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Joey Russ

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Posts posted by Joey Russ

  1. 1 hour ago, msc said:

    I wouldn't say it's a massive miss - a miss, for sure - as for years people on this very forum have said "Dont pick Chuck Berry, he's clearly doing fine". Clearly not a massive miss if folk thought he'd be a wasted pick!

    Just look at how many people in the inverse dead pool thought he would survive.

    • Like 2

  2. 21 minutes ago, JTrost1234 said:

    I'm glad we missed. They would make some stupid comment like Chuck Berried or something. I hate when anybody dies. I knew his music from the 1970's. G-d he was great. This is like when I heard about the death of Elvis. This is very sad. Let's hope this list stays at two. No more deaths, please.

    I think you might need to join Morbidkid in a vacation. 1 month should do. When Christie, Michael and Downie are dead. 

    • Like 2

  3. 1987: Osbourne (1/31)

    1989: Bruno, Ditka, Osbourne, Brian Wilson, Jenkins (5/32)

    1990: Noriega, Aznavour, Queen Elizabeth II, Alliss, Ditka, Williams, Winfrey, Waite (8/42)

    1991: Beenhakker (1/40)

    1992: Ryder (1/37)

    1993: Bennett, Kissinger, Ray Kennedy, Lineker, Jerry Lee Lewis (5/56)

    1994: White, Holly Johnson, Shilton (3/50)

    1995: Holly Johnson, Forsyth, Connery (3/50)

    1996: Mr T, Domino, (2/50)

    1997: Domino, Kirk Douglas (2/50)

    1998: (0/50)

    1999: Leeson, Carly Simon (2/50)

    2000: Farrakhan (1/50)

    2001: Tutu, Minelli, Wouk (3/50)

    2002: Brady, Kirk Douglas (2/50)

    2003: (0/50)

    2004: Brady, Musharraf, Kirk Douglas, Mugabe (4/50)

    2005: Karzai, Maradona, LaMotta, de Havilland, Jerry Lewis (5/50)

    2006: Kirk Douglas, Lynn, Bouteflika, Graham, LaMotta (5/50)

    2007: Graham, Tim Johnson, Kirk Douglas, de Havilland, Lynn, LaMotta, Jerry Lewis, Farrakhan (8/50)

    2008: Kirk Douglas, Domino, Lynn, Graham, Watson, LaMotta, Karzai, Charles Taylor (8/50)

    2009: Kirk Douglas, Graham, LaMotta, Cardin (4/50)

    2010: Kirk Douglas, Wouk, de Havilland, Tork, Edrich, Graham, Bough, LaMotta, Norden, Lansbury, Jerry Lewis, Domino (13/50)

    2011: Kirk Douglas, de Havilland, Edrich, LaMotta, Khamenei, Jerry Lewis, Aretha Franklin, Dole, Cheney, Ellison, Brady, Cardin, Lynn, Michael Douglas, (14/50)

    2012: Kirk Douglas, Graham, Wouk, de Havilland, Mubarak, Lawson, LaMotta, Kissinger, Mugabe, Van Dyke, Randi, Domino, Gaddafi, Hawking (14/50)

    2013: Clive James, Bush, Prince Philip, Mubarak, Kirk Douglas, de Havilland, Lynn, Dole, Graham, LaMotta, Sallis, Day, Stan Lee, Kissinger, Parsons, Domino, Brady (17/50)

    2014: Wilko Johnson, Graham, de Havilland, Harper, Clive James, Prince Philip, Lynn, Kirk Douglas, Carrington, LaMotta, Perez de Cuellar, Sallis,Hawking, Stan Lee, Norden, Randi, Bush, Aznavour, Van Dyke, Jerry Lewis, Bennett, Domino, Asner, Brady (24/50)

    2015: Wouk, Graham, de Havilland, Perez de Cuellar, Bush, Prince Philip, Douglas, James, Valerie Harper, Kohl, Phillips, Kercheval, Dole, Day, Sallis, Norden, Kissinger, LaMotta, Mubarak, Mugabe, Jake "The Snake" Roberts, Lynn, Large, Maynard (24/50)

    2016: de Havilland, Graham, Wouk, Perez de Cuellar, Kirk Douglas, Sallis, Prince Phillip, Randi, Carrington, Clive James, Dole, Scales, Carter, Kissinger, Chong, Ellis, Bush, Phillips, Lynn, Gall, Domino, Pirsig, Tutu, Piggott, Campbell, Stan Lee, LaMotta, Norden, Walker, Greaves, Banks, Chirac, Hawking, Gascoigne, Noakes, Forsyth (36/50)


    Updated for Chuck Berry.

  4. 6 minutes ago, msc said:

    "He, Cat and Predictor (who it says hasn't been around for a while either) will post in time."


    What I thought I posted before going to make dinner, but apparently I shut the window. Anyhow, come back and find Predictor posted within about ten mins. Good timing. You next, Cat.

    Actually, Predictor posted an update on Larry "Shitebag" Pickering an hour ago or so.

  5. Here's mine:


    Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi: Warmongers are hunting for him, which I think they'll get him before the end of the year. Also, he's DDT joker. 75%

    Alan Aspin: 100% dead, but 5% obit chance

    Tony Booth: I feel he'll die this year, but he'll hold on a bit longer, possibly into 2018. 85%

    Ian Brady: As I said many times before, he was included due to a gut feeling. I might have to not trust my gut next year. 40%

    Glen Campbell: The same as Booth. 85%

    Errol Christie: A fighter, but surely he's going to die soon. 99%

    Rick Davies: A Lee Evans Gambit I fell for, but I'm not writing him out completely. Yet. His cancer is incurable, so 20% will do.

    Gord Downie: That very notable media silence which will then lead into death. 99%

    Greg Gilbert: Many are saying he's a late year death, but since that life saving chemo will only extend his life by 2 weeks, I think he'll die in summer tbh. 95%

    Heidi Loughlin: Currently tweeting away and doing her bucket list, but if they do take away her drugs, as an article suggested in late January, then she could die. 60%

    Colin Meads: Currently doing well in his bout with pancreatic cancer, but pancreatic cancer always wins. 65%

    Simon Ricketts: Was always going to be a 2017/2018 gamble, but he seems to be doing well. 50%

    Stefan Karl Stefansson: Like Colin Meads, pancreatic cancer always strikes back, just a matter of when. 65%

    Ben Suisala: He seems fucked with his brain tumor. He'll die, but obitality is another issue. I put it currently at an optimistic 70%.  

    • Like 2

  6. I would probably due more than one risky pick, but only the ones you feel will be successful. Looking back at my 20, the only ones I would change are Aspin (I had the feeling he wouldn't obit around mid January) and Rick Davies. Probably would sub them for either Zandvliet, Bracknell, or Magill (can't say Elias, Nevin, Briggs, etc cause I didn't know about their cases). I could've punted for Perez, but I still don't feel like putting her in my final 20, though I know I'll regret this...

  7. If I'm going to win, I'm going to a) need the Suisala punt to be successful and b need 3 of the 4 following to die, Baghdadi, Brady, Davies and Loughlin. I think Baghdadi will be successful if I'm honest, and, even though it was a Lee Evans Gambit I fell for, I think Rick Davies might be the Ray Price of 2017, and if that's correct, then I'll probably be worried about either Brady or Loughlin dying. And Suisala obitting as well. 


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