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Joey Russ

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Everything posted by Joey Russ

  1. Joey Russ

    Robert Mugabe

    He's never was dead...
  2. Joey Russ

    20th Century Americans Sitcoms

    Facts of Life star Mindy Cohn has been battling metastatic breast cancer for the past five years. Definitely one to consider for the future imo...
  3. Joey Russ

    Charles Manson

    If the reports are legitimate he won’t make the starting line. Otherwise, this will turn into another dying criminal act who will last another three years...
  4. Joey Russ

    Scavenger Hunt Bingo Deadpool

    Count me in this time. I already got one person in my head, now to scavenge the remaining 24...
  5. Joey Russ

    Advent Avalanche 2017

    Then it’s clear then. He obviously wants to die before the start of the Advent Avalanche so he can piss us off. I mean, why else would he fall in love with the guitar...
  6. Joey Russ

    Advent Avalanche 2017

    Alright guys, 15 days until you get to choose your selection. Hopefully there will be more excitement this time than the MMMDP was last time...
  7. Joey Russ

    Foreign Personalities, From Stage, Screen, Politics And Life

    Pancreatic cancer is still pretty deadly, so I suspect it’ll come back and get him at some point. In the meantime, that means Olivia Newton-John is on my provisional 20 unless I find a suitable replacement for her...
  8. Joey Russ

    So How's Your 2018 Shortlist Looking?

    Looking back at my longlist, I am so tempted to try to make a sneaky reference to one of my longlisters likely to be on the shortlist soon. Unfortunately for me, I feel as though the joke may be too obvious and someone else may find them...
  9. Joey Russ

    Robert Mugabe

    I’m not so sure on that part. Suspect that it’ll be a while before Mugabe would end his reign. Nevertheless, they were definitely trying to send a message to Mugabe that they’re capable of taking him out if necessary...
  10. Joey Russ

    Robert Mugabe

    Military denying this: Honestly, I’m calling bullshit there. There’s no way multiple tanks would only go after a group of criminals...
  11. Joey Russ

    Robert Mugabe

    Could be the most unexpected 11 pointer in the DDP ever...
  12. Joey Russ

    Robert Mugabe

    Rumors are coming in that there is gunfire close to Mugabe’s home...
  13. Joey Russ

    Summer Olympic Deaths/Dead Medallists

    Honestly, that’s what my potential B Team looks like right now as well. It’s a mix of old and interesting folk who aren’t main team material and some younger folk who I have a gut feeling will make 2019 that aren’t too risky to miss...
  14. Joey Russ

    Summer Olympic Deaths/Dead Medallists

    Bill Heine was the other one, right?
  15. Joey Russ


    Ah, that’s another one on my Poker Tournament squad. Mind you, I’m honestly surprised that so many people on my team are still alive, but you know, that’s how life works sometimes.
  16. Joey Russ

    Your Personal Survivors

    Ah, I had a decent first year performance even if I made a few big mistakes this year (jokering a nonobitter, chasing for unnatural bonus points, falling for a "cult pick", etc), and if Bracknell dies in the last month and a half, that's another fatal mistake for me. Nevertheless, I'm still happy with my performance, especially with correctly guessing Ian Brady. As for my survivors they are... 2017: Al-Baghdadi, Davies, Gilbert, Loughlin, Ricketts, Stefansson (6/20) EDIT: My deathrace survivors are down to five I realized as well...
  17. Joey Russ

    So How's Your 2018 Shortlist Looking?

    I think some people are confusing their shadow list as their shortlist. This is for the DDP especially if you’re trying to win it. Nevertheless, you’re welcome to do both on here, I honestly couldn’t care less...
  18. Joey Russ

    Death In The Family

    Yeah, unfortunately life can be a huge bitch to certain people and there’s nothing you can do about, which is a huge shame. You have my condolences.
  19. Joey Russ

    Time Added

  20. Joey Russ

    Time Added

    Already got a Guardian mention, so there should be no doubts about him getting a QO.
  21. Joey Russ

    Who Should Be On The 2018 Deathlist?

    Somehow I think the deathlist forum is more for the people who go underground (pun unintended), so I don’t think they would want the media to have a lot of coverage from the mainstream sources...
  22. Joey Russ

    The DL Academy Awards 2017

    If we are doing categories: 1. Death Impends 2. Boudicca 3. Harvey Weinstein 4. Death Impends making the forum great again (I know it’s a group of posts, but I think it should count) 5. Hollywood scandal whoever brought it up 6. Mugabe 7. Morbidkid/Mad Hatter 8. time 9. Myself (I need to think through certain posts) 10. Cat O’Falk 11. Morbidkid/Mad Hatter 12. Same as 11 13. Death Impends...
  23. Joey Russ

    The DL Academy Awards 2017

    I somehow get the feeling it’s me. I could be wrong though...
  24. Joey Russ

    Who Should Be On The 2018 Deathlist?

    Well, Chirac is much more ill than Giscard D’Estaing, which is why people want Chirac back...

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