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Joey Russ

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Posts posted by Joey Russ

  1. 1987: Osbourne (1/31)

    1989: Bruno, Ditka, Osbourne, Brian Wilson, Jenkins (5/32)

    1990: Aznavour, Queen Elizabeth II, Alliss, Ditka, Williams, Winfrey, Waite (7/42)

    1991: Beenhakker (1/40)

    1992: Ryder (1/37)

    1993: Bennett, Kissinger, Ray Kennedy, Lineker, Jerry Lee Lewis (5/56)

    1994: White, Holly Johnson, Shilton (3/50)

    1995: Holly Johnson, Forsyth, Connery (3/50)

    1996: Mr T, Domino (2/50)

    1997: Domino, Kirk Douglas (2/50)

    1998: (0/50)

    1999: Leeson, Carly Simon (2/50)

    2000: Farrakhan (1/50)

    2001: Tutu, Minelli, Wouk (3/50)

    2002: Kirk Douglas (1/50)

    2003: (0/50)

    2004: Musharraf, Kirk Douglas, Mugabe (3/50)

    2005: Karzai, Maradona, LaMotta, de Havilland, Jerry Lewis (5/50)

    2006: Kirk Douglas, Lynn, Bouteflika, Graham, LaMotta (5/50)

    2007: Graham, Tim Johnson, Kirk Douglas, de Havilland, Lynn, LaMotta, Jerry Lewis, Farrakhan (8/50)

    2008: Kirk Douglas, Domino, Lynn, Graham, Watson, LaMotta, Karzai, Charles Taylor (8/50)

    2009: Kirk Douglas, Graham, LaMotta, Cardin (4/50)

    2010: Kirk Douglas, Wouk, de Havilland, Tork, Edrich, Graham, Bough, LaMotta, Norden, Lansbury, Jerry Lewis, Domino (13/50)

    2011: Kirk Douglas, de Havilland, Edrich, LaMotta, Khamenei, Jerry Lewis, Aretha Franklin, Dole, Cheney, Ellison, Cardin, Lynn, Michael Douglas, (13/50)

    2012: Kirk Douglas, Graham, Wouk, de Havilland, Mubarak, Lawson, LaMotta, Kissinger, Mugabe, Van Dyke, Randi, Domino, Gaddafi, Hawking (14/50)

    2013: Clive James, Bush, Prince Philip, Mubarak, Kirk Douglas, de Havilland, Lynn, Dole, Graham, LaMotta, Day, Stan Lee, Kissinger, Parsons, Domino (15/50)

    2014: Wilko Johnson, Graham, de Havilland, Harper, Clive James, Prince Philip, Lynn, Kirk Douglas, Carrington, LaMotta, Perez de Cuellar, Hawking, Stan Lee, Norden, Randi, Bush, Aznavour, Van Dyke, Jerry Lewis, Bennett, Domino, Asner (22/50)

    2015: Wouk, Graham, de Havilland, Perez de Cuellar, Bush, Prince Philip, Douglas, James, Valerie Harper, Kohl, Phillips, Kercheval, Dole, Day, Norden, Kissinger, LaMotta, Mubarak, Mugabe, Jake "The Snake" Roberts, Lynn, Large, Maynard (23/50)

    2016: de Havilland, Graham, Wouk, Perez de Cuellar, Kirk Douglas, Prince Phillip, Randi, Carrington, Clive James, Dole, Scales, Carter, Kissinger, Chong, Ellis, Bush, Phillips, Lynn, Gall, Domino, Tutu, Piggott, Campbell, Stan Lee, LaMotta, Norden, Walker, Greaves, Banks, Chirac, Hawking, Gascoigne, Forsyth (33/50) 


    Updated for Peter Sallis 

  2. 15 minutes ago, The Mad Hatter said:

    You fucking corn on the cob you did not just call me a fucking plant. I swear when the high priced hackers I just hired find you I'll show the fucking true meaning of plant you fucking Daffodil. You are nothing but a Rosebud a real fucking rosebud. Fuck you and everything you fucking stand for. Fuck your shit life and fuck your shit deadpool and fuck your retard insults and fuck your family but most importantly FUCK YOU, YOU POTATO.

    Oh, do grow up. 

  3. 8 minutes ago, msc said:

    It's only been a year? :o:lol:


    Here's the thing to remember, though, Joey: there's lots of shit posts on the internet. Even this forum. Especially this forum. Especially from me. The best thing to do is to not worry about it. Canute vs the sea, there. You've lasted a year without being banned or telling someone to kill themselves, you'll be fine...


    (That H20 joke was absolutely dire, mind you...)

    True. We can't all be Maryport or Octopus of Odstock now, can we? 

  4. Before I forget, I believe this is the one year anniversary of my arrival onto this forum. As I stated a while back in another thread, I stumbled onto this site sometime after the death of Prince, as I was interested in why celebrities were dying so quickly. Pretty sure it was after guest posting got banned, as I couldn't post at all when I read some of the forum. I decided to officially join the day after the great Muhammad Ali had died. I guess joining then was a bit of a mistake looking back at it, as almost all my posts back then were completely shitty, though I guess no matter what time I joined, all of my early posts would be complete utter shit. I guess they still are, but I think the quality has improved throughout the year on this forum. Anyways, I have learned a lot throughout the year, whether it was learning stuff about a celebrity that I've never heard of before (such as Errol Christie), or how to be a (somewhat) better poster by seeing which posts are particularly criticized. Anyways, I hope I get to learn more on this forum throughout the following years. Happy One Year Anniversary. :party:

    • Like 6

  5. 1 hour ago, RadGuy said:

    The most annoying thing about terrorist attack aftermath are the folks who care more about Islamophobia than the actual victims.

    Trump supporter: Its always Obama's fault. He caused all of this terrorism just because he is a Halibut himself. 

    Say nothing about the victims of the attack. 

    Fuck them. 

  6. 6 minutes ago, Deathrace said:

    Lester was at today's Derby chatting to the Queen and looking in fine fettle along with Joe Mercer (82) and Willie Carson (74). All three look in good health for their age. Weird to think that these guys have easily outlived the likes of Eddery and Swinburne. 

    God dammit, I thought he was dead for a minute. 

  7. So here we go on mine:


    Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi: War on Isis is still raging on. Should be a goner sooner or later, he'll be gone by the end of the decade. 70%

    Tony Booth: Still has a ton of health issues, still doesn't understand a lot, but I think he may slip into 2018. 60%

    Glen Campbell: Has a ton of tumors on him, I'd be surprised if he lasts out the month, 100%

    Errol Christie: Has Alzheimer's, and doesn't seem to be eating or drinking anymore. Think his situation is more dire than Booth. 70%

    Rick Davies: Bad pick. 10%

    Gord Downie: Still active as we speak, but I have a feeling he's going to take a sudden turn for the worse sometime soon. 90%

    Greg Gilbert: Treatment isn't working, and while he's still tweeting away, treatment that doesn't work is never a good sign. 85%

    Heidi Loughlin: Still doing her bucket list as we speak, and while her life expectancy is soon, I agree with RadGuy that she'll surpass it. 50%

    Colin Meads: Don't know what'll kill him first, the cancer or the bleach water that he keeps drinking. Wait, unnatural death bonus with him? Certainly plausible. 85%

    Simon Ricketts: Still tweeting away, nothing bad happening, think he'll slide into 2018. 40%

    Stefan Karl Stefansson: Recently discovered that a tumor metastasized to his liver. Not a good sign for him. 75%



    Someone saying that I've mixed Campbell and Christie is coming in 3, 2, 1...



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