/arse and sometimes you fail miserably. This is one of those time. I'm not dumb enough to type in every name on that list to find them, I only do that on potential shortlist names...
  14. Joey Russ

    So How's Your 2018 Shortlist Looking?

    I think I'm done with doing any significant research now, and I'm shifting gears to now dwindling down my teams that I'm working on. I will still check daily for any new cases that show up in the last week (mainly for deathrace), but I'm done with trying to chase down any cult picks I might've missed from months earlier...
  15. Joey Russ

    Deathrace 2018

    Preparing my team to send on Saturday. But Maryport, is there any guarantee that your inbox would be clear enough that we won't end up in the same situation as last year?
  16. Not going to go into any exact details, but there has been some family drama going on the past two days and I’m not in a great mood at all right now...
  17. Joey Russ

    The Hartlepool Deadlypool

    Hi. Hopefully Rotten Ali decides to run this again, cause I got a brand new team this time, and I hope that this team will actually win this time... 1. Leah Bracknell 2. Betty White 3. Nobby Stiles 4. Jill Gascoine 5. Bob Barker 6. Honor Blackman 7. Ian St John 8. David Prowse 9. Pope Benedict XVI 10. Emperor Akihito Sub 1. Gay Byrne I’ll definitely win this next year...
  18. Joey Russ

    Shaun's Death By Numbers 2018

    They are not allowed since they are currently under 18, and picks have to be 18 years of age on new years. They wouldn't be good picks anyways since the point value are from the last 2 digits of a year.
  19. Joey Russ

    A Joke

  20. Joey Russ

    The 18th Death of 2017

    Johnny Hallyday is very dissapointed of you not mentioning him...
  21. Joey Russ

    Hooroo, Mate.

    *snips from list of names that haven't been mentioned on here yet*
  22. Joey Russ

    Shaun's Death By Numbers 2018

    I think I'm going to wait until at least your teams are sent, cause I have multiple picks under the radar. I mean, I'm sure you won't steal most of them, but because I'm slightly paranoid...
  23. Joey Russ

    The Hartlepool Deadlypool

    Should we enter a team anyways even if we don't know if Ali is running this or not?
  24. Joey Russ

    Shaun's Death By Numbers 2018

    Since I'm not sure whether RadGuy will log on while he's in Colorado to remind people to send in their team, I'm going to bring this up so people won't forget to enter in this.
  25. Joey Russ

    Boxing Clever?

    His original diagnosis was announced by the BBC, so there’s no doubt that he’ll receive a QO...

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