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Zsa Zsa's leg

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Everything posted by Zsa Zsa's leg

  1. Zsa Zsa's leg

    George Bush Senior

    I watched only Bush's first line, I couldn't stand to watch the entire video.
  2. Zsa Zsa's leg

    George Bush Senior

    If Reagan lived shorter than Ford, Reagan's "record" is nonexistant. Let's also remember that in order to beat Ford, Bush will only have to make late November, which seems likely.
  3. Zsa Zsa's leg

    George Bush Senior

    First time Bush has spoken at all publicly since 2014. 4 words, but we could still understand him. He looks horrible, don't get me wrong, but it looks like he'll be Ford's record.
  4. Zsa Zsa's leg

    I Destroy the Royal Family

    Kate pregnant with third child, suffering from acute morning sickness. Sorry if this was posted somewhere else, I just couldn't find it anywhere else.
  5. Zsa Zsa's leg

    Carter Vs Bush

    Yeah my guess is the George Bush that served from 2001-2009.
  6. Zsa Zsa's leg

    Nicholas Parsons vs Denis Norden

  7. Zsa Zsa's leg

    The Counterculture of the 1960's

    Jane Fonda will live to 110.
  8. Zsa Zsa's leg

    Carter Vs Bush

    Bush unless Carter's cancer returns.
  9. Zsa Zsa's leg

    Leah Bracknell

    November 26, 2017
  10. Zsa Zsa's leg

    King Michael Of Romania

    I don't see why he would have less.
  11. Zsa Zsa's leg

    American Football Players

    I am so sorry that my diction can not satisfy your demands. Whether it was forgotten or missed, your post was a complete bore.
  12. Zsa Zsa's leg

    American Football Players

    SMH! how could we have ever forgotten?!?!?
  13. Zsa Zsa's leg

    The Cardinals Of The Roman Catholic Church

    Didn't expect him to go this quickly. He was on my 2018 shadow list.
  14. Zsa Zsa's leg

    Most Significant Death Of Each Month

    January: Mary Tyler Moore February: Bill Paxton March: Chuck Berry April: Don Rickles May: Roger Moore June: Helmut Kohl July: Chester Bennington August: Jerry Lewis
  15. Zsa Zsa's leg

    Each Year's Most Significant Death.

    She wasn't that significant. Had she died when people expected her to (2007-2010) she would have gotten the coverage she deserved. But dying in the middle of christmas season and a presidential transition along with long outliving the expectations set by the tabloids definitely harmed her chances of appropriate coverage. The media definitely overlooked Zsa Zsa's death.
  16. Zsa Zsa's leg

    Each Year's Most Significant Death.

    Who's that? I don't see anybody talking about him besides your post.
  17. Zsa Zsa's leg

    Each Year's Most Significant Death.

    2016 is easily Bowie, Prince, or Ali. Then at Tier II it would he Castro, Fisher, or Reagan.
  18. Zsa Zsa's leg

    Javier Perez De Cuellar

    Or maybe he was just performing his civic duty and voted straight ticket? Let's not forget George H.W. Bush voted in the U.S. elections too, and clearly was not in a proper mental state as he voted for Hillary Clinton who isn't in his party (Or maybe that's a good sign?) Regardless, Voting and participating in elections is almost compulsory for former or current world leaders.
  19. Zsa Zsa's leg

    Javier Perez De Cuellar

    I think he looks like Javier Perez De Cuellar imo.
  20. Zsa Zsa's leg

    Javier Perez De Cuellar

    The most recent pic of JPDC I could find. Looks healthy considering he was 96 when this was taken.
  21. Zsa Zsa's leg

    Javier Perez De Cuellar

    I'll stockpile the pictures.
  22. Zsa Zsa's leg

    Georgian Deadpool

    True. But I am remaining confident. If what ONJ is telling us is true, she might last a while
  23. Zsa Zsa's leg

    Richard O'Sullivan

    Wow. Can I ask why? He doesn't seem too terribly ill.
  24. Zsa Zsa's leg

    Gene Hackman vs Clint Eastwood vs Sean Connery

    Connery, surprised he surpassed Moore.
  25. Zsa Zsa's leg

    Fidel Castro

    Did some digging, and the Queen seems to be the only individual with more posts in their thread!

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