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Everything posted by TQR

  1. TQR

    Boris Johnson

    Ban the Burka Berk.
  2. No fix necessary. Bloody foreigner.
  3. Tested to see if the 'angry' one got it back down to 2,599. Didn't. Disappointed.
  4. Properly good bit of Stereophonics from their last album
  5. TQR

    A Joke

    Courtesy of my little cousin: I’ve got a horse called Mayo. Mayo neighs.
  6. Labour's antisemitism diatribe, primarily Corbyn's handling of, is becoming increasingly horrendous. At last, yesterday, Deputy Tom Watson spoke out against the party's far-left and their inherent issue with antisemitism, and called for them to adopt the IHRA definition of antisemitism and end the investigations into Margaret Hodge and some other geezer who's name escapes me, and failing to do something along these lines would "disappear the Labour Party into a vortex of eternal shame and embarrassment". He's absolutely right. Jeremy Corbyn's utter insouciance on the issue is disgraceful, and alone renders him pretty well unelectable. Why does he let his party resist adopting the guidelines others have done? Why does he, at the best of times, ignore the issue, or, at the worst of times, exacerbate it by potentially exhibiting it himself, or launch investigations into those members of his party with their concerns? And now, today, Watson's facing demands to fucking resign. It's disgusting. It's madness.
  7. An odd but somehow excellent 10 minute Madness track. It's almost like it should be 'Madness - The East End Opera'.
  8. TQR

    Play School - Play Away - Childrens TV

    To me... ... ...To me... ... oh forget it then.
  9. TQR

    Harry Potter

    Yeah, I'm hearing rumblings that Richard Harris is looking a bit peaky too.
  10. TQR

    Five4Three2One Deadpool - 2018

    Yep, a quick Google confirms his brown breadedness was indeed known about while it was still July I’m afraid, albeit just some chap on LinkedIn who was taught by him.
  11. TQR

    Death Anniversary Thread

    Jeanne Calment shocked everyone by dying aged 122, 21 years ago today.
  12. TQR


    Also congrats to @TomTomTelekom on what is possibly the most startling avatar I've ever seen.
  13. While on the subject of song titles, one of the most intriguing bands in the world has got to be the Metal Grindcore band Anal Cunt. The purposefully shocking titles of their songs beggar belief - just look up the tracklist of their 1999 album 'It Just Gets Worse'. Actually, if you're easily upset, don't. Not to say, of course, that the album is necessarily worth listening to, or any song of that genre for that matter. But here's an example of it, the opening track of the aforementioned album, 'I Became A Counsellor So I Could Tell Rape Victims They Asked For It'. Not to your taste? How about the penultimate track, 'I Sold Your Dog To A Chinese Restaurant'?
  14. As it turns out, that song title is absolutely nothing. This here...isn't a very good song. But it is called "Regretting What I Said to You When You Called Me 11:00 On a Friday Morning to Tell Me that at 1:00 Friday Afternoon You're Gonna Leave Your Office, Go Downstairs, Hail a Cab to Go Out to the Airport to Catch a Plane to Go Skiing in the Alps for Two Weeks, Not that I Wanted to Go With You, I Wasn't Able to Leave Town, I'm Not a Very Good Skier, I Couldn't Expect You to Pay My Way, But After Going Out With You for Three Years I DON'T Like Surprises!! Subtitled: A Musical Apology"
  15. The Manics always liked a long song title.
  16. TQR

    Five4Three2One Deadpool - 2018

    Personally @Wormfarmer I would suggest that if the time of your post of picks was before the earliest announcement of Carlisle’s death, you get the points. And I can’t find any announcement of her death that didn’t happen after the time you posted your team, so I’d say you got away with this one!
  17. TQR

    Death Anniversary Thread

    Cilla's world turned Black on this day 3 years ago, aged 72.
  18. TQR

    Political Frailty

    *Tries to work out if that was a joke*
  19. She's great, is Lorde. It's refreshing to see/hear a young pop star with genuine talent.
  20. TQR

    Five4Three2One Deadpool - 2018

    Big wobbly bollocks to this, I need an end to my death drought! Quim's August 'Angers-on 1) Lê Đức Anh 2) Spencer P Jones 3) Loretta Lynn 4) Clive James 5) Leah Bracknell (for the fourth poxy time this year )
  21. TQR

    Death Anniversary Thread

    Smile for a while and let's be jolly, death shouldn't be so melancholy; Lynn Anderson died 3 years ago today, aged 67.
  22. TQR

    Robert Mugabe

    He said, off the record, he was fed up with a certain member's incessant 'racism'.
  23. This is excellent. Came on a couple of minutes ago on Absolute Radio. My personal favourite of theirs.

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