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Everything posted by TQR

  1. TQR

    Irate Visitors Rage Here, If You Must.

    So bad that you speak our with concerns that a couple of other people already voiced, over a week after he fucks off, whilst trying to make it as much about you as possible? No. You don’t get to take the high ground. Sit down, you attention seeking little twat.
  2. TQR

    DL Dead Pools

    It's a refreshing idea, isn't it? A deadpool with just one rule: your pick has to be a cunt.
  3. TQR

    Boris Johnson

  4. TQR

    DL Dead Pools

    I did a draft write-up for a new deadpool a few weeks back, hoping to release to the public within the next few weeks for a January start. As a teaser, it’s called the PuntPool. And I’ll add a small charity element to it, much like our esteemed member for Maryport does.
  5. TQR

    Sickest game in the world (parts 1&2)

    Wednesday: 212
  6. FTFY. Cheers GUN mate! Crept up on me, that milestone
  7. TQR

    The Happy Birthday Thread

    Many happy ones, Handy! And also to Timothy West, off of canals, who’s 86.
  8. TQR

    Rush Limbaugh

  9. TQR

    Sickest game in the world (parts 1&2)

    80 is the answer today. Tuesday: 209
  10. TQR

    Sickest game in the world (parts 1&2)

    Monday: 65,000,000. Now bugger off Steve. EDIT: Monday: 91. I love you Steve.
  11. TQR

    Celebrity COVID Deniers

    Oh yeah, you’re absolutely right about the mental health side of things. I know myself, when things look bleak and you can’t go out and get your decent dose of normality, it’s a damaging experience for the more fragile mind to cope with. This is why a short, sharp, full lockdown is the best way to nip it all in the knackers immediately (where people are forced to comply), except, of course, the longer you leave it, the longer the restrictions become necessary. If put in place the moment the virus starts rearing its head, the lockdown needs only to last about 2 and a half weeks, then back to normality. That, to me, would’ve been a lot better than this smorgasbord of vague restrictions we have now, which, looking at the numbers, aren’t effective enough and yet, because the virus is still so present, people are still living with the fear side of things too. Again, it’s a hindsight thing, but the government were told unequivocally, both times, to take swift, comprehensive action and they floundered, and more so this time because of how long lockdown had to last the first time (again, because it was too late).
  12. TQR

    Celebrity COVID Deniers

    I absolutely see what you’re saying, but I think that both waves of the virus we’ve had have been as horrendous as they have been because the govt did not act quick enough. Had we done what South Korea did, the 2nd wave we are seeing now would most likely have a) been and gone already, and b) been minuscule in comparison with what we’re beginning to see now. First lockdown came nearly 3 weeks too late, and this time round we’re now just over 4 weeks past this “circuit-breaker lockdown” (a phrase I dislike) being strongly recommended. These lockdowns and measures are fucking terrible, but unfortunately the tardy nature of our government’s initial response has necessitated them, and we’ll keep getting these waves of the virus until the right action is taken at the right time. I had the virus I think a similar time to you. Fucking floored me and left me hypoxic at the height of it. But I’m not thinking of the effects of the virus on me, as Sean is, I’m saying nobody knows how badly each individual will get it, so nobody should run the risk of potentially being a silent carrier and passing it on to someone who then fucking dies.
  13. TQR

    Coronavirus death toll 2020

    Live scenes outside Paul’s house after suggesting mod preview again:
  14. Placebo is getting me through the night better than coffee.
  15. TQR

    Celebrity COVID Deniers

    Yeah, nonchalance about your own mortality aside, what about the people you might pass the virus to? We cannot be that selfish. We have to think of others.
  16. TQR

    Celebrity COVID Deniers

    It’s funny isn’t it, the only people to say “I’d rather get Covid than...” are the ones who haven’t had it. And again, not a second’s thought to the people you might unwittingly spread it to.
  17. TQR

    Celebrity COVID Deniers

    Yeah, several of these aren’t deniers per se. Maybe the thread should be renamed “Celebrity Covidiots”.
  18. TQR

    Coronavirus death toll 2020

    What about your other 348 posts?
  19. D’you know Gooseberry, much like everyone else being vocally bored by these vacuous ‘celebrity’ nonentities, I couldn’t care a bollocks about most of them, but bless you for carrying this thread on completely unfazed

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